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Giving My Brain a Mouth

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I want to have some sort of talking effect being played while my brain speaks. Maybe like a sine wave animation that would be on animation when silent and then when it speaks the animation would change, like they used to do on old movies and stuff. I already used speakers in my test lab and don't want to go that route again because this brain is fixed, while the test chamber has action in it.


Is it possible to turn off and on a texture somehow?

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I recall being able to shoot func_statics or doors, and have them change their texture. I used it to iterate through a texture sequence from 1 to 7 or so, triggered by damage.

Not sure what method you would use to sync it up to the audio file(s). Though I'm sure it can be scripted with some patience. You could switch between an idle texture/shader and an animmap texture/shader if you got the timing right.


As for the exact method on switching the texture by script, I can't think of what that is at the moment.

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Well shooting it isn't going to work for what I want to do. There are these script commands but it only works on breakable models, so it says. I can stick a droid at the end of the walkway and he can translate but it kind of ruins the whole atmosphere.


Non-NPC Animation:

These commands are for use on misc_model_breakables only


SET_STARTFRAME                  int                     frame to start animation sequence on

SET_ANIMFRAME                    int                     frame to set animation sequence to

SET_ENDFRAME*                    int                     frame to end animation sequence on

SET_LOOP_ANIM                     “true/false”         Loop the animation sequence

SET_DISABLE_SHADER_ANIM “true/false”        Allows turning off an animating shader in a script

SET_SHADER_ANIM                “true/false”         Sets a shader with an image map to be under

frame control

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Yeah I didn't mean for you to shoot it, but that the fact that it's changeable via certain events would mean that it's probably changeable via script at the very least also.


It might be they work on other than breakables, or that you could use a breakable (and make it unbreakable :)). So I suppose if you assigned it an animmap shader and then via script set "disable shader anim" to true whenever it doesn't speak, would work. Again, depending on the amount of audio, it would be time consuming to manually script the timing for that to be true or false.

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Or you could reuse a protocol (or actually, ANY NPC model) to place it somewhere appropriate, make it almost completely invisible (either with *off parts in the .skin or through transparent shaders), and only make the "mouth" somewhere; two skins of it, one static (for when it's silent) and one animated (when it speaks), that you can simply switch through script when speaking.

Just an idea ;)

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