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WeaponsHD - Guns and Lightsabers

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  • 1 year later...

Haven't updated this topic in quite a while, i actually forgot about it cuz it just became another request thread. but i wanna let you know the revamp of the packs is in the works:



Ah, nice to see you've been working behind the scenes whenever you could, Rooxon. A nice Thanksgiving teaser to everyone. Thank you for that.

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Ah, nice to see you've been working behind the scenes whenever you could, Rooxon. A nice Thanksgiving teaser to everyone. Thank you for that.

Yeah, only people who follow me on Sketchfab know what i'm momentarily doing. Everyone else is in the dark it seems. :P


But honestly, i'm working as much as i can find the time for modeling. The plan is to deliver the packs around Christmas or actually on christmas.

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Yeah, only people who follow me on Sketchfab know what i'm momentarily doing. Everyone else is in the dark it seems. :P


But honestly, i'm working as much as i can find the time for modeling. The plan is to deliver the packs around Christmas or actually on christmas.

THAT would be a great Christmas or early Christmas present. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Poly counts must be through the roof.

 Nope, they're not DT, check it out on Sketchfab. They're optimized as it can be.


Arbiter 320 verts

Retaliator 518 verts

Consul 876 verts


I've been taught to become super clever about cylindric sides choices and I've optimized every single vert on the model before UVW mapping it - everything is welded together, only the really needed verts are there.


After you're done revamping the base hilts, Ben Solo's Lightsaber?

Not taking requests at the moment, sorry.


Any news about the remastered basic hilts? :)

Nothing I can show you for now as I have to work and finish other stuff, but it's in the making.



Again, I am not around much and I'm sorry if you guys are expecting stuff from me like before, where I was releasing sometimes several mods per week. I just can't do it anymore, I need some time to relax playing a game or two - I couldn't work all day every day, then go to the computer and model.

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"Again, I am not around much and I'm sorry if you guys are expecting stuff from me like before, where I was releasing sometimes several mods per week. I just can't do it anymore, I need some time to relax playing a game or two - I couldn't work all day every day, then go to the computer and model."

I can understand that. It seems like you're experiencing burn out. My advice: Step away for a bit, just kick back and relax. Don't let your passion burn out, but know when to step away from it for a time unless you want to lose interest in it permanently. Also...several mods per week, yeah....That essentially can burn someone out if they're not being careful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Moving on, I had the chance of remastering the Sith Sword and Scepter - Still WIP but this is a first-look into it. More to come soon!

Sith Sword and Scepter (Game lowpoly remastered) by Rooxon on Sketchfab

EDIT: Not sure how it is on your end, but the embed seems to be broken (and it's copied over from sketchfab as always - not sure what the cause is).
Direct link to Sketchfab: LINK

  Edited by AshuraDX
Fixed it ~AshuraDX
Smoo, swegmaster, Lancelot and 1 other like this
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