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[JAEnhanced] High Res Textures

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No matter how you look at it, it will be more work. This project won't be on hold waiting for rend2, just certain asset redo's. It's not like there's no JK2 assets available right now to use. I just don't see a point in people making hi-res textures when they will be thrown out once rend2 is available. I hope any & all texture artists working on these hi-res textures are fully prepared to redo their work for JK2:HD and not just leave. As eez said, he wants rend2 for JK2:HD so it WILL happen at some point.


Also if people want support for base, play JK2 and not JK2:HD. ;)

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It's not the resolution that's the issue. The textures should be redone for rend2 due to fake lighting/shadows drawn onto the diffuse which you don't need with a renderer such as rend2. Sure you could just use them with normal maps & call it done, but it certainly won't look it's best and I'm sure the aim of this project is to look as visually stunning as possible. :)

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I get what you're saying DT. Might as well make them support base too though, and release it separately as well like before. There are a lot of people that want such a thing that aren't in the JK community, but just like to play it occasionally.

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Regardless, normal maps aren't going to do much good unless you make proper use of them in the map. It would require map source to make the best of textures. I'll be porting (or assisting in porting) rend2 to SP. Would be nice for the vanilla renderer to look nicer too, if only that. ;)


Thanks a bunch for these, Syko. I will make good use of these textures. If you need feedback, don't hesitate to post here.


Also, if you want to test the current build of JK2:HD, its on my personal fork of OpenJK (http://github.com/eezstreet/), branch jk2hd. It might be possible to use JK2:HD's jk2gamex86.dll with regular OpenJK, but I haven't tried.

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May have to decompile and retexture each level that there's no map source for.


For best results, you should disable the minimum lighting that ensiform dragged over from vanilla. I know I'll be doing that for DF2, it really mucks with misc_model_static lighting.

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May have to decompile and retexture each level that there's no map source for.


For best results, you should disable the minimum lighting that ensiform dragged over from vanilla. I know I'll be doing that for DF2, it really mucks with misc_model_static lighting.

Sounds like a dumb thing to do instead of waiting for the actual rest of it to be fixed.  JK2 has different options for this anyway.

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You can, it's just really dim. I mean really dim. But I remember going through the mines without stopping (the bugs are so slow that you can just run past them and take ~15 damage total over the whole thing) and the crystals on the wall were enough to see corners and such.

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