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Poe Dameron & Finn

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Sorry for being out the loop a bit guys, been stupidly busy last couple of weeks.


Tutorial on how you make skin? I still can't paint skin. :P


I used this tutorial recently (it is for substance painter though, but you could maybe carry the painting techniques across in photoshop:)




I also cheat a little bit, and for things like the eyebrows and lips, I might actually use a projection tool to paint them in from a reference photo of the celebrity.


Although on the offchance you have a digital tutors or a plural account, they have a very good tutorial on texturing characters. Should be called 'Realistic Game Character Texturing in Substance Painter' by Joshua Kinney. If you have a look for that name you might be able to find the video elsewhere.


I'm kinda curious about your workflow. The models in ZBrush all are posed in the JA DaVinci pose, are you using some sort of base mesh that you're importing into ZBrush? Or do you have some sort of template to pose them.


Pretty much. I basically had a basemesh I used for character sculpting and I just did a quick rig on it in Maya to get it to match the DaVinci Pose of the JKA model (I could upload it, if people wanted to use it). From there, I do the rest of the modelling/sculpting in zbrush itself. Once that is done and I'm happy with it/spent too much time on it, I'll export the high poly and use Topogun 2 to do my re topology of the model, then make final changes to the mesh in Max.


@@Scerendo will you consider on making a full Kylo Ren model, after you finish those 2?


Hey, I believe I saw somewhere someone was already making one (both masked and unmasked), and it was already looking fairly decent - so for that reason, I don't think I will be. 

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Actually it's a frankenstein and is far from a new one from scratch there are also two models one for the Youtubers and one from TFA Pinball game both will need porting so..


I know which one you mean, but I could of sworn @@lervish was working on a model, will double check though.



Update 13/03/2016:


Just a screenshot of Finn in modview:





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I know which one you mean, but I could of sworn @@lervish was working on a model, will double check though.



Update 13/03/2016:


Just a screenshot of Finn in modview:



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Looks awesome! But skin colour needs to be darker. He's more black than that lol

Scerendo and MrHeisenberg like this
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still really flat, needs lighting information :D


take the blue channel of your bent normal map, set it to multiply and put it on top of your layer stack

the green channel goes above that set to soft light


I recommend 30% and 60% for the opacity values

If you hadn't taught me about this yesterday, I would have no idea what you are talking about.  :P


But I agree with Sailus, Finn needs to be quite a bit darker.

Scerendo and AshuraDX like this
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still really flat, needs lighting information :D


take the blue channel of your bent normal map, set it to multiply and put it on top of your layer stack

the green channel goes above that set to soft light


I recommend 30% and 60% for the opacity values


Went back and added the blue channel, I also got rid of the shadows clamp I was using.


Since I normally work with PBR workflows, my sensibilities keep telling me to avoid lighting information lol, but doing what you said has made it a bit nicer, though I'm wondering if it might a be a bit too dark at the back.





Langerd likes this
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apply a slight gradient map to the skin areas on your prelight maps, blueish skintone for the darks and a slightly reddish skintone for the lights, makes a huge difference

black&white blue&red

EDIT: don't forget your curvature map aswell, set it to overlay and slap it below the light layers.
Feel free to message me on Steam incase you catch me online

Bek, Scerendo and dark_apprentice like this
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I did some light baking to try and make some more of the details pop:



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Yeah, it's gradually improving.. I'm sure you don't need any reference to what Finn looks like, but if it helps.. You can use these and see what sort of skin tone he has.









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@@Scerendo looking at what you have now I'd say darken the leather base for his jacket but keep the worn areas in this color

sme for the shoes, decrease the red and introduce some darker more blueish shades of brown (basing this at the references @ just shared)

same for the red parts, darker and more saturated red in the less worn spots you could try multiplieing/overlaying your roughness map to add some slight variation o your diffuse, I have yet to try that myself though


EDIT: maybe bake a thickness map to simulate a bit of subsurface scattering in your diffuse map, I think this video covered the process, just blend the effect into your diffuse instead of your emissive channel and keep it subtle



if whatever you are baking in has no support for baking a thickness map simply flip the normals of both your high and lowpoly and bake AO, that should do the trick

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty much done with Poe, only thing left to fix is that invisible saber blade bug in singleplayer. And Finn just needs lods.


I've checked my hierarchy about a million times, and I have all initial 9 model parts (head, l_arm, torso etc) and with all the bolts linked correctly as far as i can tell, however the saber blade is still invisible when I'm using the pilot outfit - but it works perfectly fine with the resistance outfit. 


Everything is named correctly I believe, but I've linked my hierarchy below incase I've missed anything.






So I'm a little stumped when it comes to that. 

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Hapslash's Anakin model had the same problem. Circa made a tutorial how to fix that.

Maybe that might be helpful:



Open the file model_default.skin with any text editor like NotePad or TextEdit

Locate this line:

Remove the * from that line so it now says:



It's not much different from what @@Barricade24 said, but at least you've got a clue what might be the problem. 

Scerendo and AshuraDX like this
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In my experience,  the invisible lightsaber bug comes from a typo in r_hand. I have encountered with a Starkiller model, which I fixed by renaming the hand name to the proper "r_hand". Is there a typo in the skin file that could be causing this?




Hapslash's Anakin model had the same problem. Circa made a tutorial how to fix that.

Maybe that might be helpful:



It's not much different from what @@Barricade24 said, but at least you've got a clue what might be the problem. 


Thanks for the help guys, managed to fix it, wasn't a typo exactly.


I removed the * on "l_hand,*off" and "r_hand,*off" in the "torso_a1.skin" file (which is the pilot outfit). So it ended up just being "l_hand,off" and "r_hand,off"


I think in singleplayer the game for some reason needs the l_hand and r_hand meshes to be "on", even if they aren't being used.

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