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Blended Textures

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I assume you're talking about blending between different textures as usually used in terrains.


You either use vertex colors as alpha values for blending and set the vertex color using brushes as described here or you use an alphamapped terrain, which is typically created using EasyGen as described in this tutorial. (The easygen download link there is broken, try this one.)

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All my terrain is done by hand so Easygen is out. Also that site does not really help me in how to make the specific textures I need. I have alpha blends ranging from 0, 25, 50, 75, 100. Does that correspond to how many layers of opacity I need for the blended texture? That's what I don't really get. I know how to blend terrain and all that..but how is that specific blended .tga created?

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You don't need any special tga files with any sort of opacity settings or anything. The textures are only used by shaders. So you would apply a shader to a brush in GtkRadiant (for example a mud2grass shader on the ground between mud and grass), then encapsule each vertex that makes up that brush in those alpha blending brushes, specifying the opacity at that particular vertex.

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You don't need any special tga files with any sort of opacity settings or anything. The textures are only used by shaders. So you would apply a shader to a brush in GtkRadiant (for example a mud2grass shader on the ground between mud and grass), then encapsule each vertex that makes up that brush in those alpha blending brushes, specifying the opacity at that particular vertex.


This is the shader I have from my old terrain. So, all I would need to do is replace the primary and secondary with the textures I want. Then I can make whatever I want for qer editor image..and I should be alright then?

qer_editorimage textures/icestationwampa/darkrock_dirt_blend.jpg
q3map_shadeAngle 75
// Primary
map textures/icestationwampa/dirt.tga
rgbGen identity
// Secondary
map textures/icestationwampa/darkrock.tga
alphaGen vertex
rgbGen identity
map $lightmap
rgbGen identity
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Wow this terrain looks very well made! I like it :)


Thanks, it doesn't exist anymore, though.. lol


I deleted this last night and started over. I found a more efficient method to manipulate the terrain like I wanted so I tried it out and it worked better. I'll probably start a new WIP thread tonight late on this when I get some better results in.

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Well, Call of Duty 1 & 2, actually. Its a trench/bunker system. I'm trying out more outdoorsy stuff, weather, terrain, trees, ect..

For trees i recommend deformvertex shader of the leaves to make the effect of the wind. Cool idea btw :)

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For trees i recommend deformvertex shader of the leaves to make the effect of the wind.


I don't. At least not when you have lots of branches / leaves to apply this shader on, because deformVertexes causes heavy lag when spammed all over. If you're dealing with a lot of foliage, trees and bushes, a better solution is to use a tcMod stretch, which although doesn't look as good as deformVertexes it's surely much lighter. In the end, my suggestion is to test it: if it works fine with deformVertexes then that'll do.

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I don't. At least not when you have lots of branches / leaves to apply this shader on, because deformVertexes causes heavy lag when spammed all over. If you're dealing with a lot of foliage, trees and bushes, a better solution is to use a tcMod stretch, which although doesn't look as good as deformVertexes it's surely much lighter. In the end, my suggestion is to test it: if it works fine with deformVertexes then that'll do.

I mean yeah this or tcMod stretch .. I was in the school and only the deformvertexes was on my mind.

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I'm not really concerned about leaves or branches moving. I just want trees and shrubs..something along the lines of COD2 would be fine...I don't think those moved at all.


I'm probably going to reinstall the game, download the mod tools, and take a look how they did stuff.

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