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Gtkradiant bsp build crash

Go to solution Solved by ladiszlai,

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Hi all, When I try to build my map in Gtkradiant with my custom .md3 models it gives me a q3map2 crash:

--- LoadMapFile ---
Loading D:/Star Wars JA/map/tzra.map
entering D:/Star Wars JA/map/tzra.map
Entity 0, Brush 1: duplicate plane
        2 total world brushes
        0 detail brushes
        0 patches
        4 boxbevels
        0 edgebevels
        5 entities
       32 planes
        0 areaportals
Size:  -624,  -808,    40 to  -280,  -459,   417
--- ProcessDecals ---
        0 decal projectors
--- CreateMapFogs ---
        0 fogs
############### model 0 ###############
block size = { 1024 1024 1024 }
BSP bounds: { -624.000000 -808.144348 40.000000 } { -280.000000 -459.316559 416.618561 }
Lightgrid bounds: { 99999.000000 99999.000000 99999.000000 } { -99999.000000 -99999.000000 -99999.000000 }
--- PatchMapDrawSurfs ---
--- FaceBSP ---
       12 faces
       13 leafs
--- MakeTreePortals ---
        0 tiny portals
        0 bad portals
--- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree ---
        2 structural brushes
        2 cluster references
--- FloodEntities ---
Entity 1, Brush 0: Entity leaked
       12 flooded leafs
entity reached from outside -- no filling
--- LeakFile ---
        2 point linefile
--- CullSides ---
        0 hidden faces culled
        0 coincident faces culled
--- ClipSidesIntoTree ---
--- NumberClusters ---
       11 visclusters
       29 visportals
       39 solidfaces
--- FloodAreas ---
        1 areas
--- AddTriangleModels ---
Connection closed.

Someone can help me ? 

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You have a map leak. Make sure your map is completely sealed and that you don't have any entities outside of your map area.


This, and pay attention to the entity origin - you might have a model that fits well inside your map, but has its origin out in the void. Also make sure that no detail brushes are touching the void (any such brush should be structural instead), or that'll count as a leak too.

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Never do this as a permanent solution...


@@ladiszlai have you tried a brush cleanup?

Why is this even remotely a problem? It's not like we're looking at a game that has trouble running on any PC that's still working well. You can run pretty much every JO/JA map without any VIS whatsoever and not have a performance hit.

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Why is this even remotely a problem? It's not like we're looking at a game that has trouble running on any PC that's still working well. You can run pretty much every JO/JA map without any VIS whatsoever and not have a performance hit.


*Unelegant, nasty, does not actually fix the issue at hand.

*Does not actually fix the issue at hand.

*Sometimes, it won't even fix map leaks for some strange, arcane reason.

*Did I mention it is not elegant? Cleanliness goes in hand with everything. Do the job right, or not at all.

*Depending on map draw distance, effects, textures, fps optimizations, etc - Performance can be pretty good, or absolutely crap. Even a good PC will have issues with poor optimizations.


--Brush cleanup is suggested. And or looking for the leak.

Ramikad and mrwonko like this
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*Unelegant, nasty, does not actually fix the issue at hand.

*Does not actually fix the issue at hand.

*Sometimes, it won't even fix map leaks for some strange, arcane reason.

*Did I mention it is not elegant? Cleanliness goes in hand with everything. Do the job right, or not at all.

*Depending on map draw distance, effects, textures, fps optimizations, etc - Performance can be pretty good, or absolutely crap. Even a good PC will have issues with poor optimizations.


--Brush cleanup is suggested. And or looking for the leak.

There is no leak...

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Map leaks also happen when entity is in a solid. You may also have built the hull with details if that option is on by default to create detail brushes.

This. I've found a number of Raven's models don't have their centerpoint within the model, meaning that if you back it up into a wall brush it'll be inside a solid.
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Select each model you have in the map individually and look for the axis that pop up showing you the models origin. Chances are the origin points are not centered with the model. You could send me a link and ill find your leak in minutes, but im positive this is your problem. Although, ive never had it actually break a map, maybe because my outer walls are 256 and the origins never go that far out on my stuff.


Oh, and this...











Denying the leak doesnt make it less leakier XD

Shes leakin

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