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Star Wars ambiences videos

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Some time ago, I found on Youtube a channel with many and many Star Wars ambiances sounds of several worlds, most of them taken from SWTOR. The vids have a duration of between 15 and 40 minutes in average. Maybe you know this channel already, but if you don't, it would be nice for mappers who want to have other ambience effects, longer and better quality.


The channel is here.

Bek likes this

Very nice! I think I came across you're channel once when I was searching for the Taris music. Didn't know you had all this ambiance stuff on here. I'll definitely be taking a listen.

Bek likes this

These are pretty cool.  I wonder how many of them are legal to use?  Some of them seem to be custom made, rather then just game rips.

JKG Developer


There are several channels of this kind.


Here is the second channel, which features quite a lot of locations from Star Wars - here.


Personally I use these sometimes to listen and get inspiration.


Calm down, I am not the owner of the channel, I don't even know him. I just found one video and then heared another, and another, etc.





@Any admins I forget who they are on JKHUB:


Could you sticky this thread? These ambiances could be very useful for mappers.

NumberWan likes this

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