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{JoF} - Jedi of Freedom

Aldro Koon

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Hey, I'll try to keep this really short! 


We are a European clan that has existed since the 1st November of 2006. Having gone steady ever since, we recently celebrated our 9th year anniversary recently. Currently we are roughly around 100 members (who check the boards atleast once every two weeks), and that is not including the many applicants we have.


Our clan is first and foremost a social community.
For those of you who play Jedi Academy actively, you will most likely have heard about us. Currently, we are one of the more active clans in the game, especially in the EU region.


While we offer teachings in sabering on JA+ MP from a wide array of teachers, that is not the primary reason to join our clan. Some of the things that we do are active weekly events that are planned ahead of time by our members. 

This includes events such as:


  • Hydroball tournaments,
  • Annual swoop races and tauntaun duels.
  • A game mode called Domination created by one of our members as well as something we call BattleChess with a map also designed by one of our members. A game called "Predator" is yet another mode we like to hold.
  • Saber classes and Full Force classes.
  • Exploration on the many maps that exist in Jedi Academy in order to fully appreciate the game and what so many people have created over the years. We also do have a small team of dedicated mappers who work on creating maps.
  • Filming SW-like & parody movies featuring our own members. 
  • A progressive rank system with a master and padawan system in order to make sure that you have a "Jedi" like experience in this game while socializing with others. Your master will be chosen by you depending on the person you bonded the most with during your trial. He will serve as a guide in the clan and be like a best buddy of yours.
  • This system includes ingame missions that you have to carry out with your master and with the aid of other members should you want it. As well as trials to take with your master in order to pass onto your next rank. These are not skillbased, rather anyone who has played the game for a month or two will be able to pass them with some patience. Alternatively, you can disregard all of this and just sit steady at your first rank. It is not a requirement to advance after all!


...and much much more.


Our members truly become a part of an internet family of sorts. To the point where some gather and even meet up during the summer.


This is {JoF} - Trailer 2017 by HaVoC



{JoF} - Trailer 2016 by Toph


Clan celebrated its 10th year anniversary! Heres a cooperative mission trailer:


Movie project has begun!




We have a seperate website called the Jedi of Freedom Academy where we have created a database of sorts to make sure that the members that join the clan are well rated by our members. This also helps us to make sure that the people that join are planning to stick around rather than join for a week only to never be seen again. We have dedicated some members the role of "Instructor" to oversee the recruitment process.


You can apply over at: http://www.jofacademy.eu/ and visit our forums at http://www.jedioffreedom.eu

I highly recommend pressing the "Your Journey in JoF" button to see what the clan offers further.


Server IP =>


Thank you for reading!




The final championship round of the swoop race on the 9th year anniversary


The 10th anniversary semi finals



1st October, Pink day event


10th year anniversary event, 32 player swoop race


(Hope images/gifs are OK to upload here!)



Clan feature interview with Circa:

Smoo, Circa, Siegfried and 4 others like this
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Oh yeah, being part of the {JoF} is truly an amazing experience. Currently a member there, but they've been on my 'Fav. Server List'  for a time that feels like forever to me, no other clan has given me this much in Jedi Academy, Outcast or in any other games that I've played. Events are always fun as h*ll and we've got capable mappers (check the temple map here on jkhub) and the artist team can create awesome signatures, desktop backgrounds, signatures, skins etc. The most active clan that I've seen, and more imporantly, the most supportive clan that I've seen. I mean it, whatever it is that you need, this clan can offer it to you.


Not a day has been spent just standing around in the server, there's always something happening.

Aldro Koon likes this
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yeah, being part of the {JoF} is truly an amazing experience. Currently a member there, but they've been on my 'Fav. Server List'  for a time that feels like forever to me, no other clan has given me this much in Jedi Academy, Outcast or in any other games that I've played. Events are always fun as h*ll and we've got capable mappers (check the temple map here on jkhub) and the artist team can create awesome signatures, desktop backgrounds, signatures, skins etc. The most active clan that I've seen, and more imporantly, the most supportive clan that I've seen. I mean it, whatever it is that you need, this clan can offer it to you.


Not a day has been spent just standing around in the server, there's always something happening.



Added EU domains to our Site and Forums => 



  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

The clan celebrated its 10th year anniversary a month ago!



10th year anniversary event, 32 player swoop race


The 10th anniversary semi finals


Figured I'd drop by our new trailer for cooperative missions =>

z3filus and Smoo like this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wanted to share a little cool thing we are working on =>


We are creating something we call the legacy tree, which is a tree histoy of all members ranked Master and above in the clan. Clicking the names will open up a image showing details for that member.

The master and padawan role in JoF is something we have to ensure all members have a pleasant stay with atleast one go-to friend so to speak. Its very much a social bond we aim for.

The master basically acts as a guide/mentor for the new member in the clan. 

And so the tree highlights what lineage you followed and thus lets you create your own legacy by aiming to have your own padawans reach master rank and carry on your tree branch.


In Star Wars terms think of it like:
Yoda -> Dooku -> Qui-Gon -> Obi-Wan -> Anakin

That would be one branch.


And so here is the current legacy tree we have (or rather just a piece of it, its too large to screen lol). It has no functionality and interaction on the site itself. =>




And here is the new updated version which wil allow you to click names and have info pop up. The art is being worked on but here is the alpha preview with full code functionality.




And some beta drafts of the art when you click a name (for 2 ranks) =>






Art credit goes to Fuzzy and the code functionality to Darren, both low councilars of our clan



In other words:

Start your own legacy now! :D

Smoo likes this
  • 2 weeks later...

   For the whole one year and more now that I am part of this clan, I've had and still having plenty of enjoyable and nice moments and I am still hyped in progressing up, currently a Jedi Master. JoF is the biggest alive community in JKA with our 116 members currently. The organisation and the structures in Jedi of Freedom are unique and well created. We also offer a 'Form' teaching (advanced saber fighting) to players who reached a certain rank in the clan. We also celebrated our 10th anniversary this year since the clan was established! WOW 10 years!

   If you guys are interested in being in a active and friendly community, do not hesitate and visit our website for newcomers and fill out an application here: http://jofacademy.eu/



   Long Live Jedi of Freedom - {JoF} !

   LLJ! <3

Aldro Koon, z3filus and Creo like this

Well said Vayne. {JoF} has long since passed the 'merely a jka clan' phase. It's an active community with many talents and our server is almost full all seven days of the week. Don't be shy to visit our server, visitors :)

Aldro Koon likes this

The {JoF} Ladder was a nice addition to our annual events, since we do have a few members who are surprisingly competitive when duelling against others. And because our main focus is not in training one another to become a pro player, it's best to have a private ladder just within the clan, and there were some interesting duels from what I saw.


When I have been told, that there are skilled players in JoF, at first I didn't believe in it because of the well known cliche "skill is only in base". I started visiting JoF server more often and in a while I met JoF teachers, which are really amazing players. They proved to me, how deep ja+ mp sabering is and how much there is to learn. After you reach a certain rank in JoF or achieve scout title, you can request a personal teacher in one of the lightsaber forms (fighting styles): shii cho, soresu, djem so, niman, shien or jar'kai. Those, who have chosen a form, follow simple rules to learn as fast as possible. Another reason to join JoF is the community: you can chill here, you can make friends, participate in events and just have a good time. Visit our website http://jofacademy.eu and our server to find out more by yourself  ^_^

z3filus likes this

jof looks indeed quite active

i just have some problems with the people who are geting accepted to the clan and the ones who outside of the jof server just point out negative behavior

the fact that some trolls geting accepted, shows simply how bad the recruiting structure is


you counting the client numbers in your server but u simply fail on building a harmfull community

you may fake that image here on the forum but the facts never lie


and you know that 


jof looks indeed quite active

i just have some problems with the people who are geting accepted to the clan and the ones who outside of the jof server just point out negative behavior

the fact that some trolls geting accepted, shows simply how bad the recruiting structure is


you counting the client numbers in your server but u simply fail on building a harmfull community

you may fake that image here on the forum but the facts never lie


and you know that 


Well we try our best to accept people who we believe are well mannered.

As our name has it, Jedi of Freedom: The Freedom aspect means we do enable people to be a part of the clan who may not be "roleplayers" or such.

People who just want to chat, duel, discuss politics/life or even just spread meme's. Ultimately we dont see that as something harmful as long as the intention behind it is good.


Not sure what facts you are getting at. Here are some: We only accept about 20% of the applications we recieve and we recieve a minimum of 30 applications per month. You do the math.

I am rather confident we take the recruitment process more serious than most clans. I'll let this image of our Academy filtering process speak for itself (showcasing only the last 3 days as of this post, a trial generally lasts between 15-30 days) =>




But as you are a great example of, one simply cannot please everyone :P Thanks for dropping feedback!

PreFXDesigns likes this

the fact that some trolls geting accepted, shows simply how bad the recruiting structure is


you counting the client numbers in your server but u simply fail on building a harmfull community

you may fake that image here on the forum but the facts never lie


and you know that 

I'm not sure what you're trying pull with that comment, we're not faking anything here; our community is peaceful, there's no bad blood within the clan, and we're mature enough not to go seek any trouble outside the clan. Our instructors at the Academy are tasked with carefully evaluating every new player, in order to find active well-mannered/ behaved members who are fun to play with, but who can also act mature and serious when needed, basically; people who would fit in with the rest of us. Unfortunately there are those who put on an act, and smooth talk themselves into the clan only to expose the d*ckhead underneath the friendly face. And you can't really blame any clan for players like that, because we all face this same problem with processing new members, so, rather blame the people who apply to {JoF} pretending to be something that they're not.


Most of the trolls you see at our server are outsiders, who likely have been banned at least once for their behavior.


You should know that.

Aldro Koon likes this

Missunderstandings can happen, especially to FF/lugormod players. You see, attacking someone on JoF server, who doesn't wish to be attacked, is laming and against the rules (even if his lightsaber is ignited). Some might have an impression, that admins abuse their admin powers to have fun, but in reality they put their time and effort to keeping a peaceful and comfortable for most of people environment without laming. In fact, I don't know a single troll or bully in JoF. JoFA trials often last three weeks or sometimes even longer. During all this time adepts are being observed, many JoF members write reviews on them and rate them, instructor (recruiting) team discusses adepts and sends a report to low council. LC reads the report, reads the reviews and afterwards discusses adepts on a LC meeting. Only after this whole procedure an adept can be accepted into the clan and recieve the initiate rank. You can believe me, there is only a low chance of a poorly mannered person to get into the clan.

Aldro Koon likes this
  • 4 weeks later...

We have a launcher created by our council member Darren that will basically add files in terms of necessary maps and the member skins that you want.
No "lazy to download" excuse for our members anymore  :D





(Screenshot demo)


Smoo and Circa like this

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