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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. that's need to editing with same kind of splashknockback function the Multiplayer \ Single player code. No other way, sorry. Otherwise you can make an invisible saber blade, just with tag_blade1 into the origin of the model, and follow my tutorial about how to make a saber with knockback like tavion scepter.
  2. Let me understand... you want a droid when is dead or damagin spawn a large explosion efx around his body? the unique idea i had about this is to make the same thing i told, but there are two method: method 1: for droid static. droid need to be static and inside the invisible func_brekeable bounding box you need to use the heavy_weapon spawnflag for run the script that run the fx_runner on the droid entity. method2: if the droid is moving, you can use a fleescript run on droid entity when is lower of 50% health (fleescript of NPC runs when they are half health) and a deathscript, that is run when droid get 1 point of health. the problem is that you need to set the fx_runner entity into the same origin of the droid entity, but i think you can place the fx_runner of the explosion into the map with a targetname and a script_targetname and when you run the fleescript or deathscript you put: affect (Targetname of Efxrunner) SET_ORIGIN "Droid origin tag" wait 10 use "targetname of efxrunner" use the helper and tag function of the SET_ORIGIN icarus parm. in this mode you can give the explosion effect into the droid origin when droid is damaged. the problem is this: with this method you cannot use the heavy weapon method... and so there is method 3: an half way between two method. 1: make the entity droid on the map. 2: make a invisible func_breakable box around droid with physic clip texture (so is invisible) need also to get an origin textured brush i tbhink, and origin brush need to merge origin of the droid entity. i am not much sure about what kind of texture you need for brush, you need a physic texture because you need to block the projectiles, but you need also a noclipping texture, because this can block the projectile but NOT the npc and player entities, otherwise droid is with a brush inside it and sure not move much good in that situation. use a spawnscript to the droid about that. the spawnscript got a looped infinite function that set the origin of the func_breakable on the origin of the droid body. so when droid entity is moving, is moving also the func_breakable. also you need to make the loopring script for run every second for check ever the position of the brush centered on the droid positiion and align it every time droid is moving. when an heavy weapons hit the brush it spawn the fx_runner with the method i told you before, and the script fired by func_brekable brush set origin of the fx_runner centered on the droid origin. the big problem is the script that center ever the invisible func brekable brush origin to the droid origin. this is the hardest part. . so you need 3 script: 1 the script of the droid entity that center ever the func_brekable box to the droid itself origin. 2 the script that shoot the func_breakable box when is hitted by an heavy_weapon. (you need an heavy weapon spawnflag into the box,, that shoot fx_runne of the explosion to origin of the droid entity) 3: a third script: the death script of the droid. this will remove the func_brekable entity.
  3. Useful. thanks
  4. Boba Fett class is invulnerabile and unkillable, and flying. IG88 is cutie, but is not a flying droid... maybe is better hazardtrooper class (has saber resistance and can slam the player with a punch) you can give force powers also at hazardtrooper class enemy otherwise you need to code a new class Enemy with hazardtrooper saber resistance and boba fett class combat attributes. hazardtrooper saber resistance is stored on g_combat.cpp
  5. maybe a physic clip brush with inside the crate and the physic clip brush set as func_brekealbe with no explosion efx. (set it into material not with no explosion spawnflag) when the invisibile func_brekeable is destroyed fire the script that make the huge explosion with use "targetname" command. the targetname is of the fx_runner of the explosion placed inside the crate. you can get concetric physic clip brush more resistance. the outside clipper has 20 health, the central 40, the inside 60... at the end is the crate with very low health that blow with one shot. every funk brekable destroyed clipper shoot a script with a different explosion efx, each effect is more big of the previous.
  6. @@DT85 @@eezstreet : i wanna write a little tutorial for add SP weapon in game for JKHUB tutorial section. who i need to contacton PM for send the tutorial completed?
  7. Added Npc supports! and shot spacing time for Npcs
  8. @@ensiform @@ent @@eezstreet @@DT85 it working pretty fine! 3 weapons new into sp and they works!!
  9. good idea, i never understood much easy gen D:
  10. @@ensiform @@ent @@eezstreet @@DT85 okay i am pretty near to ending this stuff. i added the weapons and they can be used with "give_ weaponname" cheat, i try to edit the "give all cheat" or change the array of HUD but it give me crashes when i was loading rhe last weapon before lightsaber. so the code of SP can allow only 3 new slot weapons. the fourth slot is fulled by the Weapon Number parametere of Weapons.h i have a little trouble about my second new weapon because when i write into the console give weapon_cannon it told me "unknown item" the other two works. so all i need to do is: 1: fix the second weapon missing item bug 2: change name and physics of WP_SONIC. i really not need because i fixed WP_JAWA, i can equip it and can shoot sonic projectiles. i will convert into WP_POISON with bowcaster physic 3: Npcs support for the WP_BLOODGUN and WP_CANNON. WP_POISON is just a fix because player cannot use noghri stick without crash. so is a player version of Noghri stick. i am not sure about physic, if is better a physic like WP_BOWCASTER or a physic like WP_DEMP2 with a alt projectile that explode with a big gas clouds. mmm bowcaster got ricochet... i think i will make as DEMP2. when i end all this stuff i think i will write a tutorial about add SP weapons.
  11. There is also a program called Deled with a plug in map importer suite that allows to load JK3 map into blender with all textures and materials, too. i have used for pass some map for a friend for her creative hobby. can be good for the large maps. you need to load the map into Deled and after convert it in a format importable on blender. (Obj, Collada, Ase...)
  12. Got succedee also with the second weapon!!! D: tomorrow i will end the third... is a like concussion weapon. so i can focus myself on the fourth weapon crash.
  13. @@ensiform @@ent did it! need just a fix on efx and Npc support and class damage and the first of my four weapons works perfectly! it did also altcharge atk! and now second weapon...
  14. decompile kor1.bsp of JKA there are some misc_model sith lord statue pushable, you can study how they works. for understand how is configured into a map a moving misc_model .
  15. I did it with two func_static doors of a temple in past. Ramikad procedure is correct, follow this @@Langerd. if you get troubles tell to us and we will help you
  16. I remember @@JediBantha for a dark forces mod create a new SP weapon into the thread from concussion to destruction. i remember is weapon not shoot nothing at the start of works and he needs a lot of time for fix it. i wanna ready is thread. maybe there is a suggestion for fix my weapons. i think i got the same his problem.
  17. @@ensiform Great progress! after 3 days of strong works all weapons are loaded into the slide with give all cheats, included the new 4 weapons. Bug i need to fix: 1 - the first weapons not shooting nothing. no efx, no snd, no dmg against npcs. i need really to work a lot about this. also should work as bryar pistol. weapon not make charging shoots. 2 - animation of the second new weapon is wrong, but i know to fix it. also this weapon not shoot nothing. this weapons should act like tyson flechette 3 - the third weapons also no efx, no dmg, no snd. this weapons should act like concussion rifle. against nothing. 4 - the last weapon need to act like Demp2 but not working much. also, it ever istantly crash the game. now i will fix the first tree weapons, for the forth i will see at the end when i got more confidence about this process.
  18. yes i know files and contains are pretty different. emmm what about save brekeage? you mean savegame not working more? or you mean that old saves are unavailable with code edit? i know that, but is not a good trouble. i simply use devmap command for load the test map, spawn some enemy and test the weapons.
  19. 1 set as func_static the physic clipp of the lever and link the lever to it 2: build a trigger_multiple around the lever with two script: one that move down the lever, the other that move up of 45° every script also change the usescript of trigger_multiple so a time is executed the first that turn clipper and lever into position B, the second time the second script the move the lever and the clipper to position A. IMPORTANT: you need to put at the base of the lever a little cube brush textured with system\origin. and you need to convert as unique func_static entity the physic clip of the lever and the origin brush. in this mode, the lever rotate around the origin brush pivot. IMPORTANT 2: you need to use a misc_model, NOT a misc_model_static entity for the lever.
  20. i maked a lot of code stuff for make different efx for bryar and blaster pistol. but this require a lot of work. you can edit in on cg_media.h cg_weapons.cpp and fx_bryarpistol.cpp for change the altfire shader efx you can edit on cg_players.cpp and cg_weapons.cpp the bryarfrontflash shader entry.
  21. there was also a dark force mod for multiplayer that adds new weapons to MP, should be really interessing studying its code... but i cannot because there are only the .DLL and is not possible to recreate a code loading a DLL with visual studio. and after 10 years sure authors of mod are not contactable and will not share the source code of the dark forces MP mod with me for study about the new weapons. was this mod: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi%20Academy/Mods/Multiplayer/67030/
  22. Eh, pity JkA not work as skyrim when scripts can add all spells or weapon one desire... in JKA weapons and force powers are hardcoded. if there was a version of openjk that use a weapon.dat and a force.dat extended that allow to add new weapons without any trouble or code hacking sure i will use it. but is not the case. ._. however not, i not want to change any variable of the game. i will simply add the new entries for the new weapons. nothing more, nothing less. i will not edit bryar, concussion, flechette and demp2 code in any of they parts. the unique part i edited in these codes concerned the MOD like demp2 dmg increased on droids, i making dmg increased or reduced of the weapons against the classes of AI. that's because like langerd i am doing a fantasy mod, and i wanna add a RPG factor with elemental strenght and weakness to the opponents. what i wanna do is simply to study bryar, flechette, concussion and demp2 code for add 4 new weapons that act exactly like this into SP. same dinamics, same physic, only 4 new weapons slot, 4 new weapon model and relative efx and sounds.
  23. well, maybe an holy golden fire and a necrotic explosion of black flames? D: (cools if you fight some boss lich monster) edit: Fear the umbrella power!!!
  24. searching about a only SP weapon like the tusken_rifle into Openjk solution i found the list of the files needs to be edited on SP for add a new weapons. i paste here the informations. i hope someone can find it useful. common\q_shared <- for edit max_weapons to 32 weapons.h (define weapon enum list) cg_weapons.cpp (weapons setting for player, like Hud switchin etc) q3_interface (add weapons supports for Npc files, icarus etc. ) bg_pmove and bg_panimate.cpp: stuff related animation of shooting and standing of the weapon. g_combat.cpp: weapons fightning parameters. g_itemload.cpp and g_items.h (loading MD3 weapons parameters and also item of weapons staff for Items.dat external data. g_weaponload.cpp (not again sure but i think is the code about equipping and using a weapon) npc.cpp: weapons parms related to npcs. npc_combat.cpp : how npcs use determinate weapons in determinate conditions. wp_"nameofweapon".cpp define the behavour of the weapons : vectors, shooting, explosions etc. fx_"namedofweapon.cpp" define the efx of projectiles of the weapons, explosions, sounds of efx etc. g_missile.cpp : vectors for projectiles wp_saber.cpp : importat for interation between weapon and saber: (shoots can be parryed \ deflected by saber?) npc_spawn.cpp: condition of weapon about npc spawning g_functions.h : list of some special function of weapons. g_functions.cpp : programming of some special functions of weapons. ai_sniper.cpp \ ai_tusken \ ai_jedi \ ai_stormtrooper and it's possible also, some other ai files": some weapons need a coding part about the NPCs that use it. for example: tusken rifle get some special parameter into ai_sniper and ai_tusken file. well, i think that's all as a point of starting. new coming the true challenge!
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