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Fighter vehicle in SP - Shooting

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Is it possible to make flying vehicle in Single Player that is shooting? Or it only works with code work?


You mean having something closer to the MP flight system, weapons and all? As far as I remember OpenJK does something similar - weapons fire properly and with the correct effects, but the flight system is still a bit laggy, like in the typical SP.


Or perhaps you mean having, for example, more ally and enemy fighters? I'm afraid that would require coding or some intricate hack, because although you can make it so that a vehicle shoots pretty much autonomously I was unable to affect it in terms of flight - you can set a minimum flight speed, but the fighter will keep flying on and as far as I know there's no way to affect its rotation, speed or making it track another fighter. For this to happen you'd basically have to start from scratch, unless you want to try some strange hack, like having a number of func_breakables with appropriate models and appropriate misc_weapon_shooter entities, all of it moving around a large map and somehow intelligently coordinating with other fighters and against enemies and / or the player.

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There is a way to make an npc of a flying vehicle that is stationary in the air until provoked. For example, in my upcoming mod, I've made Tie-interceptors as regular enemies in single player levels with large open areas, they hover in the air much like the tie-bombers in the vjun1 level, and if you come near or shoot at them they react much like a sentry npc, but i've edited their stats to make them move very fast and have adjusted the dimensions of the npc so it aligns with where the ends of the model are. Not 100% realistic but it still makes for an interesting fight. You have to change the class to remote or seeker and the type to flyswim instead of quickrun / walk / static.

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  • 4 months later...

There is a way to make an npc of a flying vehicle that is stationary in the air until provoked. For example, in my upcoming mod, I've made Tie-interceptors as regular enemies in single player levels with large open areas, they hover in the air much like the tie-bombers in the vjun1 level, and if you come near or shoot at them they react much like a sentry npc, but i've edited their stats to make them move very fast and have adjusted the dimensions of the npc so it aligns with where the ends of the model are. Not 100% realistic but it still makes for an interesting fight. You have to change the class to remote or seeker and the type to flyswim instead of quickrun / walk / static.

Ehi, man, can you be more specific? i am working on a coding mod about recreating a fighter AI and i am stucked with fly behavour . the AI act like sentry AI but fight switching weapons like bobafett. weapon models are coded removed and weapon effects are changed for the CLASS_FIGHTER i created. please, i need really some help about that. >.<

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