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2 Screenshots

About This File

After too many years I decided to update my Mortal Kombat Ninjas Skin Pack. And I did almost all of the klassic characters of this game.
I hope you like them, It has been a lot of work.
Of course some skins will look akward for the lack of proper models.
More info in the readme.


All of the skins have the color variations, and some of them have special variations, that are listed bellow.


Characters in this pack:


- Baraka
- Cyrax
- Ermac (corrected eye color)
- Jade
- Jax
- Johnny Cage (with the MK4 tuxedo variant)
- Kano
- Khameleon
- Kitana
- Liu Kang (both MK3 and MK4 variants)
- Mileena
- Nightwolf
- Noob Saibot
- Raiden (with a lightning bolt shader across his body)
- Rain
- Reptile (Both MK4 and UMK3 variants)
- Scarlet (I know she wasn't in MKT, it's here just for the "RED" team skin)
- Scorpion (with alternate head, unmasked and texture updates)
- Sektor
- Shang Tsung
- Cyber Smoke
- Human Smoke
- Sonya (MK4 and MK3 variants)
- Striker
- Sub Zero (MK4, and UMK3)


Not in this pack:


- Kabal
- Kung Lao
- Sheeva


I couldn't find anywhere a model that would have fitted this three characters, so that's why they are not here.
Of course none of the bosses either.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

PierceDoughty likes this

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Awesome job, would love to see the rest if you can! (Shao Kahn, Goro, Kabal, Sheeva, Motaru, Kintaru etc)

Nick Skywater likes this
Nick Skywater


Thank you, but it's difficult, maybe shao kahn but he will look very small... there are not models with four arms...



Wait, why is Khameleon a chick? :huh:

Nick Skywater


Khameleon with "K" is a girl (in the N64 version she has her debut). Chameleon with the "C" is the male, in the PC and Playstation versions. I didn't include him here because he will look just like Smoke.

Wasa and the_raven like this


Thank you, but it's difficult, maybe shao kahn but he will look very small... there are not models with four arms...

There are a few models with four arms, like General Grievous.

Nick Skywater


There are a few models with four arms, like General Grievous.

Well, that's true but I can't see a skin of Goro or Sheeva or Kintaro in a General Grievous model... 



Pretty good job overall. You should try to photosource / paint with projection painting instead of 2D only (i'll assume you used gimp or photoshop). Projection painting on the actual model will fix a lot of anatomy errors you're getting.

Nick Skywater likes this


‘Choose your destiny’

Nick Skywater


Pretty good job overall. You should try to photosource / paint with projection painting instead of 2D only (i'll assume you used gimp or photoshop). Projection painting on the actual model will fix a lot of anatomy errors you're getting.

You, sir, have opened a new door for me. Thanks for the advise, I'll try it imediately.

TheWhitePhoenix and Psyk0Sith like this


In it's simplicity, the texture work seems very well done. Congratulations on giving such an original skin to the Slave Leia model! I think with more advanced techniques you'd be able to achieve very good things!



FATALITY! 1 on 1 time, she comes!



Single Player PLEASE.



How in the world do I spawn any of these?

That would be valuable information to include in the readme, yes?



Please Make a Cassie Cage and a Shao Kahn  and a  Jacqui Briggs and a Kabal and a Jax Carl Weathers and a commando Johnny Cage.

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