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Indy' Totof

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  1. Same feeling here. When I saw this fan-art I just said: "Well, that exactly how I think Talzin will look like in a life-action TCW movie".
  2. I hate to say that but.... The entire base model you used is a port from Clone Wars Adventure, not only Darth Maul's TCW head. There is actually a Maul's Shadow Collective outfit model within the game.
  3. Yes because it's her. Talzin (even in her TCW look) look like Glenn Closse.
  4. Here is a realistic face for Mother Talzin, made by a fan:
  5. I've put a better image where we see a realistic Asajj Ventress' face
  6. I'll go up this topic a little. And no, ChaoticConundrum, there is no new model of Asajj Ventress, just reskins. EDIT : I've forgot one thing... This version of Ventress could be cool too:
  7. Really look like the one from the trailer ! And I love the negative blade from TFU ! Good job.... Dark Apprentice... OK, now it make sense.
  8. Hello JKHubers, here is Indytotof ! Here is another request from me: Did anyone can do a realistic AT-DP driver model ? Here is the official asset pic from the trooper: Thanks so much guys, you're awesome !
  9. We always can kitbashed this head on the old be model. But I don't think it will be allowed, since this head is under copyright rule....
  10. Whoa.... Just whoa.... I cannot wait to see this model released here !
  11. HelloJKHubbers, here is Indy' Totof ! I'm posting here another request concerning one of the major characters of the show The Clone Wars that will - maybe - make a final appareance in the upcoming Dark Disciple novel (which is canon) : Asajj Ventress. I know some models/skins of her already exist but... not this particular one. I really want her in a realistic way and this picture can make us an idea of a "realistic Ventress with blonde/platine hairs": Here is the official assets for her, which can be used to make different version of her: with the glasses, dathomiran bow clipped to the metal piece, no glasses but dathomirian bow clipped, only glasses, neither one nor the other (her dathomirian bow as a separate model will be a nice addition) : Here is a more closer look to the symbol in the blue metal thingy on her left arm: And here is a more close look of her new lightsaber hilt (and you can compare it to the one in the Ventress' assets). It's the right-up cylindric thingy : Thanks for all JKHubers ! You're awesome !
  12. I completly forget to mention: I like to see a REALISTIC version of her. Thanks a lot guys, you're awesome !
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