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Jedi Academy Co-Op

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First things first, is this idea feasible?


How would one go about letting another client join them to aid in a singleplayer mission? Could it literally be done on the singleplayer coding or would multiplayer have to be modified to allow the AI and scripts to function the same way as regular singleplayer would.


I am not coder by any means and am genuinely curious whether this could be an idea that works - it would certainly make for an interesting gameplay dynamic and encourage modders to create more SP driven maps.





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@DarthDementous a fellow Whovian yayyyy! xD


I do agree that it would take considerable scripting and other work.  Scripting isn't really my forte though...


I looked at this a while ago. The scripting required actually wouldn't be too advanced. The thing that deterred me from even attempting this would be the massive amount of entity work. You'd need to gut a lot of stuff out, and you'd need to do it for all the BSP's. Then you'd have to redistribute all of the BSP's, and provide instructions on how to setup the proper rotation vstrs on a server, as well as how to setup the scorelimit.


Then there would be a lot of relying on people not to be dicks and intentionally break shit. Too much work. ><

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There's a potential licence issue with using OJP code in OpenJK (GPLv2)

I would rather do most of it by myself anyway. I find OJP code a bit messy =p we're also aiming largely for base client compatibility, so some things would have to be done differently.

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