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Grab's cave

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Well, it's time to show my version of The Longest Yard and my mini mods.
Map("code" name Long Jump):



Still WIP



Quake Live "Sport" skins:





High Quality Sniper Scope:





High fov first person weapons fix:




High quality radar:






High quality fonts:




afi, Onysfx, Ping and 6 others like this

This is Multi things but ... Man . This map is a Masterpiece. It is small but goddamn well made!!! For JK3 and Quake fans i am 200% sure that this will be a heaven :)


I was actually thinking of doing that font mod as well. That looks really good. Looking forward to all this being released.


There, new link for skins:






Also I made Saboteur, fixed Weequay, team colors are deeper for Kyle and few more. To fix: Lando, both Tavions, Ugnaught, Rosh.






I made dynamic lights for weapons effects. Video soon.

I'm planning to make:

- HQ siege radar icons;

- HQ siege map plans;

- HQ weapons icons;

- HQ force icons;

- HQ chat and voice chat icon;

Write, if you have any sugestions.

Langerd likes this
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is a total bump but I'm curious. @@Grab how did you make those HD fonts?

HD fonts will appear HD with the .png 512x512+ font pic size.

HD fonts will appear HD with the .png 512x512+ font pic size.

That's only if you resize them in the menu files. Apparently the only way to achieve that for the chat font is through the source code.

This is a total bump but I'm curious. @@Grab how did you make those HD fonts?

Doubled size of oryginal font picture then I found these fonts in .ttf. I did one font by typing in specific font in Gimp, then someone uploaded JAFont(thank God). I was cutting out characters and putting them into their place. Yeah, everything done by hand. ;_;


Looks like I need to update theard!


Doubled size of oryginal font picture then I found these fonts in .ttf. I did one font by typing in specific font in Gimp, then someone uploaded JAFont(thank God). I was cutting out characters and putting them into their place. Yeah, everything done by hand. ;_;


Looks like I need to update theard!

How'd you get them to not stretch in the menus and in chat?


How'd you get them to not stretch in the menus and in chat?

Unsure what do you mean. Q3 engine "scaling" textures and looks like font is also texture. If we have 1024x1024 texture and we replace it with 2048x2048 texture, JA scaling 2048 to 1024 without losing quality.


Unsure what do you mean. Q3 engine "scaling" textures and looks like font is also texture. If we have 1024x1024 texture and we replace it with 2048x2048 texture, JA scaling 2048 to 1024 without losing quality.

Using JAFont changes how the font image is scaled to match with the spacing of the new image. Replacing the image with exact spacing and size of the old one is the only way, I guess.


If you try out JAFont, you'll see what I mean. I'm working on a font mod that makes them HD but only menus can be changed.


They are actually stretched, font is just rather thin and looks fine on wide screen.


Left - oryginal; mid - mine; right - mine with red oryginal as background.


Mine fonts looks thiner because they are not blurred, but on some servers(pure base and/or not configured(?)) somehow my fonts are not thiner but are not blurred.


Left - oryginal; mid - mine; right - mine with red oryginal as background.


Mine fonts looks thiner because they are not blurred, but on some servers(pure base and/or not configured(?)) somehow my fonts are not thiner but are not blurred.

I can't get mine to look nearly as smooth as yours does. It ends up looking only sharper, but still has pixelated edges. Not sure why.




I can't get mine to look nearly as smooth as yours does. It ends up looking only sharper, but still has pixelated edges. Not sure why.



How big is your image? Shouldnt be bigger than 200% of oryginal size.


How big is your image? Shouldnt be bigger than 200% of oryginal size.

I've tried 1024 x 512 and 2048 x 1024 and they're basically the same result. Would you mind sending me yours so I can take a look? Or I can wait until you release yours.

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