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[WIP] Dark Forces mod remaster project

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Hello again Jkhub, it's been a while. I'm posting in this section to reinsure you all that have not given up this level and to announce what I have been working on. As the title of the post says it it's executor from the Dark Forces game. The original Dark Forces mod team had most this level done, the only thing that was missing was the cargo container at the end. At this point have not had the time to work on the map but rest assured once I have time I will get back to it. There is still a bit of work to be done before releasing the level. Once I figure out how to post screenshots on this site I'll do so in this post, but for now that's all. Have faith that this level will be complete and may the force be with you. 🙂

  • 1 year later...

As promised here are some screenshots of the level, better late than never I say.





Here's a couple of questions for the community, would you preferer that the elevators in the screenshot below be controlled by switches or leave them as is?


Second, would you preferer that I put in the large door that is in the first hanger leading to the second hanger, or leave it as is?


That's all for now. 🙂


Smoo and DarthValeria like this

Just a little helpful hint, you can bind the screenshot button to a key so your console isn't covering half the screen. 😛

/bind o screenshot (replace o with a key of your choosing)

Or you can do /bind o screenshot silent to hide the top left text as well. 👍

To answer your questions, if it's an elevator for a single player level, I always think switches make the most sense. Or if it needs to be manually entered in MP. So I'd say use switches.

Your second question I'm not sure I really understand enough to answer.


 if it's an elevator for a single player level, I always think switches make the most sense. Or if it needs to be manually entered in MP. So I'd say use switches.


I myself preferer the switches but I figured I'd leave it to the community to decide.


Your second question I'm not sure I really understand enough to answer.


That's my bad I did not explain it well enough, I'm referring to this:


There is a door there in the original level.

Smoo and DarthValeria like this
  • 1 month later...

I've been tinkering with the original pk3 that the original team made. There are three things I've learned; 1.) the briefing menus have all been complete. 2.) The audio files for the briefings have also been completed. 3.) No matter what I do I can't sperate briefings and the audio for the executor level and have it play before the level, Operation Skyhooks briefing always plays. 

Whatever the original team did, the briefings have to be played in order, that means the other levels have to be done first. Let's settle this a vote: I can finish the level without the briefing or complete the other levels first. Note: if enough of these levels are completed, the all mighty Disney may shut this down. Please let me know what you think.

  On 3/5/2023 at 4:48 PM, undeadslayer said:

Note: if enough of these levels are completed, the all mighty Disney may shut this down. Please let me know what you think.


They won't. The fear of Disney or Lucasfilm shutting down fan-made projects is something that used to be a thing many years ago. I remember how everyone was panicking, but that settled down fairly quickly. There are a lot of similar projects that could've been shut down, but they are still up and running. For example, somebody is working on a fan-film of Knights of the Old Republic using the Unreal Engine. To be on the safe side, the creator contacted Lucasfilm, and they gave their approval, but under certain conditions. The creator was not allowed to make money with the project or use their licensed content.

In other words, so long as the work is clearly identifiable as fan-art and you don't attempt to make a profit of this mod, there's nothing to worry about.

scp_chaos1 likes this
  On 9/2/2021 at 3:26 PM, undeadslayer said:

Hello again Jkhub, it's been a while. I'm posting in this section to reinsure you all that have not given up this level and to announce what I have been working on. As the title of the post says it it's Candy Crush executor from the Dark Forces game. The original Dark Forces mod team had most this level done, the only thing that was missing was the cargo container at the end. At this point have not had the time to work on the map but rest assured once I have time I will get back to it. There is still a bit of work to be done before releasing the level. Once I figure out how to post screenshots on this site I'll do so in this post, but for now that's all. Have faith that this level will be complete and may the force be with you. 🙂


Better than ever.


Good morning/afternoon/evening. At the moment, all work regarding The Executor level has been completed. This will be an alpha version of the level. Some elements of the level were not possible at this time, such as some working elevators (don't worry, the ones that don't work aren't crucial to complete the level), a missing NPC that has not been rigged yet (Phase 2 Dark Trooper), a moveable cargo container (don't worry, the cargo container is still there; it just doesn't move), secret areas (you'll be able to see where they are supposed to be), and lastly, all NPCs move (only some of them will move).

I plan on posting an external link to the mod sometime tomorrow since the file size is larger than 50 MB. You will be able to launch the level in the Dark Forces mod as I added the level to that PK3. Also, as an added bonus, Jereth's Robotics Facility level that was released back in 2019 will be included as well.



One last thing to the Jkhub staff members, I would like to have this level consider for mod contest.


  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I have an updated file for the DF mod. In this version, the missing textures for the executor level has been added. Also, so there is no surprises, I'm Pleased to announce that I have managed to implement some of the Dark Forces remastered soundtracks that was released on youtube back in 2019 by Richard Barret JR who is also the one who remastered the soundtracks. Not all of the tracks have been replaced, like the ones in ROQ cutscenes and a few of the tracks in mission 4-6 as well as the original mod team had different tracks that didn't match the remastered ones. So without further ado, here is the new link:


One more thing since there is a file size limit here on JKhub, if someone would like to upload this version to nexus or moddb they can as these mediafire links have a limited time frame. Happy hunting.

Smoo and gabtrucker like this
  On 9/20/2023 at 6:46 PM, undeadslayer said:

Hello everyone, I have an updated file for the DF mod. In this version, the missing textures for the executor level has been added. Also, so there is no surprises, I'm Pleased to announce that I have managed to implement some of the Dark Forces remastered soundtracks that was released on youtube back in 2019 by Richard Barret JR who is also the one who remastered the soundtracks. Not all of the tracks have been replaced, like the ones in ROQ cutscenes and a few of the tracks in mission 4-6 as well as the original mod team had different tracks that didn't match the remastered ones. So without further ado, here is the new link:


One more thing since there is a file size limit here on JKhub, if someone would like to upload this version to nexus or moddb they can as these mediafire links have a limited time frame. Happy hunting.


As I explained in my DM, the limit doesn't apply to externally linked files. Submit your mod using the external link option I screenshotted in my message to you and you won't need to worry about a limit.

Smoo likes this
  • 3 weeks later...

Small critique on the executor level but some of the elevators don’t work throughout the level prompting me to use noclip

like the one in that large hangar area 

  On 10/8/2023 at 7:57 PM, Chansta said:

Small critique on the executor level but some of the elevators don’t work throughout the level prompting me to use noclip

like the one in that large hangar area 


Those elevators are not automatic. You need to press the use button on the elevators at this angle:


I do plan making the hit box for the elevator much bigger When I rework the level. *NOTE: Once you go up the third elevator in the second screenshot you can not go back down without taking any damage, I plan on fix that latter.

I know I didn't say this before so I'll say it now, anyone who downloaded the mod please feel free to critique any part of the level, I won't take offense to it.

Smoo and DarthValeria like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again Jkhub community, I'm here to announce which level I'm working on. The next level will be level 7, Ramsees Hed The Deadly Cargo. I plan on trying to stick to the original level layout from the original game as possible. I'm not the only one working on these level, the Youtuber Star Trek EliteForce Remastered (yes that is the name) Is also working them. I don't have any affiliation with this person what so ever and I have no idea if this person is ever going ever release the levels they are working on (I didn't think this need to be said but apparently I was wrong sorry for the confusion.) This person is using a different level variation from what I'm using, hence why the Executor level looks very different from the version that used. If you really want to know why I'm doing this level feel free message me privately if you are curious, with out further ado, here are some screenshots for the work I've done so far.



and it should be noted that I played an incomplete version of this level recently


I saw all of those videos, nicely done. Since no one answered your question in the description of episode 5 of the series, I will answer it. Kyle's death scream is called the Howie Long scream, yes the retired football player Howie long. Howie and his death scream first appeared in the movie The Ninth Configuration(1980). The second appearance of Howie and his death scream was in the movie Broken Arrow(1996) which stared John Travolta and Christian Slater.

Chansta likes this

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