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assassins creed models

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To be honest, I just didnt like his uv layout, so i adjusted it, then had to study other models to see how the tags were weighed. I'm kinda learning as I go here XD


Ive rigged other models and got them ingame, but they usually wound up all fucky. i now know why. I want to make sure I do this model by the book so I have the complete experience to make my tfu models work. Also, i will be losing internet for a while, so I need to make sure I have acquired all the knowledge to get a few characters done while I wait to get interwebs back


@@therfiles dont post like a madman while im gone XD we're neck n neck

therfiles and Circa like this
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if you did a truffle shuffle XD

You did a skeletal sad sad sad dance which still burns in my mind. I also wasn't planning on trying to kick this much ass at this model, but thought you deserved a decent model. You are helping me reconsider that generosity though XD Almost there dude you will no die just breathe

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See Truffle? Now I'm a happy lil chalk nugget








This should make reskins not so much of a drama


I'll be honest, the hardest part is over. Weight painting is not that much stress. I could probably have him weighted in a matter of hours. Seeing that the last texture job was a total of a couple of hours, if I really focus and don't get burned out, I could have this guy ingame today. Doesn't mean he will be done as I will need to be checking dismemberment and deformation problems, but I am hoping to have an ingame pic by tonight. (if I don't get burned out and if my kids don't need too much daddy today). I also plan on repainting his face soon.


I thank you for your patience though


You should be an ecstatic shufflin truffle here soon bro


Since I am using this guy as practice for my tfu characters, I am going to sculpt and paint the diffuse texture in Zbrush and render out a shadow map for the details, then hand paint the specular map in Zbrush as well, and render the shadow map from a slightly different angle or lower lighting to see if I can fake some shadows on the details. Then I will render out the normal and displacement maps from Zbrush, and leave those in the pk3 for future implementation once OpenJK gets to that point. I am hoping that this model will give me the last bit of training I need to make some really nice TFU models. I will do all of my models this way, and maybe by the time I am done, the code will be ready that I can change some shaders around and have some nice normals or possibly even parallax occlusion mapping going for them. Then the streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers. XD

therfiles and katanamaru like this
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I have to take my kids to school, then I will come back and throw this guy around a bit and make sure he's good to be finished. I still need to repaint/resculpt his face. I just need to go snag some good refs for how I want him to look. I'll have some good pics up in a while if all goes as planned of him being finished up and the weights being tested. I'm not sure if I will sculpt his head today though. Or finish it I should say

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I AM in fact Truffle's personal slave 0_0 


Dont knock my choices in modding slavery. That's just how I scroll.


It is most decidedly NOT just a video game.


Hobbies are fun mine are dirty.


And I apologize for the hold up man, I am in the middle of some crazy shit right now brotha. Give me a few k? Swear. 

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I AM in fact Truffle's personal slave 0_0 


Dont knock my choices in modding slavery. That's just how I scroll.


It is most decidedly NOT just a video game.


Hobbies are fun mine are dirty.


And I apologize for the hold up man, I am in the middle of some crazy shit right now brotha. Give me a few k? Swear. 

take all the tiem you need bro

ChalklYne likes this
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I literally just have to resculpt a decent releasable face for him and rig him at this point. To get into details, I was moving to Washington, now I'm the only one in the family who ISN'T moving XD. So I moved my sister, 2 brothers, and moms stuff all into a moving truck, AFTER already packing all my stuff thinking I was going as well. So during this time, I got a serious BSOD i couldn't fix and had to reinstall my windows. No worries I didn't lose anything because I have been saving in triplicates XD My browser seems screwed now, I have nothing installed except Zbrush, softimage, and photoshop, and have lost the file stsem on my pc so all my textures are screwy in softimage until i can get that reoriented. Not a big setback, but a big setback. So yeah man just let me send the fam off this weekend, and get my file structure back inline and I will get this thing out. Sorry for the delays man I knew this month was going to be hectic for me though.

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How in the world is it being treated like a life and death scenario? He just said "update por favor?"

I can't see at all how that would be bad.

It's not just that post in particular, it's the other ones like it as well, not just this thread. Not that big of a deal though. Botdra may have dramatized it a tad more than it needed to be.



Moving on though.

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