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General Questions

Edit from 2022: The information in this FAQ is a bit out of date, the current FAQ can be found on the web page here.

What is Jedi Knight Galaxies?
Originally, it was meant to be a JKA port-mod of Star Wars Galaxies. Then, it was to be an MMO with our own storyline. This is sort of the same ultimate goal, but instead we have decided to stagger it out into four phases:

  • Phase 1: Multiplayer arena shooter with some of the RPG features integrated into the main game. These include: the shop system, gun combat, inventory system, basic crafting, and lightsaber combat. This version has been released, although not all of the features are there yet.
  • Phase 2: CO-OP shooter. The main features that are added here include the NPC system and fleshing out of the dialogue system. They also include overhauls to the chat systems and more.
  • Phase 3: Open World RPG, singleplayer. The main features added here include quests, (more) minigames, and AI for existing minigames, like Pazaak. Also includes levelling up, experience, etc. I still need to design a lot of the systems here. But this will be the largest step, as I need to consider how to handle large open maps.
  • Phase 4: MMORPG. Features to the main game include group quests, Looking For Group system, and a lot of the dungeons that were designed for Phase 2 brought back. At this point, the game is pretty much done.
  • ???: Expansions. I'd love to add some new expansions, including ones that do space combat and exploring new worlds, like Bespin.

Jedi Knight Galaxies will take place in the tumultuous period between Episodes 3 and 4, and will form a bridge between the old Star Wars Expanded Universe and the new Disney canon. The Empire rules the galaxy with an iron fist, and the Jedi live in secret. A new rebellion is beginning to emerge, and as a citizen of the Empire, you may choose to fight for your Empire, join the rebellion, get rich, or eke out a humble existence of your own.


What locations can I discover?
The confirmed list of planets at this time:

  • Tatooine
  • Coruscant
  • Dantooine
  • Korriban

Other areas that I would like to see in the final game:

  • Death Star
  • Yavin
  • Bespin

Who develops JKG?
A small cabal of developers who work in their spare time between other projects. You can help contribute! Look to our Modding and Development section for more details.


What's the current status of the mod? Can I play it now?

Currently, the mod is on Phase 1 - Versus. Versus will be a separate affair from the main MMO portion of the game, as a multi-mode PvP shooter. The mechanics developed here (an inventory system with items, a tight combat system, lightsaber combat, etc) will find their way into the main game, however.


The mod can be played currently in Versus mode and there are a few servers up. Check for releases in this forum.

I downloaded the mod, but it's not an MMO? WTF?
See the above.

What about the launcher? / I thought JKG was dead? / Is this a revival?
The original release of JKG included the launcher, which I plan on bringing back at a later date. For right now, to minimize bugs and maximize the chance that people can install successfully, I use two separate files, which can be found here and here.

I was not too pleased with the original release of JKG. It was not very bugtested, and it was unfortunate to spend 24+ hours straight without sleep (in some stretches) developing things, only to have them get received negatively for lack of bugtesting. So I want to set the record straight and put something out that is more representative of the work I did, and not a buggy mess, for starters. Putting pressure on ourselves to reach a release date instead of pushing the date back was probably the worst thing we ever did.

I don't think JKG was ever really truly dead, just put on ice while I had to deal with some stuff. Mostly exams and school. And laziness. And Fallout 4. And other things. So therefore I can't really call it a revival. I probably told people that the mod was dead though in order to get them to stop pestering me. Sorry about that.

What platforms will JKG be released on?
Currently JKG works on PC and Mac. A Linux version is planned. The dedicated server will run on the same platforms as the client.

Space Battles?
I'd like there to be. In fact I have some work planned in another mod that could kinda be ported over to this project. But it would require bigger maps to have truly awesome space battles. So I will wait on that, for now.

Better Graphics?
I'd like there to be. rend2 is coming along nicely and I think in a few years once it's worked out its kinks it might be worth including into the project.
I am also doing research on improved lip syncing.

I like the effects in JKG. Could you release a replacer for the base assets, or MB2? / Can I use parts of JKG in my own mod?
There are lots of guns in JKG currently (over 100 in fact) and understandably it would be a bit time consuming to say the least to make them work in base. Also I don't want to go against the wishes of any of the original authors of those weapons. My answer right now would be a no. But if you wanted to make your own private replacer (or distribute it on say the MB2 forums or something), the PK3s right now aren't protected (despite WinRAR stating otherwise).

Ask the original authors of those files if they want their weapons to be included in another mod. I'm not the gatekeeper for all JKG content, just the code. :^)

Don't you think the scope of this mod is a bit crazy...?
Probably! But we like shooters and RPGs a lot, and we find it very tempting to not go back and work on this mod.

Can I develop for JKG?
Sure! we're always interested in people who can help out. Post any kind of models, skins, whatever in the WIP section and I'll see if I can't include them in the mod, provided the quality is JKG-worthy.


What are the minimum requirements of the mod?



Operating system: Windows XP SP2. Recommended: Windows 7

Memory: 512 MB RAM. Recommended: 1GB RAM

Graphics: OpenGL 1.2 compliant card. Recommended: OpenGL 3 compliant card.

Hard Drive: 500 MB free space. Recommended: At least 5GB free space.

DirectX: DirectX 9.0c (for sound)

Other: Microsoft VS2013 C++ Redistributable

An internet connection is required to play online.



Operating System: Snow Leopard. Recommended: Sierra

Memory: 512 MB RAM. Recommended: 1GB RAM

Graphics: OpenGL 1.2 compliant card. Recommended: OpenGL 3 compliant card.

Hard Drive: 500 MB free space. Recommended: At least 5GB free space.

Other: SDL 2.0

An internet connection is required to play online.



Linux minimum requirements pending.



Ingame Questions
What is the ACI?
The ACI stands for Active Combat Inventory. It is the hotbar visible on the top of the HUD. You can assign up to 10 items (weapons or consumables) on it.

How do I get credits?
Currently one of three ways: by getting a kill or assist or claiming a bounty. A character who has a high kill streak will have a bounty on their head. This is announced in the chat. The amount of credits you get for an assist depends on how much damage you do to the enemy. There are also no limits on how many people can get an assist. Therefore, it is highly advised that you work as a team to get maximum credits.

What does armor do?
Nothing, yet. The next update will give armor a purpose. For right now the armor is completely cosmetic.

I have a question that isn't listed here. Can I ask it?
You can go ahead and reply! I will probably put it on the main post if I get asked it a lot.

Edited by Futuza
Out of date
Stoiss, Futuza, Onysfx and 4 others like this

This is one of the most ambitious JKA mod projects and I always liked the idea, so good luck with this.


Anyway I have a few question (might have more later).

  1. Are there plans to make the world interactable in the way that I can for example sit on chairs/lean to a wall/etc.? I figure this is what's cool about MMORPGs: you don't have to always seek something, sometimes you may just log in and interact with people while still "playing" the game (walking around/sitting/leaning).
  2. Saber system. What will it be like in the end?
Smoo likes this


This is one of the most ambitious JKA mod projects and I always liked the idea, so good luck with this.


Anyway I have a few question (might have more later).

  1. Are there plans to make the world interactable in the way that I can for example sit on chairs/lean to a wall/etc.? I figure this is what's cool about MMORPGs: you don't have to always seek something, sometimes you may just log in and interact with people while still "playing" the game (walking around/sitting/leaning).
  2. Saber system. What will it be like in the end?


1. Sure, and I intend to add a few more RP-like features, including dice rolls. There is also the /me command, which functions like an emote in chat ("/me thinks this question is interesting" would produce "eezstreet thinks this question is interesting")

2. Very similar to what's in the present game now. If you haven't played with the sabers yet, I would consider it to be halfway between base and MB2.


Saber damage is a lot higher now than in base. Generally one hit is enough to kill.


Block Points and Force Power/Stamina are the primary resources used: Force Power/Stamina drains as you swing, with more aggressive swings taking more force power. As you lose FP, your swings will become slower and weaker. Generally the only way to reach 0 FP is to be doing a lot of sprinting/attacking and it recharges fairly quickly. Don't worry about running out of power.


By holding the Aim Down Sights button (ADS) with a saber, you will enter blocking mode. When you move in blocking mode, your stance will change slightly to indicate which direction you are currently blocking in. Moving in a different direction changes the blocking direction. If your opponent hits you, you will either lose a lot of BP (not in blocking mode), some BP (wrong direction), or none at all. A block where you lose no BP is said to be a "perfect block." Generally you want to be moving against what your opponent is doing when they hit you - IE, if they use a W attack, you use either S or W to block perfectly. If they use a A attack, you use D to block. Even if you run out of BP, it also recharges very very quickly.


In tests with other people, generally these result in either fights which are really short and cutthroat - if you aren't paying attention in an FFA, you will die very quickly - or rather drawn out, intense battles. And this is good! I wanted battles which would be more like the original trilogy: very slow and drawn out, not very crazily choreographed. There's not an emphasis on gimmicky bullshit like in MB2 with trying to go around the person's saber to stab them in the back - that simply won't work. They'll lose all of their BP, but they won't die from it (as long as they're in blocking mode). There's also very few special moves. No more rollstab or red DFA. The system is also incredibly intuitive and you can figure it out with just one or two saber battles.


Force powers aren't in the game at the moment but I have a rather unique system planned for them. Force powers with a lightsaber will feel incredibly different from those with empty hands. Not just simply a power difference, but they are completely different playstyles. Using force powers with your bare hands will be easier and faster, but you can still use them with sabers - it just requires more coordination on your part in order to do so. There are also some restrictions on force powers - you can't use them when blocking, but you can hold a power and unleash it once you let go of the block button. So for instance, you can hold a Force Push, and once you let go of your block, it will fire off the power. This promotes more strategic use instead of reactionary use.


Lastly, gunners vs sabers is completely different from any other mod. While holding the block button, you can press the attack button to do a Projectile Block. This will block all projectiles for a short time (around a fifth of a second) but be completely useless after that. The trick is to do a Projectile Block right as the blaster shot gets to you. You can also reflect the shot back at the shooter if you time it just right. The degree of inaccuracy of the reflected shot is based directly on how perfect you time it. This of course means that slugthrower weapons are extremely potent against Jedi, and, like in the films, repeater weapons require lots of skill in order to block properly. You're better off trying to evade or use your Force Powers to your advantage.


@@eezstreet I want to model things for this mod. Can I still do that?

Yup. Post anything you've got in the Development/WIP section of this forum and I'll take a look at it. Player models are the same, but weapons have a bit more to them.

I've added your question to the main post because it has been asked a lot.

Bek likes this


Sounds good. I had tried JKG before and saber swinging seemed good, I just hadn't had the chance to try it on other players.


Now to figure out how to get JKG...


It's available on the Downloads section on this site. It was actually just added a few days ago. I suppose I can add that as a question too.


Been doing programming courses at uni, would love to contribute to the project when i can, always dreaming of what the mod would be like once it is finished. :P

eezstreet likes this

Been doing programming courses at uni, would love to contribute to the project when i can, always dreaming of what the mod would be like once it is finished. :P

Feel free to submit any pull requests on our GitHub page. Our code runs on a modified version of OpenJK, and there's also some Lua files on the server than can be messed around with. :)

Smoo likes this

Feel free to submit any pull requests on our GitHub page. Our code runs on a modified version of OpenJK, and there's also some Lua files on the server than can be messed around with. :)

Sweet, ive mostly learned python but been reading your c/c++ tutorial, just gotta learn the syntax etc


C++ syntax is very similar to Java. So fortunately learning it will be a useful skill. Feel free to use #jacoders or ask any questions via PM. :)

Smoo likes this
  • 3 months later...

Is this still alive?

If so, I've come across SWG for JA on moddb, and there were some really nice character customization options. If this is dead, can you at least release those?


The project tends to go through periods of inactivity and periods of activity since all of us are pretty busy with life.  We have a burst development life cycle that takes a hiberation break every few months :P

JKG Developer


you mean, that ain't this mod?

It is the same mod (though we haven't updated the Mod DB page for a while, should probably do that sometime).  I think eezstreet misunderstood what you were asking, or thought you were referring to another mod.  The mod has been in development for a very very long time (though that doesn't actually mean all of that time it was actively being developed, in fact most of that time it's probably been on hold), and as a result it's evolved over the years.  Which character customization are you asking for specifically?  Some of them are probably available right now, but some of them may have been lost or replaced by newer materials/ideas.

JKG Developer


Which character customization are you asking for specifically?  Some of them are probably available right now, but some of them may have been lost or replaced by newer materials/ideas.

namely the zabrak female ones :D

I love zabraks :winkthumb:


I'm sorry about the confusion. Yes, there was a period of time when the developers of this mod wanted to make a straight-up port of Star Wars Galaxies to Jedi Academy. However, it was decided that we would make an MMO not based on SWG for several reasons:

  • It allows us to tell our own story. It's a lot better to develop something when you have some creative control over what goes into the game. Ultimately this lets us get closer to the fans and create our own unique community, rather than a spin-off of SWG. Some of the developers that are on this mod now have never even played SWG.
  • People would complain at us if we didn't include X feature or X location from SWG. Since we're the ones in charge of the design, we can develop what we want to, and the goalposts for the project are flexible.
  • It's redundant, since SWGEmu exists already.

But no, to answer the question, the mod isn't dead. We are currently undergoing a major overhaul of the itemcode. A lot of the changes won't be very visible but we will be able to create much more complex items.

therfiles likes this

As far as the Zabrack female mode, as far as I know, we never got that file from the developer who started it and thus it is lost to us :(  Correct me if I'm wrong @otherdevs

JKG Developer


i saw some Zabrack models in the google drive folders some time ago. i don't know if there was a female model of it but that could be change if a modeler could fix it :)

Smoo likes this

if I recall correctly the bodies of the Zabraks were going to be scrapped in favor of a human_female body (the female counterpart to the already existing human_male by DT85), but the heads would be kept (or at the very least the horns/cosmetics) same with the pre-existing human female heads that are also in the old development files.

  • 6 months later...

@@eezstreet add this when you get a chance:


Minimum System Requirements

Operating system: Windows XP SP2 (Service Pack 3 Recommended)/Vista SP1/7/8/10 or OSX.  Linux coming soon.

CPU: Intel P4 1.8 Ghz or equivalent AMD processor (2.2 Ghz or up recommended)

Memory: 512 MB, 1 GB or up recommended

Graphics: 100% OpenGL 1.2 Compilant 3D video card with pixel shader support (OpenGL 2.0 compilant cards recommended)

Hard Drive: 1 GB minimum recommended

DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c Compatible card

Visual Studio 2013 c++ redistributable required for windows builds.

An internet connection is required to play online.

Smoo likes this

JKG Developer

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