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Character Soundpacks

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How d'you rip the sounds from it? Are they .pk3 files, as they are with JKA?


Just turn off the effect volume and music volume and put voice volume at maximum and play/battle darth maul and record his voice, and also record any cutscenes with darth maul.

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This is a Thread for Character Soundpacks.


We cannot legally upload soundpacks due to porting restrictions, so any soundpacks created by members should be posted here.


I shall begin with my own soundpacks, and I will update this Thread with soundpacks which are posted by other members in the comments.


Notice: All soundpacks should be complete with clear high quality audio clips. Soundpacks can be Star Wars related or not, it is up to you. All soundpacks are a FREE resource which should be left available to any and all modders of JKHub. Credit is preferred if used.


Any broken links must be fixed and maintained by the uploader. If any links break, please inform the correct uploader.



Kylo Ren's Soundpacks


Darth Vader



Starkiller (Galen Marek)



Darth Malgus



Shaak Ti






Kylo Ren



Botdra's Soundpacks


Jango Fett



Kamari Vosa



Zam Wessel


Thanks for this mate! Must have been unimaginably difficult.


So, for my Kylo Ren mods (Kualans) I added the sound pack for kylo to it and edited it for mbii use, replacing only the files present in the folder. However, Kylo Rens voice when doig taunts is very very quiet. I cant hear it at all. :( Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

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Thanks for this mate! Must have been unimaginably difficult.


So, for my Kylo Ren mods (Kualans) I added the sound pack for kylo to it and edited it for mbii use, replacing only the files present in the folder. However, Kylo Rens voice when doig taunts is very very quiet. I cant hear it at all. :( Any idea what I might be doing wrong?



Yeah for some reason the audio is weird in the game. The way to fix it is to have your audio options like this:




Keep the Voice volume at maximum, but keep the other 2 volumes a fraction above 0. The Music and sound effects will remain loud and the voices will be easier to hear.

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Yeah for some reason the audio is weird in the game. The way to fix it is to have your audio options like this:



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Keep the Voice volume at maximum, but keep the other 2 volumes a fraction above 0. The Music and sound effects will remain loud and the voices will be easier to hear.

Ah I'll try that thanks!

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@ When you're doing lightsaber sounds.. Primarily, the "hum" sound, how do you get it to loop, properly? I have a hum sound for my "unstable" saber mod, but once the saber's ignited, it plays the hum, then it stops and starts again and just continuously does that.

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@ When you're doing lightsaber sounds.. Primarily, the "hum" sound, how do you get it to loop, properly? I have a hum sound for my "unstable" saber mod, but once the saber's ignited, it plays the hum, then it stops and starts again and just continuously does that.


Use Audacity to chop the silent parts out, that's what I would do.

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Is anyone planning on taking Kylo Ren quotes from EP7 when it comes out on digital/blueray?


There are some really good lines in there.

"You're SO right"

"The droid...stole a freighter?"

"The stormtrooper from the village"



Not unless the words are spoken without any background noise then it wouldn't be very good quality. I may try to obtain some from the LEGO Force Awakens game, at least it will use the voices from the movie with an option to remove background noise. That ain't coming out for a while though.

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They still had some noises and music so I had to take care of it ;)

I love you, mate. :)


If I could make another request, perhaps you could get Kylo's whole monologue when he's in front of Vader's helmet? Rewatched the movie and found that to be really powerful.


Also, to use these I just rename them then stick them in the audio part of the .pk3 right?

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I love you, mate. :)


If I could make another request, perhaps you could get Kylo's whole monologue when he's in front of Vader's helmet? Rewatched the movie and found that to be really powerful.


Also, to use these I just rename them then stick them in the audio part of the .pk3 right?

Sorry if it sounds shitty, I didn't use my headphones (cause they broke), but here you go.

Langerd and GMRobinHood like this
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so who of you guys can get me a decent clone soundpack?


It's not easy to find a source that is capable of having the high quality audio to begin with. I have attempted to find decent Clone Trooper audio, but it always turned out bad quality (seriously bad, sounded worse than TV Static, can't hear any words clearly). However I am very limited as to what games I can obtain legally so you may want to ask here:




I do apologise it's just I only run into bad audio and I lack the games and computer programs to successfully extract decent audio. Xentax Forums is basically the Bible for advanced programs like that but even like the Bible, none of it really helps. :mellow:


But if you made a request at the link I sent you, I know there are people with better programs and resources to provide crisp clear audio clips. :winkthumb:

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It's not easy to find a source that is capable of having the high quality audio to begin with. I have attempted to find decent Clone Trooper audio, but it always turned out bad quality (seriously bad, sounded worse than TV Static, can't hear any words clearly). However I am very limited as to what games I can obtain legally so you may want to ask here:




I do apologise it's just I only run into bad audio and I lack the games and computer programs to successfully extract decent audio. Xentax Forums is basically the Bible for advanced programs like that but even like the Bible, none of it really helps. :mellow:


But if you made a request at the link I sent you, I know there are people with better programs and resources to provide crisp clear audio clips. :winkthumb:

Disney Infinity has clone troopers

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It's not easy to find a source that is capable of having the high quality audio to begin with. I have attempted to find decent Clone Trooper audio, but it always turned out bad quality (seriously bad, sounded worse than TV Static, can't hear any words clearly). However I am very limited as to what games I can obtain legally so you may want to ask here:




I do apologise it's just I only run into bad audio and I lack the games and computer programs to successfully extract decent audio. Xentax Forums is basically the Bible for advanced programs like that but even like the Bible, none of it really helps. :mellow:


But if you made a request at the link I sent you, I know there are people with better programs and resources to provide crisp clear audio clips. :winkthumb:

Did you also try Republic Commando? :)

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