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assassins creed models

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ill finish texturing it tonight and rig it tomorrow. its already very nicely fit to the skele so i will have no worries. might snag up riggin the shoulders and cape but nothing too serious. very soon. heres a progress shot for u showing that I am trying to give you some really nice work for your good sportsmanship




I will upload as soon as possible and try to give you the best work I can do to show that Mod Requests are still alive if you are cool about it.


Just some patience truffle you will have a decent model. I'm no the best at texturing so he might be needing a reskin once he's done, but I will try my hardest for u bro

Botdra, Circa and katanamaru like this

So I still have his beard, hair, hat, bandana, hands, guns, gun belt to texture.. coming along though. Could definitely use a reskin, but I will leave that to you all.



Omicron likes this

So I still have his beard, hair, hat, bandana, hands, guns, gun belt to texture.. coming along though. Could definitely use a reskin, but I will leave that to you all.



beard: done

hair: done

guns: done



No. You will do no such thing. You can reskin it once I release it, but I am not going to release it with some photosourced hair and stuff XD


And I'm not sure what you were getting at with the gun belt comment earlier either?


So this is all the Zbrushing I'm going to do with this guy, Ill go take care of the guns and the rest in Photoshop today and get all my caps and tags and heirarchy setup which is mosyt likely going to take me the majority of the day since I need to go back and comb through Psyk0's tutorials about tags






Isnt there an automated script for xsi to take care of that annoying part?...if you mean linking the hierarchy that is.

Also you'll need to add more loops around the joints or you'll have limbs that look like pinched straws when bending ;)

ChalklYne likes this

Thank you!


I will do just that. I just wasnt sure how intense this model would be, but now that its about done, I can afford a few edge loops.

I like the practice of linking the heirarchy for now. Maybe once I get the hang of it enough I will resort to easier methods. i just want to know the stuff.


Thanks again


Forgive me, but I had to do it XD


He now has interchangeable accessories.


You can peg leg either leg, hook either hand, patch either eye, and take his hat off if you please XD


So full of win


I'll be setting the scene up today and making caps, texturing his bandana, eye patch, guns, hook, peg leg, and studying tags and such




I also need to adjust the size of his guns. Just noticed that. He's got lil pea shooters XD


It is going to be so hilarious to see him move like an agile jedi with that peg leg XD


Or first time he gets his hook hand dismembered I'm going to lose it lol


I am mostly excited to see some reskins of him I think he will turn out pretty decent with a good texture artist. I laid the uv out pretty decent, and set a good base for the textures to go from, so it shouldn't be too difficult to reskin,


He has 3 textures, the body, the head, and the feathers

therfiles and Circa like this

ok here's what I got so far.




Disregard the green face tab I know it doesnt belong in the heirarchy softimage just likes to start my scenes up with FaceRobot for some reason and it makes me wanna stab it


Thank you @@AshuraDX for the heirarchy help!

Tempust85 likes this

Last updates before I start rigging.. And yes, in case you were wondering, the parrot's head is linked to blackbeard's, so they both get decapitated XD


Good stuff




Im still working on his hat feathers, and need to texture his guns and hook and peg leg

Omicron, therfiles and Botdra like this

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