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[Release] Jedi Betrayal Mission 2 (Manaan) map

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Hey guys, I figured I would release the map and source files for my work on Jedi Betrayal since the mod is dead, and I worked many countless hours to create what I did for this map. It's level 2 in the Jedi Betrayal story sequence. I'm releasing the .map file here in case anyone wants to work on it, use parts of it as prefab, or add something to it. It includes a hangar and water processing plant area, in addition to a large city. Almost all of the textures were custom made by myself. It's only like half completed at the moment, but enough of it is there to possibly be useful to someone.


All mapping work was done by myself. Most of the basic brushwork is done. More detail needs to be added to areas and lighting needs to be added to the city area. Also, you have to noclip to get across the water processing plant thing. A puzzle was planned for that area but it was never fully implemented. It certainly needs a lot of work but I think enough of it is there for it to possibly be useful to someone.


This map was the furthest along in the Jedi Betrayal project. The only other map that had a substantial portion of it completed was a Korriban style map that made up the first mission in Jedi Betrayal.


I thought I would release a bit of the story as well so you know why Kyle is supposed to be on Manaan. 



"Kyle is somewhat humiliated when he awakens at the Jedi Academy after being scorched by a bomb explosion, and having his lightsaber destroyed in the process. After Kyle has rested at the Academy for a few days, Luke, feeling that the best medicine for Kyle would be an assignment that is NOT related to Jaden, sends Kyle to Manaan. Reports say that a New Republic Exploration Ship orbiting the planet, the Postilion, had gone missing, and Luke believes that it was shot down. As a result, Kyle whole-heartedly (thirsting for action) goes to Manaan to investigate. As he investigates, he sees very few Selkath out and around, and those he sees immediately leave and hide as soon as he sees them. He knows this is abnormal behavior for them. Not a single one will allow him to approach them. Some of the Selkath are security forces, and due to what has happened, they are hostile toward *any* outsiders at the moment. Kyle tries to reason with them, but they attack regardless, forcing Kyle to defend himself. There are also various bands of thugs present, left by Jaden. They are also hostile toward Kyle, but are equally hostile toward the Selkath. If Selkath security forces run across a band of thugs, they will fight it out with each other, ignoring Kyle. Kyle would prefer to find a way through while killing as few Selkath as possible, since they are not actually “bad.” This would likely mean trying to sneak through key areas while the enemies are otherwise engaged.


Here is some of the story detailing some of the gameplay in the Manaan city map:

First you start out in the hangar, and turn right into the next room which is a sort of security tower. Since Jaden's minions have locked everything down, Kyle must get to the top of the security tower in order to unlock access to the Manaan city. Once he does that, he enters the city and near the end of the city there is a cantina where Kyle gets into a conversation with a Selkath regarding where to look for the lost rebel cruiser. The Selkath says he used to work in an underwater research facility that has now become abandoned. The Selkath wants Kyle to go down with him to the underwater base in order to find out what happened regarding some poisoned gas in the underwater base. Apparently, the gas wiped out most of the research facility's personel for "no apparent reason." This happened on the same day that the republic cruiser went missing, so Kyle agrees to go with the Selkath to investigate. At the beginning of the level, the elevator that leads to the underwater area is locked, but because the Selkah used to work in the facility, and is now with Kyle, the Selkath can open the door.

After Kyle and the Selkath finish talking, a group of Jaden's thugs enter the Cantina and start attacking Kyle. All the thugs hiding in the city start attacking Kyle now, so Rodian snipers appear at the tops of buildings at start shooting Kyle which weren't there previously when the player first went through the city. The player now has to navigate to the beginning of the level in order to open the door to the underwater part, which is leads to part 2 of the Manaan mission (manaan2)."



And here are some screenshots of the map:














PK3 Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29055962/manaan1.pk3


To launch map, do devmap manaan1 in JKA SP.


MAP Source file link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29055962/manaan1.map


^ I believe that is the latest source file for the map but I could be wrong. I don't have Radiant on my computer and I don't feel like installing it just to see what the .map file looks like. Let me know if it's different than the actual compiled version.


Also keep in mind that the last time I worked on this map was more than three years ago. I don't even remember much about Radiant anymore. If you want to use anything here, all you have to do is credit me in your mod's readme. Enjoy.

Stoiss, Barricade24, afi and 6 others like this
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I would put this on the download page if it was actually playable. To me it just doesn't feel right to put something half completed on there. There are many glaring errors with the map upon starting it. The only thing you can really do is explore around the somewhat empty city.

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I do think that the basic structure and layout of the outdoors city I made was pretty good. It's big enough that it can actually pass as a city and might make for a good multiplayer map if a lot of enterable buildings and skyscrapers were added. I can already imagine taking an elevator up to one of the skyscrapers to start sniping people down below.

JAWSFreelao and therfiles like this
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