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7 Screenshots

About This File

This is a character pack for a number of the Galactic Empire's most notable military heroes. From Grand Moff Tarkin to Director Krennic, Grand Admiral Thrawn to Agent Kallus, this pack brings many characters to JKA for the very first time.


Bot support is included, and NPCs can be summoned in SP with the following commands:


npc spawn grandadmiralthrawn
npc spawn grandmofftarkin
npc spawn agentkallus
npc spawn directorkrennic
npc spawn lieutenantlyste


Future updates will add more Imperial heroes to the roster, such as Governor Pryce of Lothal and Colonel Yularen of the ISB.

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

What's New in Version 1.0


  • 04/02/2017 - Added correct soundpack for Thrawn
heAd3r likes this

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Great job, I've been waiting ages for this. Thanks man.

Cerez likes this


Amazing :D

General Howard


Incredible work, as always, Kualan. That Krennic and Tarkin are uncanny.

Mert-K and Cerez like this


Stunning.. I loved them! can't help but notice that the skins are from Star Wars: Force Arena

Tarkin: http://www.ranker.com/pics/N1001256163/grand-moff-tarkin-photo-u1?utm_source=widget&utm_campaign=widget_image

Thrawn: http://www.ranker.com/pics/N1001256161/grand-admiral-thrawn-photo-u1?utm_source=widget&utm_campaign=widget_image

You should atleast give credit to Netmarble because they are the ones who created the models.

I am also looking forward seeing some star wars rebels characters from you soon :)


Have you looked under the External Credits section and/or the credits section of the readme? I've made no secret where the heads are from.

Penekowski, axanik and CT-2998 like this


Oh snap. My bad. I just saw it. I'm sorry. but hey great job and thanks for letting me kno that it is located on readme! :)



Okay, this pack is pretty cool. I'm really happy to see Grand Moff Tarkin here, and Krennic looks nice as well. Nice work!



Tarkin is sick!!!  GREAT job sir



You've outdone yourself, Kualan! The levels of detail and accuracy are impressive!



This is really amazing Kualan, very awesome and a must for my Base folder. If you make a next version, could you add Rae Sloane?



Phenominal job. I've been waiting for a Krennic model!



Phenominal job. I've been waiting for a Krennic model!

not only you <3 :) everyone need his hairstyle shhhhhhhhh :* :D xD for own making model



Why a model at thrawn sound files?



Please add Jyn Ersoo

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