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Feature Request: New Weapons Without Coding


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What do you mean, without coding? A config file is still a form of coding.


The first step in adding such a feature is creating a precise requirement. How would new weapons be defined?


I could see this happening, if we had enough manpower.

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What do you mean, without coding? A config file is still a form of coding.


The first step in adding such a feature is creating a precise requirement. How would new weapons be defined?


I could see this happening, if we had enough manpower.


Sorry, what I meant was being able to add weapons in a config or .dat file instead of it being done in the code. Though it's simple enough for some people to add new weapons in the code, most people however wouldn't have a clue how to compile openjk let alone add a weapon even though there are readme's and tutorials.

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And would require a specific build of OpenJK for a specific weapon. A mod could just have the right config or .dat and be compatible with OpenJK out of the box, along with other weapons.


I'm assuming this would be for SP though? Not sure how it would work with MP.

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Further brainstorming: assign guns a handful of classes (pistol, rifle, shotgun, heavy, etc) so you can have preset functions, similar to NPC classes and .saber files. Or similar to what is already in weapons.dat, but with classes you can assign to new entries, in .gun files or something.


But yeah, sounds crazy complicated. Nice, but maybe too much.

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I don't think this is going to be possible.


It simply will not happen unless more of the code is decoupled from the engine, which I don't see happening with the little amount of people with good coding skills working on OpenJK. (Not me)


What if the weapons were compiled as a separate library that the main OpenJK code linked to?  Perhaps then an easier method could be devised for us novices to add new weapons to the library?

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What if the weapons were compiled as a separate library that the main OpenJK code linked to?  Perhaps then an easier method could be devised for us novices to add new weapons to the library?

Not as simple as it sounds, especially since you need to preserve base compatibility. Both client and server need to make sure that they have the same data, otherwise there can be serious desync issues. Not only that, but the number of weapons cannot exceed 32 anyway- this is hardcoded into the structure. If you change this, then base compatibility is out the window. It's a hardcoded number which can't be changed without breaking things.

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Yeah, I agree this isn't going to work if we still want to support base and maintain backwards compatibility.  It would work just fine though if you said screw base jka, but openjk can't do that since that's part of what defines the purpose of the project.

JKG Developer

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