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Everything posted by Corto

  1. Chalk, don't focus so much in excessive geometry detail at first, focus more on proportions and accuracy. Once you have that right, you can start modeling some of the geometry that can't be faked with textures. For example, those wing pylons don't look right to me. They should look more robust, bigger all around, like this: Also, the cockpit window frame is round.
  2. I thought I made myself clear, but thanks Eez, that's exactly what I mean. I also meant that in the HD textures project but there were too many egos involved, so I stopped looking at the thread completely since my last post.
  3. Chalk, Eez is right in his way, and you are right in yours. If you make an accurate Tie Fighter model I could use it in the near future. I wanna see this through.
  4. Mein Got. Don't post the reference pictures in here man. And there're also a lot of movie prop reference pictures out there, not just game screeshots.
  5. I really like how you take my opinion, If I didn't want you to improve I would give you a thumbs up all the time and let you think you're the best. Instead, I prefer to tell my side of the truth and push you to improve. Start by searching proper blueprints, then create a folder and get as many reference pictures as you can. Once you're saturated with pictures start the modeling.
  6. More important, the model doesn't look very accurate to be honest. Try to gather as many reference pictures and blueprints as you can before starting anything. There's not point in doing something that's already done if you're not going to do it a lot better. In you case is not a matter of skill, you need to pay more attention to accuracy. If you want to carry on just because you want to model something, know yourself out, I won't try to convince you otherwise. If you want an honest opinion, I wouldn't use that model to replace the current tie fighter in game.
  7. Always show a wirefarme shot. Looking very smooth so far, but there isn't much to criticize.
  8. If your wife is not right, she'll make you want her to be right.
  9. Well... I can speak while I'm hungry.
  10. You added an enviroment map, looks really cool. Could you make it so the effect is more subtle? I will definitely use the result of this.
  11. Go ahead. The model is soon going to be obsolete anyway and I'll probably use your shader file if it looks better. Thanks.
  12. Inyri, I'm gonna need your help about how to put new weapon models on the game.
  13. I'm not retexturing anything. I'm refurbishing the imperial commando I did for the Dark Forces mod. I'm not going to leave it like a standard officer with a snow shovel helmet, I'm going to make a proper imperial navy commando.
  14. Clearly one of us is in the wrong forum then. I'll try to chill out from now on. Thanks for the advice.
  15. I'm working on a better imperial commando model, but someone else has to rig it.
  16. No, I'm telling you. I'm not the only one who has an educated opinion, but the guys making this textures seem to be ignoring us like if we were trying to sabotage their project. They're doing doing it by themselves. This project would make much more sense if they started working on those textures which are horribly washed out in game right now and choosing a new texture size based on the amount of space they have to cover, as opposed to just making them unnecessarily huge. Also, instead of making the same exact texture with sharper edges they should re imagine those parts that look overly simple because of the small texture space the original texture has. High definition is not about higher resolutions alone, is about using a higher resolution to add much more detail.
  17. Ah, DAT Revan model. The circle is now complete. Once he was the apprentice, now he has become the master. My little boy, Lee.
  18. Looks like a charming fellow. How big was he? He could bite Palpatine's "torso_off".
  19. I'm starting to believe nobody gives a donkey's ass about my educated opinions. Alright. Keep wasting your time and effort doing things the wrong way. Keep maxing out the texture space only to put the same amount of detail and with only sharper edges as the high point of these new "high resolution" textures. Fortunately, there're a couple of guys here who also talk sense, but nobody's listening them either, so I'm not talking this personally =).
  20. It was an honest request buddy. Some things are cooler when you respect them, like grammar rules. No need to go all "yo dawg" on us.
  21. Alright, fuck logic.
  22. Why make a mod of something that's already done? Just but TFU on Steam or www.cdkeyshere.com for nothing and enjoy.
  23. When I read "large" I thought about Lt. Janek Sunber, aka Tank, Luke's friend turned imperial officer. I don't know if someone reads the comics, but that character kicked ass.
  24. Yes, I did that model. And the reason why there's nothing underneath the goggles is way to macabre to explain. No, really, it's because I extruded some of the face edges to make them (reaaaaally cheap). It still have the original model, I'll put a new head in there without goggles. I think the helmet and general shape needs a revamp too.
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