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Video code / Title Crawl

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As user @ pointed out to me, the title crawl video is very ugly and should probably be changed. I have already done some stuff for the title crawl in the JK2 code, like making the text for the A long time ago... part use a different font, and also an audio related hack so that stereo music is an option for the title crawl (it is actually a sound effect, and thus uses mono)


But there's something more we can do though. The ROQ format is a bit of a pain to use, and the video does not have proper support for both widescreen and 4:3 monitors. I propose we use a different container entirely.

As you may or may not know, JKG uses the OGV (theora video encoder, related to OGG vorbis), and included hacks for it way back before the source code was released. I propose we use this format from now on.

You can preview demos within your browser:



In case you don't know how the text crawl works:

  • It starts with a silent ROQ that plays the STAR WARS logo. The text crawl music plays. The ROQ gets paused once the logo fades away.
  • The text comes in through a TGA and gets scrolled across the screen.
  • Once the music ends, the game signals to the ROQ to continue playing. This section of the ROQ has sound.


In terms of what is actually changed to the text crawl, here is a laundry list of what needs altered:

  • The text on the loading screen doesn't use the correct font ("A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...")
  • The text crawl itself uses the wrong font (Arial or something? but it's not the right one, at any rate). (change the TGA)
  • The audio often plays before the STAR WARS logo shows up. To correct this, we could change the first bit of the video to be the loading screen text fading out. That way, the audio can be in sync.
  • The audio clips at the end of the text crawl. We can make the entire OGV muted and just time the OGV to play again at a specific time. This will require some degree of timing to get correct.

If anything, we could just change that TGA because the text makes me ache inside just a little bit.

Bek, Darth Sion, Circa and 1 other like this
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News Gothic should be the font of the main body and episode number and Univers Ultra Condensed Light for the title.  I believe the "Long time ago in a galaxy far far away" uses Franklin Gothic.


Text is as follows:


Ten years after the Battle of Endor, the IMPERIAL REMNANT continues to be driven back by the NEW REPUBLIC, forcing the Imperials to adopt increasingly desperate tactics in the ongoing struggle.

Meanwhile, Jedi Master LUKE SKYWALKER moves to restore the JEDI to their formal place as peacekeepers of the galaxy at his JEDI ACADEMY on Yavin 4.

JADEN KORR, a promising student from Coruscant, is en route to the Academy after achieving the impossible: creating a lightsaber without any formal Jedi training…


Finished version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b57ebe4b0b58652011367





Edit: I originally assumed we were talking JKA, but I think you meant JK2's crawl?


If so:




It is a time of relative peace in the galaxy. Eight years have passed since the Empire's defeat at the BATTLE OF ENDOR, but the NEW REPUBLIC still struggles to restore order and vanquish its enemies.

After defending the VALLEY OF THE JEDI from the evil JEREC and nearly falling to the Dark Side himself, former Jedi Knight KYLE KATARN has severed his connection with the Force and returned to his mercenary ways. With his longtime partner, JAN ORS, Kyle continues to aid the Republic in the fight against the IMPERIAL REMNANT.

As the Remnant launches its latest gambit to regain control of the galaxy, Kyle and Jan have been sent by the New Republic to investigate the planet KEJIM, home to a long-dead Imperial outpost…


Finished Version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b5fa9e4b086a805bbb42d


Note: The sound on my preview links is garbage.

General Howard likes this

JKG Developer

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News Gothic should be the font of the main body and episode number and Univers Ultra Condensed Light for the title.  I believe the "Long time ago in a galaxy far far away" uses Franklin Gothic.


Text is as follows:


Finished version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b57ebe4b0b58652011367





Edit: I originally assumed we were talking JKA, but I think you meant JK2's crawl?


If so:





Finished Version should look like this: http://play.starwars.com/html5/starwars_crawlcreator/?cid=568b5fa9e4b086a805bbb42d


Note: The sound on my preview links is garbage.

The font for "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." needs to be increased in size and split further apart from each other. This is taken from pretty much, the full-screen view of 'Return of the Jedi'..





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  • 3 months later...

Should just make the entire thing a video. Would make it all go smoother. Could attach the first ROQ at the end of the new video to make sure that transition is smooth as well.


A new video container is something I've been wanting for years. Once that's done, I'd love to test this out.


One video for every language?

Tempust85 likes this
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Should just remove the sound being external and the text crawl being in a TGA and just have it all in a video. Less hassle, less bullshit and easier for modders. If you want a decent quality image to still scroll over the intro video, you'd need to up the size of the texture.


Pretty sure Raven took the current route because of disk/disc space which now isn't an issue.

Darth Sion likes this
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No, it's -more- difficult for modders because it means that you have to have the same rig in a video editing software. All you need the do is improve the texture (it has the wrong font and it's low res), improve the background and the sound.


The way they have it rigged is actually quite clever. I see no reason to change it, it's just a bigger hassle.

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  • 7 months later...

  • It starts with a silent ROQ that plays the STAR WARS logo. The text crawl music plays. The ROQ gets paused once the logo fades away.
  • The text comes in through a TGA and gets scrolled across the screen.
  • Once the music ends, the game signals to the ROQ to continue playing. This section of the ROQ has sound.


Just to fix this up a bit in-case someone needs the info:


  • It starts with a silent ROQ that plays the 'STAR WARS' logo. The text crawl music plays from its own MP3, not the ROQ. The ROQ finishes playing and the last frame is shown on-screen until the music stops.
  • The text comes in through a TGA and gets scrolled across the screen.
  • Once the music ends, the game does whatever is scripted next. That could be: play another ROQ, run an in-game cutscene, load a map, etc.
General Howard and eezstreet like this
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I've had a go at getting OGM implemented on DF2's OpenJK fork https://github.com/DT85/OpenDF2/tree/OGM


Compiles and plays, but it if you skip a previous video (eg the intro roq) it will take the time you've watched that video before skipping it into account and offset the start of the OGM video. The sound is coming through all horrible and the video won't play again once finished (even on map reload).

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