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KOTOR Mod Showcase

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Knights of the Old Republic: you know, the other great Star Wars game...  :winkthumb:
Showcase and share your mods for KOTOR here. I thought it'd be a fun idea to get all the KOTOR mods we've created into one place.
I've made these three worth sharing:
Iriaz on Dantooine


This is a very simple mod that restores the Iriaz to the planes of Dantooine. Now they're suppressed by the Kath Hounds, and as you free the planes from the dark taint, the Iriaz start to reappear all over. :)
Sith Academy Robes


This is an alternative, vanilla version of Shem's uniform mod for the Sith Academy students and instructors on Korriban that doesn't change any of the game stats, but simply changes the Academy members' uniforms to Dark Jedi robes, and retains all the original game's stats and content. It also fixes the name bug (Hijata) from the original game.
Juhani - Canon-like Cathar


This mod is my big pride and joy. I've spent a long-long time perfecting it. It gives Juhani a real (original canon) Cathar appearance, so she actually appears normal in the game. It's made to blend in with the original concept and art of the game, so that it appears as if it were an official update as much as possible. Juhani is one my favourite characters in KOTOR now.

Bek, Lancelot, GPChannel and 3 others like this

Can you give me a bit of a background on the idea behind changing Juhani's appearance?

Yeah...did you just take a screenshot with another mod installed or something?

JKG Developer


Can you give me a bit of a background on the idea behind changing Juhani's appearance?

Yeah...did you just take a screenshot with another mod installed or something?

Well, the original Juhani had an unorthodox design that was neither Cathar nor nice looking. While her story involves being treated bad for being different, that doesn't mean she had to be ugly, exactly... being a Cathar is quite enough reason to appear different, or ugly, to humans. Considering that she has a gripping emotional story, and the player can establish a close friendly bond with her throughout the story, I felt it necessary to remedy Bioware's poor design decision. So I've developed this mod, inspired and based on others' work who were thinking similar (see credits in readme), which replaces Juhani's look and UI graphics entirely to give her the canon-like appearance you see in the screenshot.


This is the original Juhani in the game:





And these are the canon references I've used for the new look:





Sure... I can, @@Ping... :huh: I take you don't have KOTOR, yet, then? Why the specific interest?


It's not so easy for me to take screenshots in KOTOR, but I can try to take a few more of her if you like.


I have the game and have (of course!) played it extensively, but I don't have it currently installed, so I can't really check it out myself. I was curious as to your sources on her canon looks and wonder how you have implemented them, and It's hard to judge the quality from just one screenshot.


Also I'm totally considering using this for my next playthrough :3

Cerez likes this

Hahaha! :lol: Okay, no worries. I'm glad you're really interested, it just caught me off guard, is all. I didn't think other people would find Juhani so interesting.


Alright then, for your viewing/rating pleasure:











It really does help to improve her story in the game. Be sure to install the included restored dialogues and bug fixes as well.


As far as the canon resemblance goes, it's pretty close to the references. The only thing I couldn't get completely right because of KOTOR's limitations are her claws, and the ears had to be a little more straight, more humanlike. Otherwise her ears would go through the headgears. But that's why she has lush hair: to hide her ears! ;)


I hardly see any notable difference between your Juhani and this one: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Juhani_Total_Makeover;79013 ?? What did you do exactly? I can see some new shadows on the face, but honestly nothing more


What about the eyes, the nose, the teeth, the ears, the undergarments, the skin texture, the icon, ...?  -_- I've put a lot of work into this, @@Sithani. What you're saying is not nice. Modding for KOTOR is a lot more cumbersome than modding for JK, and fine details do matter.


Edit: I didn't intend for this thread to become so focused on my work. Has anyone else created any interesting mods for KOTOR yet?


I said I don't see any NOTABLE difference since the changes are so minor. Also how is texturing different in KOTOR? I also happened to mod it and it works exactly the same.


I was not criticizing it, I simply asked what did you actually do.


Yes, Iriaz have been cut from KOTOR 1 somehow. I guess, Davik Kang had one as a trophy head in his Tarisian estate. And a few people on Dantooine mention them as one of the local beasts. Hunting iriaz.


As for Juhani. I actually liked, yes, I liked the way she looked in the original version. with that more like bald head with sharp ears and a bizarre ponytail. I really liked the idea, that she looks less like human. I do acknowledge, that the reskin and new look look more appealing to people. But the way she differed from others, especially Mission Vao and Bastila Shan (and Female Revan), and from Zaalbar, as well as droids. 


Cathar are no longer canon at all :( But the various sources in the past showed them quite differently. Some reminded the Juhani as we knew her, some depicted them as large lion-like creature, while other presented a mix of panthers and humans. SWTOR developed a mix of all these depictions.


But nice work! :)

Cerez likes this

Do any of you know about the Easter egg in Davik's Estate on the minimap when you get a full map of the module.

  • 2 weeks later...

If you look next to the Ebon Hawk on the mini map have you ever noticed the Breen ship from Deep Space Nine based on its concept art.


They are similar but is it really supposed to be an easter egg? They don't look similar enough to be to me. It's supposed to be Calo Nord's ship.


Do any of you know about the Easter egg in Davik's Estate on the minimap when you get a full map of the module.


This is a mod showcase and discussion thread, people. Please keep hidden easter eggs commentary to a new thread on KOTOR...


I can't believe no-one else here has created a mod for KOTOR. Everyone's modding for JK, but not for KOTOR? Come on, that can't be true!


And a one shot kill pistol.


That sounds interesting. :) Would it kill Darth Malak in one shot? :D


This is a mod showcase and discussion thread, people. Please keep hidden easter eggs commentary to a new thread on KOTOR...


I can't believe no-one else here has created a mod for KOTOR. Everyone's modding for JK, but not for KOTOR? Come on, that can't be true!

I'm not modding for JK....


In the past I tried to create a mod for KOTOR 2, which covered an investigation by the Exile in the additional module of the Telos station. But it's so difficult. perhaps later I will continue, as it was small, including only some skins and items. The dialogue tree and adding objects and characters into the game seemed quite easy and fun though.

Cerez likes this
  • 3 weeks later...

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