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Posts posted by kibasennin

  1. Recently been playing, fighting against Emperor Palpatine, imagining it was Snoke. And then I thought. We ain't got Snoke yet! So for thos who know how to mod: Snoke is pretty complicated, more than usual I'm guessing, due to his deformations... but imagine the glory u'll get when finishing it! If ur able to finish a Snoke player model / npc, you'll be, like, the next Haplash!


    Here's reference pics





  2. When I Open Pakscape and open "assets0.pk3" nothing is there.

    Like it's as if I never opened.

    Or if it's supposed to happen, then where do I find Extract "MENUS.str" to any folder.?


    Thanks a bunch. I'm basically trying to make a single player species from this.



    Thanks for the help really. My first time trying to mod something so I'm sorry for not being able to do this by myself.

  3. It's because that command doesn't use the NPC file. Just the model and skin files. This would be right code:


    playermodel AssajjCW model_blue model_blue model_blue
    The "combat" NPC uses the blue team skin file. That should also stop them from killing you.




    (plus sorry, but i read "reply" instead of "report", so I send a report with the same message ^^', my bad...)

    Circa likes this
  4. Hiya everybody
    so I saw this mod here http://jkhub.org/files/file/755-hirmans-asajj-ventress/ and wanted to START the jedi academy game as Asajj, but when I tried to write this playermodel assajj_combat model_default model_default model_default, ( http://www.lucasforums.com/archive/index.php/t-115417.html this is what made me think of this code), it didn't work, and the stormtrooper came instead.

    How do I make it so that I start the game with Asajj Ventress' model (the Assajj_Combat model to be precise), and to stay that way for the rest of the game without having rosh or kyle try to kill me?

    Also, if someone finds a solution to this, do you think it can apply to Knights of the Force (yeah I know, I tried to download movie duels 2, but it always crashes :( )?


    Thanks a bunch ;)

  5. Hiya to everybody...
    I downloaded this skin of Iron Man .... http://jkhub.org/files/file/1174-iron-man/

    Basically, the problem is that when I try and use the Force_BeamSuper like in here http://jkhub.org/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&record=10303&id=1174&full=1, it doesn't have the effect like in the picture, but it, like, does the flamethrower effect like Boba Fett...


    so how do I have the beam effect like in the picture?

    thanks a lot for the help...


  6. Hiya everybody! I'm kibasennin, n I'm 17. I'm here because this is the best website I've found concerning Jedi Knight files (plus, it's the only accessible one to me in france...).

    I hope everybody will be patient with the fact that I'm kinda new to these things, so I make lotsa questions that are obvious for most people...

    well, that's about it I guess...

    so, yeah, Hi to everybody ;)

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