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Star Wars Warzone (W.I.P)

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i don't use that stuff its only uniq who does that. but i agree that it could be redues a bit in its blur :)


Foliage system video. Dense foliage/tree map with Nvidia GTX 760.





* (in before comments) Obviously actual in game FPS is much better when not also encoding video.

* The map is 32768 x 32768 x 32768 in size and contains nearly 900,000 plants/grasses/trees.

* Adding grass/plants/trees to any map is a single /genfoliage command. It may be required to add q3map_material shortgrass or q3map_material longgrass to the ground shader, but it will mostly be auto-detected.

* There are 3 cvar options to adjust quality vs speed.

cg_foliageDensity - removes plants within this range of eachother.

cg_foliageGrassRangeMult - Sets the max distance at which to draw grass and plants.

cg_foliageTreeRangeMult - Sets the max distance to draw background trees.

Stoiss, Langerd, Onysfx and 3 others like this

Looks nice.  It's like you guys tried to merger JKG and EoF EoC (whoops).  I'm a little unclear on your goals though, right now it seems your mostly changing just graphical things (which is cool), but the beginning post makes it a bit unclear about what you want to accomplish with this project.  Are you trying to keep gameplay relatively the same but with a much larger player base?  Still...this is good, maybe it'll help motivate people to work on rend2 more since it'll generate interest.  I like what you're doing with that AI though, might have to try and merge that back into JKG :)

You are more then welcome to merge the AI code (or any of the code for that matter) into JKG. Although I plan to get back to AI at some time in the future.

Futuza and Stoiss like this

Nice! This really seems like a continuation of JKG what with the beautiful effects, attempts to improve AI and numbered hitmarkers. I really like the UI, it reminds me of SWG.


The radar is also quite a nice addition, no real complaints here. It reminds me of the Destiny one and I'm sure it'll be useful in making sure you don't get flanked or are able to find the enemy.

Stoiss likes this

Nice! This really seems like a continuation of JKG what with the beautiful effects, attempts to improve AI and numbered hitmarkers. I really like the UI, it reminds me of SWG.


The radar is also quite a nice addition, no real complaints here. It reminds me of the Destiny one and I'm sure it'll be useful in making sure you don't get flanked or are able to find the enemy.

the UI you mean the HUD ? becours everything else for us is basejka


yeah i have 6 mounth of destiny in my time with taken king and found the radar pretty nice so i tried to make my own design but still do the same thing it does in destiny so when it is done i hope it will act sort of the same way :)


Foliage system video. Dense foliage/tree map with Nvidia GTX 760.



You going to try and add simple physics to the plants where if you touch it, it moves (but not physically accurately cause prolly too expensive, more like just plays an animation)?

JKG Developer


Foliage system video. Dense foliage/tree map with Nvidia GTX 760.





* (in before comments) Obviously actual in game FPS is much better when not also encoding video.

* The map is 32768 x 32768 x 32768 in size and contains nearly 900,000 plants/grasses/trees.

* Adding grass/plants/trees to any map is a single /genfoliage command. It may be required to add q3map_material shortgrass or q3map_material longgrass to the ground shader, but it will mostly be auto-detected.

* There are 3 cvar options to adjust quality vs speed.

cg_foliageDensity - removes plants within this range of eachother.

cg_foliageGrassRangeMult - Sets the max distance at which to draw grass and plants.

cg_foliageTreeRangeMult - Sets the max distance to draw background trees.

Wow... I must say . The grass and flowers look weird. But If You will add some cool looking textures and cool looking models.. My god ... The forests Would 1000% better!

Amazing Job here! Without Your modification FPS would be lower than 1.


You going to try and add simple physics to the plants where if you touch it, it moves (but not physically accurately cause prolly too expensive, more like just plays an animation)?


I'm not too sure how that could be done without a pretty massive hit to FPS. Might be possible, but would take someone with better opengl knowledge then I. We could sure use someone on the team with good opengl skills.


Wow... I must say . The grass and flowers look weird. But If You will add some cool looking textures and cool looking models.. My god ... The forests Would 1000% better!

Amazing Job here! Without Your modification FPS would be lower than 1.


I assume your issue is with lighting? We use r_sunlightmode 1 because sun shadows (r_sunlightmode 2) are just too big of a hit to FPS. We do have sceen space shadows for foliage, however, which I have improved since this video.


If that isn't the issue you are speaking of, the plan is for maps to specify their own list of grass/plants/trees textures/models. The code is set up to do this now, but I need to enable reading a config file for the map.


I'm not sure how this would run on vanilla or rend2. My guess is vanilla would be ok, but rend2 would probably struggle without some of our tweaks.


On a side note. The grass and tree models were created/converted for us by @Maui (the grass/plant textures come from random sources). Without his help, none of this would be possible with reasonable FPS.

Langerd likes this

I'm not too sure how that could be done without a pretty massive hit to FPS. Might be possible, but would take someone with better opengl knowledge then I. We could sure use someone on the team with good opengl skills.



I assume your issue is with lighting? We use r_sunlightmode 1 because sun shadows (r_sunlightmode 2) are just too big of a hit to FPS. We do have sceen space shadows for foliage, however, which I have improved since this video.


If that isn't the issue you are speaking of, the plan is for maps to specify their own list of grass/plants/trees textures/models. The code is set up to do this now, but I need to enable reading a config file for the map.


I'm not sure how this would run on vanilla or rend2. My guess is vanilla would be ok, but rend2 would probably struggle without some of our tweaks.


On a side note. The grass and tree models were created/converted for us by @Maui (the grass/plant textures come from random sources). Without his help, none of this would be possible with reasonable FPS.



No ! My problem is only with the textures of the grass and flowers :P I dont like them too much. If someone would create darker looking grass, bushes and maybe better trees models Like (not 100% LIKE it) Witcher 3 forests.



Stoiss likes this

No ! My problem is only with the textures of the grass and flowers :P I dont like them too much. If someone would create darker looking grass, bushes and maybe better trees models Like (not 100% LIKE it) Witcher 3 forests.



you are welcome to do it for us :P you do some cool stuff already so if you think it needs a new look give us some examples ;)


No ! My problem is only with the textures of the grass and flowers :P I dont like them too much. If someone would create darker looking grass, bushes and maybe better trees models Like (not 100% LIKE it) Witcher 3 forests.




Would just need the tree models and textures, and plant textures (which i'm pretty sure I would already have). The code would do it fine - in fact from what I see, the witcher trees would use less FPS then the big tropical hogs.


I plan to have various default climate options, just doing tropical first. Will see after that if we can get our hands on more models.

Langerd likes this

you are welcome to do it for us :P you do some cool stuff already so if you think it needs a new look give us some examples ;)

Sry but i am busy lately :S And i am making my own modification when i have free time.

And i am not good texture creator so it would be hard for me


Well we now have test builds on our github for people to test things out.


This is just to play around with and see what we are working on. Expect bugs and incomplete stuff as we are not even in an alpha release yet.


Github page is here: https://github.com/Stoiss/Rend2

Setup Instructions are here: https://github.com/Stoiss/Rend2/blob/rend2/TEST-BUILD-INSTALL-HOWTO.txt

IRC channel is: #warzone on irc.arloria.net (same server #jacoders is on)


You can download the git repository as a zip, or via a git client if you know how. Git is recommended to save downloading the whole repo again for updates.


I will update builds from time to time. No specific schedule. The test builds will be release but with debug info for those capable of debugging issues. They should run at close to release build speeds.


See my previous video post to adjust foliage settings to match your computer's abilities.




If you have any interest in helping us out, we will accept help from just about anyone. We have a lot to do and too few resources.


The plan at the moment is to get the project to a point (where we have added a lot of generic and graphical features) that other people can base their mods on. Once we get to that point we will branch and start work on the MMO components.

Srethem likes this

Well we now have test builds on our github for people to test things out.


This is just to play around with and see what we are working on. Expect bugs and incomplete stuff as we are not even in an alpha release yet.


Github page is here: https://github.com/Stoiss/Rend2

Setup Instructions are here: https://github.com/Stoiss/Rend2/blob/rend2/TEST-BUILD-INSTALL-HOWTO.txt

IRC channel is: #warzone on irc.arloria.net (same server #jacoders is on)


You can download the git repository as a zip, or via a git client if you know how. Git is recommended to save downloading the whole repo again for updates.


I will update builds from time to time. No specific schedule. The test builds will be release but with debug info for those capable of debugging issues. They should run at close to release build speeds.


See my previous video post to adjust foliage settings to match your computer's abilities.




If you have any interest in helping us out, we will accept help from just about anyone. We have a lot to do and too few resources.


The plan at the moment is to get the project to a point (where we have added a lot of generic and graphical features) that other people can base their mods on. Once we get to that point we will branch and start work on the MMO components.

amazing, great idea to get this in the hands of the community so early. I'll give this a try a bit later and report any notable errors or crashes in this thread (unless you'd prefer it to be in the IRC? I just think you'd want a record of all this stuff.


amazing, great idea to get this in the hands of the community so early. I'll give this a try a bit later and report any notable errors or crashes in this thread (unless you'd prefer it to be in the IRC? I just think you'd want a record of all this stuff.


Hmm generally IRC would probably be better so we can get more details as needed (and not clog up the tread with bugs we probably already know about), but we will be looking here as well of course.


wow, just spent the entire day with this incredible mod and the watchful and incredibly insightful/helpful @@UniqueOne on IRC. let me preface this by saying that you absolutely should get this mod if not to marvel at the potential this has.


there's a few maps with the foliage generation tested to its absolute limit, literally hundreds of thousands of trees, grass and flora over an impossibly big landscape for JKA. jetpacking up high above the trees revealed massive sweeping terrain and when I asked on IRC it was affirmed that their plans are not to create boxy 'maps' but rather worlds, and the foliage generation is the first step. if vegetation can be procedurally generated then why not houses, or even cities? they're all just .md3 models that hide themselves based on draw distance so as to not tank fps (something I would've been able to see if my drivers hadn't been messing up at the time). on a smaller scale there could even be different sets of foliage based on the environment and planet.


but that's far from the most amazing thing. 


when I learned this could be done on every single map ever made for JKA I was astonished. it uses a clever algorithm to find surfaces with the q3_grass surface shader and also looks for textures including the word 'grass' to create terrain over, its extremely customisable as well you can set the density of foliage and how many dense tree clusters there are.


the next 'procedurally-generated' marvel of this mod is the automatic AI pathing that is even more customisable so that you can properly create waypoints for your npcs, its difficult to get the hang of and grasp but it essentially means you can have proper AI battles and navigation on every single map.


its actually rather cool how the npcs work in the mod, you specify the minimum amount you want to be spawned with /npc_enemies and it always keeps it at that level, randomly spawning npcs based off pre-defined 'spawngroups' to keep it at that level of enemies. I was able to make it so on x-sith temple (RP map on Korriban) there were KOTOR-era sith students and masters, alien slaves and even Darth Nihilus and Sion were wandering around. it really gives a map life and has great rp opportunities even in its current state.


other fun little features UniqueOne told me about was the amusing text to speech way of talking, an auto-generated voice best mimics the voice of the character you have chosen and says whatever you specify with /tts "Your message here".


I should also mention how amazing the custom renderer makes Jedi Academy look, pure eye-candy with some post-processing that actually cleans up and realistically lights textures as well. it also helps that there's some very nice glowy blaster and saber effects that you'll be familiar with if you played JKG.


I hope that a server goes up some time because it'll be interesting to try out the new game mode of Warzone that pits you and AI against each other Battlefront style. it literally can be played on any map because the auto way pointing also generates team spawns as well and ensures that you both spawn on the same side.


was an absolute delight exploring this mod for the whole day and I will absolutely be around to test whatever new thing arrives.

Stoiss and UniqueOne like this

I can't run it :(

I see the JEDI ACADEMY logo and then the following error:

------- R_InitVBOs -------
Initializing Shaders
compile log:
The fragment shader uses varying var_Normal, but previous shader does not write to it.
The fragment shader uses varying var_ViewDir, but previous shader does not write to it.
Out of resource error.

RE_Shutdown( 1 )
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
shaders failed to link

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