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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. OH! Should I name the .bat anything specific? Sorry for all the questions, I just wanna get this 100% right since this is my first time merging animations.
  2. Granted, there is this. http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f2/Swan.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20071224225725 The chest is A BIT out compared to a guy, but eh. Minor detail. :3
  3. Okay, so do I have to have them in the base folder for it to work?
  4. Not really. It would just be more like a feminine version of Hapslash's Anakin body model. :/ Serendo's seems...anorexic when you really look at it. No offense to him, of course.
  5. Would it also be possible for you or @@Kualan to make the body more...shall we say, feminine? Just a suggestion.
  6. That is Anakin Solo's saber.
  7. Yes it is. How do I merge the gla files? Can I do that with Blender too?
  8. Dude...You-Are-Fast.
  9. @@Ramikad Okay, I did import one of the frames I wanted, but now I'm a bit confused. I don't know whether to export it directly as that might not do any good.
  10. I'll give it a go, Ramikad.
  11. Once my new custom Gla is done, can I import/export it like a glm?
  12. So, say I want to select the frames of the saber stances of Katanamaru's DF2 Stances he used for the unfortunately in limbo MOTS Mod, then when I import the model, I also import those specific frames precisely?
  13. Nice. Cause there's specific animations from the Kotor Stances, MD2 Stances and a few other stance mods that I want to combine into one GLA. BTW, how can I select the animation frame?
  14. I was wondering if it was possible to take specific animations with Blender and combine them into one GLA for custom animations.
  15. I get where you're coming from. I have the same feeling with my Frankensteins. I want the characters to be as PERFECT to the vision I have as I can make them.
  16. In that case, allow me to be the first. Anakin Skywalker's Episode II and III Lightsaber, along with Luke variants from Episode IV and V, plus VII, if there's any difference in the design. What I would also like to see is Vader's Episode III, IV, V and VI Lightsaber.
  17. Well, the body isn't feminine and is the original Hapslash body. But the textures are impressive and the frankensteining is perfect for the most part.
  18. Just had to control everything, did they? The problem is, if they expand too fast, that leads to imploding.
  19. Or you can have it happen BEFORE Rouge One?
  20. We need a link to your dropbox.
  21. Somebody call Gundam Deathsythe, cause I found a new weapon for Duo's Gundam!
  22. ANYONE who is a Dragon Ball fan would IMMEDIATELY recognize the name. Nice!
  23. Oh-My-God. WOW!
  24. I don't suppose you're a Dragon Ball fan, correct?
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