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Bad or missing bone/anim sequence?

Go to solution Solved by Psyk0Sith,

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So I just recently got into frankensteining and I created a model. I went through everything, the .skin files, etc. All the necessities are finished, model works completely fine in ModView, icon works in game and I even see my model doing the walking animation on the profile screen but when I get into the game, all thats working is the sounds. The icon in the top right is Kyle as well as my model. I get this error in the console when I load it up


WARNING: Attempted to load an unsupported multiplayer model <name of model>! (bad or missingbone or missing animation sequence).


Not sure what this really means, I tried to export a .gla file and add it into the .pk3, nothing, tried putting in an animevents.cfg file in there, still got nothing. I saw there was another thread created by someone for this problem but the explanation in that wasn't so very clear to me, the most I could get out of it was importing the _humanoid skeleton, did that, and again no progress. I tried making another model, almost everything was successful, passed all the routine tests except for the in-game error which occurred again like the last model.Any suggestions on what I should do? Help would be greatly appreciated.


Blender and Model file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/w99bgzwwaaj80hp/SyiOrion.rar

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@, your hierarchy is incorrect, you linked everything to the head. You can't do that, you have to follow the universal hierarchy. There might be a script or a reference for this step in blender, all that stuff is done via script in max so i never bothered to write it down. You'll have to open a working model and look under "stupidtriangle_off" to see how the linking works. Or checkout minilogo's XSI tutorials, there's most likely a diagram for it.

Another major problem is you have no tags in the hierarchy either, that's also really bad. All those little triangles that you imported along with the original models are mandatory (well one set of tags needs to be there, no duplicates).

If this model attempted to be compiled the old fashioned way, there's no chance it would have been turned into a .glm ;) Also the .gla in your .pk3 is useless you can take it out.



Checkout the hierarchy section in Tim's tutorial.

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  • 3 months later...

Getting the same issue, Hierarchy looks good as far as I can tell.


No head hands or feet.. do I need to have empty, tagged nulls there?


You cannot remove the basic limbs from the hierarchy, so for each missing mesh create a single triangle instead, name it (and hide it inside one of the other limbs) and link the hierarchy as usual.

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^This, almost.


You just need meshes rigged to the bones with a hierarchy set up so that all meshes can be accessed through "mesh_root". If you look at my humanoid rig I have only 4 meshes under mesh_root with the one at the COG being parent to the other 3. There are no tags, not even stupidtriangle_off and the meshes are just simply named polymesh, polymesh1, polymesh2 and polymesh3. The set up compiles just fine and loads in ModView to where the animations can be checked before merging with the _humanoid.GLA.


Now, if you leave out all these tags and such on a player model it will have all sorts of problems in game since the tags are used to define a lot of different parts of the model and how it interacts with the world but it will compile without them. The naming of the body parts has to do with damage mostly if I'm not mistaken.

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I'm still using carcass, have no plan on changing that anytime soon.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


I also didn't spend loads of time figuring out Assimilate and Carcass more in depth than what exists online to get custom animations working to just ditch it for something that MIGHT replace it like some plugin. It still has quite a bit of usefulness past file conversion.

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