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JKHub Master Server

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Service Status - Last Updated: 2017-12-06 23:04 UTC
The JKHub master server is currently online.
To view the latest version online, check out this handy page by @@jacklul: https://jkhubservers.appspot.com/
For another alternative master server, try this one by @@ouned: https://jk2.ouned.de/master/
You can configure up to 5 master servers in JKA/JK2, and even browse 5 master server lists from the Join A Game screen using OpenJK. (Use OpenJK client and use +set fs_game OpenJK)

The JKHub Master Server is an alternative master server for Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast that can be used if Raven Software's master server goes down. The service is provided freely to the community in hope that it will be useful to people.

Configuration for Players
Currently the easiest way to use the JKHub Master Server as a player is by using OpenJK. The OpenJK client along with the OpenJK UI DLL is able to show multiple Internet sources in the Join A Game menu. OpenJK is still in development and hasn't had a public release yet, however development builds for Windows, OS X, and Linux are available at builds.openjk.org.

  • Start openjk.x86.exe with the command-line +set fs_game OpenJK.
  • Configure one of the sv_master<1-5> cvars to "master.jkhub.org" using the console. Example: /seta sv_master2 "master.jkhub.org"
  • Go to the Join A Game menu (aka the server list), and toggle the Source selection at the top of the menu to "Internet <1-5>" where the number corresponds to the sv_master<1-5> cvar you set.
  • Click "Get New List" and the game will get all the servers from the JKHub Master Server.

Alternatively you can use The JKA All Seeing Eye Server Browser Mod if you prefer to stick with retail Jedi Academy. Just note that this won't work if you are running another client-side mod that modifies the user interface.

I'm not aware of any client-side mods for Jedi Outcast that support multiple master servers, but please let me know if you do!

Configuration for Server Owners
Just set one of the sv_master<1-5> cvars in the server's config file to master.jkhub.org. This works out-of-the-box; You don't need any special mod to add the functionality.

set sv_master1 "masterjk3.ravensoft.com"
set sv_master2 "master.jkhub.org"

The master server is operated by @@Caelum and if you need to contact him, just use the private messaging system here on JKHub or head to the JKCommunity Discord.

LavCorps!, Circa, Omicron and 2 others like this

The IP address of the JKHub Master Server has changed. It will take up to 24 hours for all online JKA/JK2 servers to refresh the master server IP address, unless those servers are manually restarted. Until then, the server list will be slightly sparse.

LavCorps! likes this

hey guys umm rly stupid question how exactly do i do

Start openjk.x86.exe with the command-line +set fs_game OpenJK


in win7 >.<


Make a shortcut to openjk.x86.exe, right click it, go to properties, and at the end of the directory shown in target, write +set fs_game OpenJK


Just to be clear, do server owners have to install OpenJK on their servers? And is OpenJK extremely necessary for this to work or will something like all seeing eye work?


Server owners don't need any mod to make it work, they support multiple master servers out-of-the-box.


You can also use a mod like the All Seeing Eye on your client to use the JKHub Master Server as well :)


EDIT: Clarified this in the OP

Circa likes this

Thank you. I assume most server hosting companies will have no issue with this? Then again, most of the servers on that list are likely by hosting companies as I know of few people who do home hosting.


Server hosting companies shouldn't have any issue at all, servers have been using multiple master servers since the 90s :) Notably the GameSpy and QTracker master servers.


The JKHub master server is down a lot of the time now due to ongoing DDoS attacks

Smart DDoSing and specifically for the master server? Who the heck needs this :o

LavCorps! likes this

But what if I don't want to use OpenJK? Is there any alternative way?

I completely understand if you don't want to use OpenJK, but would you mind telling us why so we can improve it?  I mean...from a technical standpoint its kind of like insisting on using Windows 98 when you could be using Win 8.

JKG Developer


May I ask what the point of having a downtime counter on this is?  Doesn't that just encourage them?

That isn't Caelum's doing, thats jacklul's site.


I completely understand if you don't want to use OpenJK, but would you mind telling us why so we can improve it?  I mean...from a technical standpoint its kind of like insisting on using Windows 98 when you could be using Win 8.

Probably because it requires using the OpenJK UI mod to accomplish changing the master server listing in the menu and he wants to use <insert mod>.

Futuza likes this

I'm not even aware of any mods that don't have the master server switch, except for server-side mods (which ASE works with), Makermod Client (maybe @@spior still maintains his proxy mod and has a client version?) and JA+ (lol.)


Something you can try though, and DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried this, but you might try replacing the JA+ UI DLL in the PK3 with ASE's, as JA+ (to my knowledge) doesn't have many UI features?

spior likes this

That isn't Caelum's doing, thats jacklul's site.

Eh...okay you got me, I'm too lazy to try and contact jacklul I guess just to whine about that.

JKG Developer


Update on the master server situation. IT @ Raven is aware of the outages and are working on the situation. No further information specified.


as JA+ (to my knowledge) doesn't have many UI features?

Actually it has, skin preview, small skin icons table, RGB sabers etc.

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