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Seeking testers for new feature - creating custom animations


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Hi. Seems like me and @Scooper finally could make working new jaMME feature - creating custom animations.


I said some words about it in the latest jaMME release, but the feature wasn't completed. To remind you how it looks/works, check this out: https://db.tt/42ebPrjM (old and broken one, sorry) and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39650282/basketball.png


Currently it is hard (or not?) to control this animation feature and it probably has some unexpected bugs. So before releasing this, I would like to polish it well. And I need your help in it.


So if here is anyone who is interested in the feature and can help to test it, reply in this topic, please. I will send you working version in PM.

Also if you don't understand something, feel free to ask, I will try to explain.


Thanks in advance.



Stoiss, Boothand, therfiles and 1 other like this
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I am a bit busy nowadays, guys, and have no time to work on that feature. So you will have to wait until I deal with my problems, and then I fix some little bugs and send you new jaMME for tests.

I will get back to business in a month, I hope.


So, , you are in! Just wait some time.


To other guys: you can still reply to this topic and ask to be in testers team as well.

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