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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. The green is called Electric Judgement. It's the same power that also uses yellow lightning. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment
  2. I think he meant in the state of the ENTIRE GAME being from Luke, Han or Leia's point of view. That was never done before.
  3. Wise words, yet people are so addicted to social media and such they find it hard. It's like an addiction cause of dopamine hits. That's actually a real thing.
  4. "You guys keep bringing up fame like I mentioned it; seems your the ones that are preoccupied with that notion of getting acknowledgement for your modding efforts. Wow, what a bunch of whiners - bite me" If I may @ & @@Tompa9, this entire statement the guy made comes off as projection IMO cause he didn't get the notoriety that you guys are getting. The thing is you guys don't let it get to your heads. He obviously would have. Too bad for him.
  5. Just by seeing the screenshots alone, I'm already excited.
  6. 100% Agreed. I've always appreciated what @@Jeff and @@The Punisher and other porters have done for the community and yet people find some reason to panic and go off on them. They don't get enough thanks and I think that should change, because them giving their own time to bring us material that we can use that we otherwise never would've gotten is something to greatly appreciate.
  7. I would say that is definitely a nice criticism.
  8. Why not give that a shot?
  9. Yeah...I'm still in bafflement about that myself, to be honest. Growth spurts must've been working overtime when Jaden hit puberty.
  10. @@GPChannel Was wondering what the status of your work was.
  11. Hence why you can always frankenstein base JKA hands on to compensate.
  12. I'll just jump in and say this: @@diogocs195 THANK-YOU!
  13. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I could type more ^, but it would be infinite and would probably crash the site because Pickles is on the mark.
  14. Would you like some butter with your popcorn, Tompa?
  15. "This website needs a reality check." So says the guy who keeps making unnecessary essays while acting like what he claims we are acting like. There's a reason why the meme called REEEEEEEEEE exists.
  16. Okay, I was going to respond to your essay with another essay, but I've decided to save myself the headache and focus on this particularly instead cause this just irked the hell out of me. So...you have time to essentially leave an essay of pointless talk and saying "I'm not gonna hold back and let you all know what I think" but you don't have time to essentially learn how to model, and you claim to have tried...? Have you not seen Maui's tutorial on how to frankenstein with a basic JKA model? Blender is so easy to install and use, it's not even funny. I myself use it for personal modeling and frankensteining all the time. And that's just the basic use. It seems to me that you haven't tried enough or just don't actually care enough to actually make time to learn the basics, so you have to be smug and basically nitpick small details in ported models when the amount of work that @@Jeff & @@The Punisher go through to make sure the models are reduced to 10K Verts without turning it into a low setting JKA Model LOD (which looks VERY UGLY, I might add) is just astounding. In the end, you come off as the reason why Jeff and Punisher don't post anymore cause there's a difference between a nitpicker and someone who's actually giving constructive criticism. I'll even toss Ashura a bone: He can be the harshest when it comes to criticism, but at least he is open and honest about it. And guess what: THAT is what I think. You can actually start improving by actually learning how to use Blender from here or you can continue doing what you do and never improve yourself. You can take it or leave it. That's all I have to say.
  17. He means this amazing beauty made by Noodle, Linken. In fact, I myself used it in my own machinima. https://jkhub.org/files/file/3280-animations-menu-for-sp-beta/
  18. Not to mention, his distaste for ports really and their "inability to wrap their hands around sabers" tells me that he literally wants something that's impossible and makes demands that can never be met. In other words: he needs to send his OCD into the antarctic and never thaw it out.
  19. I..think she said the Lotus will fall.
  20. Jeff's models work with SP cause I use them quite a lot.
  21. Glad you've been working behind the scenes, Noodle. The whole humanoid thing is something I wouldn't worry about. In fact, I would like to see some previews of the animations you made cause it sounds like you've worked on that quite a bit.
  22. The last post here was in January of this year. It's not too old yet. I simply asked him. If the trend was on dead forum posts such as ones from 2017 or earlier and haven't been updated since, then I can see the annoyance in that. Especially if the author isn't around anymore.
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