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Going standalone

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I know that after the source code has been released, many modders (including me) find it attractive to release their mod as a standalone game. When your making a standalone version, don't you have to replace all the assets with new ones?



Then here is a strange situation.

Lets say you are trying to recreate a blaster rifle's effects. First you recreate the red line, then make a shader, and finally write the fx code. But what if your new assets look similar to the old ones? There is only one way to write a shader, and what if yours is basically an exact copy of the original? How could you prove that you actually wrote it and made it?


I guess what I'm trying to say is, how can you prove you made some common asset that looks identical to the original?

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I agree that to be truly strand alone asset has to be fully created from scratch. It is a very big project for any modder to partake in and for such a old game is It worth It to? Halo Odst; was that a standalone because it had new assets? no, it was not much more than a tweaked version with a few assets.There are more than a few examples of this in games.


I think to play devils advocate,

If a game visually looks and feels different and It's game play is different thus the experience,different. It is a new game. No harm in a person at least trying to make a game seem fresh but still star wars.


I think for a jka singleplayer mod to be standalone it would have to included at least 80% new content or replaceing It. Movie Duels was pretty close and I aim for basically that x10

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