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Blender Jedi Academy Plugin Suite latest

   (19 reviews)

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About This File

This is a plugin for Blender to import and export 3D models from Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast (Ghoul2 GLM, MD3, etc.) This is a compilation of all my Blender plugins, ported to modern Blender versions 2.64 and above:

  • MD3 Exporter (originally by Xembie, forked a couple of versions ago)
  • ROFF Importer & Exporter
  • ASE Importer & Exporter (specifically for GtkRadiant/Q3Map2 - very simplistic)
  • .map patch exporter - i.e. export as patches
  • GLM/GLA Importer & Exporter and animation.cfg exporter with support for everything, including creation of new playermodels and animations.


New version! Check out my GitHub for the latest pre-release, which supports newer Blender versions and addresses various shortcomings. A new JKHub release will follow at some point.

A manual is included, make sure to read it if you're having problems.


Go to the Blender User Preferences, select "Install Addon" and select this zip.

Screenshot 2025-01-26 at 6.38.14 PM.jpg

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Edited by Circa
Added base folder image

Daniel and bigphil2695 like this

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why look for all the crap you'd need when you can find it in one bundle?

Garyn Dakari


Animating in Blender?


You're my hero!





Well, Blender IT IS! It seems better than XSI to me.



Definitely needs some documentation, can't seem to get any animations to import, when I import the _humanoid.gla I just get a skeleton with no keyframes.

Tempust85 and Szico VII like this
Guest MoonDog


Thanks a bunch. Really enjoying learning this program so far.



Definitely needs some documentation, can't seem to get any animations to import, when I import the _humanoid.gla I just get a skeleton with no keyframes.

Yes, I need to write some documentation. It doesn't import animations by default because importing all 30k frames takes forever (I'll have to look into that, too - I might be able to speed it up) so it defaults to importing none of the animations - you don't need them for rigging, after all. You can select whether to import none, a range of or all the frames in the options.



just to let you know

this doesn't seem to work with the new 2.65 update for blender

i just keep getting errors for almost all the exporters (ase import still works)



I just imported the Wampa's GLA with all animations and it looks to load well! Kudos MrWonko! :D



Going to import JKA's anims then send em over to Max for a play around.



Models lose their normals upon being imported. Hoping for a fix!



When I am import a map to blender (ase) , some parts of my map are missing.


Can help me anybody, please ?



When I import a glm model, blender says "file not found (no .gla?)" what do I do? I looked around and found someone saying to unpack the models folders into the GameData/base/models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla but I dont have that in my base folder in my JKA directory. And for some reason pakscape only opens a hand full of pk3 files for some odd reason so I cant just open any kind like I used to back then. Dunno if anyone have the same problem or not.



Ok I figured it out, for anyone having the same problem, heres what I did.

  • Make new folders in the GameData/base so you have "GameData/base/models/players"
  • Go to GameData/base/ and open assets1.pk3 with 7zip (or anyother file extractor) but dont extract unless you really want to.
  • While inside go to models/players/ and find _humanoid folder then drag and drop that into "GameData/base/models/players"
  • Thats it and so when making a saber hilt or model or anything, make sure the .glm and texture files are in "GameData/base/models/"

Like for saber hilts its "GameData/base/models/weapons2/(saberhilt name)"

and for player models its "GameData/base/models/players/(model name)"


Hope this helps anyone and that I didnt make it confusing >.< xD

I just started making my own models for JKA so this is pretty new to me lol

ShoSeijuro and Thunderbird like this


Ok I figured it out, for anyone having the same problem, heres what I did.

  • Make new folders in the GameData/base so you have "GameData/base/models/players"
  • Go to GameData/base/ and open assets1.pk3 with 7zip (or anyother file extractor) but dont extract unless you really want to.
  • While inside go to models/players/ and find _humanoid folder then drag and drop that into "GameData/base/models/players"
  • Thats it and so when making a saber hilt or model or anything, make sure the .glm and texture files are in "GameData/base/models/"

Like for saber hilts its "GameData/base/models/weapons2/(saberhilt name)"

and for player models its "GameData/base/models/players/(model name)"


Hope this helps anyone and that I didnt make it confusing >.< xD

I just started making my own models for JKA so this is pretty new to me lol

Omg... you are a genious, it worked! You saved me! haha THANKS



having the _humanoid folder with all its contents in the GameData\base\models\players folder next to your working model's folder does not fix the issue for "missing .GLA" in Blender 2.77. Does anyone have a fix for this before I try to revert and install Blender ~2.64?


edit: installed 2.64 because I am very doubtful when it comes to these things. Still was unable to open a GLM, even with my file structure set in accordance to a Blender tutorial and the above comments. So either I'm retarded or something is just not right. The console says it can't find "models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid.gla" ... Isn't it supposed to be "\" not "/"? Or does that not matter for Blender?... 






This works amazingly well!!!  Been using it for both JK2 and JKA models/animations. 

Any idea why    'BOTH_RUNSTRAFE_LEFT1'     animation is actually running to the right for both JK2/JKA _humanoid.gla's ??  It doesn't do this for other right/left animations.  For example the walking strafe -  'BOTH_STRAFE_LEFT1' -  is indeed walking to the left.  You can set the scale to -1 but any mesh you attach gets flipped in an undesirable way.  I also can't seem to get Blenders built-in Paste X-flipped pose function to work with this bone setup (even after renaming to suit blenders naming conventions). 

Sovietskiy Partizan


Its really working for Blender 2.79



You must set your paths properly when edtiting models, put files from JA base assets (in folder base and get humanoid.gla) here JA Modding*\GameData\base\models\players\_humanoid .

working model into folder *\GameData\base\models\players\

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