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Hey guys, Maui again.


Does someone have good tutorials for lights?

When I make a map I can't let it look good because I can't light up my map nicely.

I also don't know anything about nice shadows and so on.


So if someone could help me, I would be grateful (and helped :))


 ** Maui **

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Firse: go in preference optiojns and tick the function "show light radius" so when yu place a light, yu can see a circle that show you what area or places are enlight by it.

- place a light: go into the map, right click on a point of the grid, put a light entity

- set color of the light. select the light: K key and you have a wonderful RGB panel when yu can set amount of red, green and blue light.

- amount of intensity of light: select the light, N key and yu can see the entity panel with all option at your disposition. set the command in the "key" and the "value"

example: targetname: ligh

script_targetname: lightb

target: info_null3.

kind of light: yu can see a list of number with a command, i not remember at moment the name of command, but every number is a kind of light, so you can create a directly light, a flicker light like fire or torch, or an intermittent light, or a light with bad functionality, like a shocked lamp. XD

spot light: simply select a light, select an info_null placed oriented in the direction yu want the beam of the light and press CONTROL + KEY.

for amount of lightness: if yu set a negative value of -1000 you can create a dark light, that's kind of light are useful for bottomless pit or shadows room: yu can... dark the area, instead of enlight. XD very cool.


"light" overrides the default 300 intensity. - affects size
a negative "light" will subtract the light's color
'Linear' checkbox gives linear falloff instead of inverse square
'noIncidence' checkbox makes lighting smoother
Lights pointed at a target will be spotlights.
"radius" overrides the default 64 unit radius of a spotlight at the target point.
"scale" multiplier for the light intensity - does not affect size (default 1)
        greater than 1 is brighter, between 0 and 1 is dimmer.
"color" sets the light's color
"targetname" to indicate a switchable light - NOTE that all lights with the same targetname will be grouped together and act as one light (ie: don't mix colors, styles or start_off flag)
"style" to specify a specify light style, even for switchable lights!
"style_off" light style to use when switched off (Only for switchable lights)

   1 FLICKER (first variety)
   3 CANDLE (first variety)
   6 FLICKER (second variety)
   7 CANDLE (second variety)
   8 CANDLE (third variety)
   9 SLOW STROBE (fourth variety)
   13 Test Blending


that's are the command yu can set on entity light, so for example you can do:

light 1000 (intensity of the light)

targetname lamplight

script_targetname lamplight

radius (i think the value set how is little the beam of light connected in a spot light to the info_null entity that direct the beam, so if yu set a radius of 10 yu can have a very focused beam light.)

scale: number duplicate or reduce in scaling the strongness of the light.

targetname: yu can use the light into a script with this command, if yu use in icarus "USE "targetname of light" value, yu can switch the light on or off. :)

style:; see table. the number you set make a kind of light emission. the light of a fire, of a candle, of a lamp, of a pulsing lamp, a fluorescent light... etc etc.

that's all. :D



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Hmm, I have been practising abit with what the dude said about different colors, but yet that didn't help me out so much.

I can't get the realistic effect or anything global orso, could anyone help me by teamviewer or something?


 ** Maui **

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Well, I don't understand a thing about it.

I can't get it realtistic or work with lights after all.

I don't know where to place it, how to make it look cool and so on.


The only thing I can do with gtkradiant is using some of the functions and so on.

I can everything besides working with shaders and lights well enough to make it look good.


I just got lame lights, I don't know what to do :S


And about the TV, I just want you to look at my pc and help me like that, so you can talk me through and stuff.

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Well I just make the light and add some things on the worldspawn and then compile it fully and go ingame with /Devmap maui and check the lights.

But it all looks so failure, the map is so dark, I just need full help with this. How to light up the map nicely and so on.

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Well, I don't understand a thing about it.

I can't get it realtistic or work with lights after all.

I don't know where to place it, how to make it look cool and so on.


The only thing I can do with gtkradiant is using some of the functions and so on.

I can everything besides working with shaders and lights well enough to make it look good.


I just got lame lights, I don't know what to do :S


And about the TV, I just want you to look at my pc and help me like that, so you can talk me through and stuff.

I can give you some help with Skype, because skype allow screen condivision, but i not like teamviewer for a traumatic past experience with a betrayer... uff i not wanna talk about that. Just pm me and i see your contact. Remember i am italian, so my zone hour can be very different by yours.


EDIT: i read now: i think your problem are NOT the lights, but the worldspawn parameter, do you that you can set into the worldspawn the ambient light value and you can decide amount of ambiental light of your map? If you not specify parameters on the worldspawn  you can get a very dark level. :\

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Here are some more suggestions:

-Use the compile with the -bounce 8 step, it will simulate indirect lighting

-Put bright lights in the middle of your rooms,and check the 'show light radius' in your radiant preferences to see the result

-Give your worldspawn:

Key: ambient

Value: 80 (or any light value you think it will fit . It will be casted on all the brushes)

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