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Delta-573's Machinimas

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Hey everyone.

I am new here, but i make some little star wars movies, that i want to share with you. Maybe you want to check it out.




I also make recreation of the hallway scene from rogue on. Not the best, but maybe i will make an remake, if i have more skill. xD




DarthValeria, Kualan, Dusty and 2 others like this
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I like the video, it makes good use of both Empire at War and JKA to tell the story, but one critique that really takes some of the polish off of it - the grammar. I'd suggest taking the extra time/effort to proof-read the subtitles before publishing the video as they seem to have numerous errors at the moment (inconsistent lower/uppercase, for example) that stop the viewer from being able to immerse themselves in the story, at least for me.

Delta-573 likes this

You should reduce the NPCs health to 1, so they don't survive more than one shot when hit, that only makes sense ingame, not in a cinematic way.

Jeff likes this

It seems to me this last video, Dark Times, was your best video yet. Nice work, I quite enjoyed it. 

I wonder, is this an original story by you or a story from some other star wars media?


And to put my share of criticism, I noticed some grammatical errors in the video even after the re-upload. I know english is not your first language, neither is it mine, but perhaps someone on the internet might be willing to look over your dialogue, who knows. 


Good work again, I'll be looking forward to your next videos, this last vid is the kind of JKA vids I like!

  • 1 month later...

I like it - Purge was always one of my favourite Dark Horse one-shots. Very faithful recreation of the comic with the assets available.


Quick question - where did you source that daytime version of the Temple exterior?


Form Kotf. Inside one of the assets files. Map name is jeditemple oder something like this. Maybe somebody should create a new Coruscant daytime skybox  :ph34r:

Smoo likes this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This seems to be really well done! Also, if you need a voice actor for Vader, @@DarthDementous might be able to help you with that.

Or, if you don't want to have full voice acting, you could just have Zelda-like grunts at the start of every line of dialogue, which would probably be easier to to, since you wouldn't need any kind of lip-syncing. Maybe put a word or two at the start occasionally. Something a bit like Glitchtale by Camila Cuevas (please no hate for bringing up an Undertale thing, it's just an example) This sort of thing would also help to identify who is currently speaking.

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