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Is custom content (characters/lightsabers) only seen by you?

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So i was just wondering this as i'm the sort of person that really likes to be unique and i have seen people on multiplayer with, what seemed like, custom skins/characters (not to any major extent though.)


Does that mean that when i just played a match with a custom character, that other people saw it or do they see a generic character from the game?  I know that some servers give you the ability to automatically download content but that tends to be server side.



Circa likes this

A player only sees another player's custom skin if they have it installed, too. Whether that was done manually or through an automatic server download (given the file is available on the server) doesn't matter.


I wish auto download was just a default option and couldn't be changed. I too like to be individualistic and would love to use my custom skin, but if I am just Kyle to everyone else, what's the point?


I wish auto download was just a default option and couldn't be changed. I too like to be individualistic and would love to use my custom skin, but if I am just Kyle to everyone else, what's the point?

I for one appreciate being spared from dickhead-skins and nude Jans.
Circa, Omicron and Futuza like this

I wish auto download was just a default option and couldn't be changed. I too like to be individualistic and would love to use my custom skin, but if I am just Kyle to everyone else, what's the point?

Exactly. That's why I never use custom skins. What's the point of having one if no-one else can see it? I know other people try to force me to download their skins so I can see it, but nah.

Circa likes this

Exactly. That's why I never use custom skins. What's the point of having one if no-one else can see it? I know other people try to force me to download their skins so I can see it, but nah.

But I don't particularity care that much about how I look to other people. If I like it, then I'm happy. So I tend to always use custom skins.


fyi, auto-download only downloads from the server, not from other clients.


Also, I'd like to point out that @@spior has a nude Rosh skin. Would you really want that? Really?

spior likes this

I just stick with the default Jedi model with the beard. Or the human male with the brown head.

i herd dat Circa plays as either Kyle or the black Jaden


fyi, auto-download only downloads from the server, not from other clients.


Also, I'd like to point out that @@spior has a nude Rosh skin. Would you really want that? Really?

and I thought the MLP thing was bad enough...

JKG Developer


and I thought the MLP thing was bad enough...

Well, I chose that model to test my glm exporter because its textures were simple enough for me to do well myself. I guess I should model & texture way more to get better at it and be able to make "proper" models. There's so much I should do though... (Like learning for my exams right now, instead of reading JKHub.)

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