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A good place to learn how to make shaders?

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Yes i know about the shader manual but i don't want to have to read through the entire 20+ page thing just to find one particular shader.  Like i want to, for example, know how to make my own glass shader(s) or env (if possible) shaders.


My problem is that i don't like to use pre-made textures and such, i prefer to make my own content even if it means having to learn a load of stuff in order to do it.  I have tried looking at the shaders of the game for reference but i can't seem to cross reference textures to matching shaders in order to see how they work.

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Shaders are pretty close to how graphics hardware works - or used to work 10 years ago, it learned some new tricks since then.


You'll basically want to learn about blending (see glBlendFunc), the depth buffer (or z-buffer) and how it doesn't support transparency very well (which explains why you see so much blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE in shaders and what depthWrite and depthFunc are all about and kind of plays into alphaFunc as well) and then it's just a matter of understanding that all the stages in a shader are drawn in sequence. And it helps to know about vertex colors and understand that they can be used for lighting (which is particularly used in misc_model without spawnflag 4) or blending (for alpha-blended terrain).


Well, and then there's surfaceparms and q3map2 specific keywords and a couple of other things, but understanding how the stages work is the most important part.

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A good way to use the shader manual, could be to look at textures from the game, for example the textures/common glass shaders, and searching for the keywords you don't understand in the shader manual, rather than reading it all in one go.

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I found the best way (for me anyway) was to look at other shaders I liked, messed around with them with other shaders, removed parts and try to understand what happens. After that, I looked at the shader manual to understand various parts, and try more things out.

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A good way to use the shader manual, could be to look at textures from the game, for example the textures/common glass shaders, and searching for the keywords you don't understand in the shader manual, rather than reading it all in one go.



I tried to do a search but it's all titled and you have to click on the title to even open the page:



As you can see it merely lists the topics, it doesn't really let you search for words unless you're talking about a different manual :unsure:   As i said before, i did try to look at various textures from the game and then look for the shaders that accompanied them but i couldn't find any or they were in some large text file.


Shaders are pretty close to how graphics hardware works - or used to work 10 years ago, it learned some new tricks since then.


You'll basically want to learn about blending (see glBlendFunc), the depth buffer (or z-buffer) and how it doesn't support transparency very well (which explains why you see so much blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE in shaders and what depthWrite and depthFunc are all about and kind of plays into alphaFunc as well) and then it's just a matter of understanding that all the stages in a shader are drawn in sequence. And it helps to know about vertex colors and understand that they can be used for lighting (which is particularly used in misc_model without spawnflag 4) or blending (for alpha-blended terrain).


Well, and then there's surfaceparms and q3map2 specific keywords and a couple of other things, but understanding how the stages work is the most important part.



When you say stages it sounds more like an animation than a visual effect lol.

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As mrwonko said, shaders correspond to things going on at a hardware level. Each stage essentially has a map (either an image or a reserved word such as $lightmap) and a blendFunc, as well as some other things. The stages are processed in order on the texture. GL_ONE GL_ONE is the generic additive color scheme. There's also others (subtractive color, etc). So for each thing, I would recommend looking up GL_ONE GL_ONE (for e.g. on Google) to get an idea on how things work. Generally, the first keyword corresponds to source, and second corresponds to destination. GL_ZERO GL_ZERO for instance does nothing. Remember that each stage is executed in order.


As for other stuff in the header of the shader, generally q3map_ stuff is only meant for geometry, not for players. Other keywords like cull should be looked up in the manual for proper usage.

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Or maybe i should just try to phrase things properly, you didn't even make a sound so how could i say "it sounds like?" :rolleyes:


He phrased it precisely in such a manner that one would label as, "proper"... Stop being obtuse.


This manual is a bit better. http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com/docs/shader_manual/contents.html. Do as wonko said. Then start looking at the various shader files that came with the game, or shader files from experienced community modders. Dissect them, use the manual as a reference.


I get the idea when you ask questions, you expect to be hooked to the matrix and inherit the knowledge. Some work will have to be done on your part...

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He phrased it precisely in such a manner that one would label as, "proper"... Stop being obtuse.


This manual is a bit better. http://q3map2.robotrenegade.com/docs/shader_manual/contents.html. Do as wonko said. Then start looking at the various shader files that came with the game, or shader files from experienced community modders. Dissect them, use the manual as a reference.


I get the idea when you ask questions, you expect to be hooked to the matrix and inherit the knowledge. Some work will have to be done on your part...



I was actually making fun of myself and not being sarcastic or "obtuse...

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