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Posts posted by kibasennin

  1. XkIPLOI.jpg


    Yeah green. But overall very good job mate. I like that black beard and mixed hair :) What about do "padawan version" too? :)

    Fixed it, not green anymore ;)

    Hmmmm.... I don't think a padawan version would work out.... he's always been Master Dooku, y'know.... like he became a legend once he was a master....






    Thx ;)

    Anyway, the skin is done:

    here you go, guys:



    Tompa9 likes this
  2. I can teach you how to do that right here. Just follow my instructions.

    1) Open the model_default skin file.

    2) there should be a line involving the word cape in there somewhere.

    3) in the line with cape, erase all the words (in THAT line only), place a comma and asterisk after that..after the asterisk put the word "off" (no quotation marks) and it shohld disappear

    I did it and the cape becomes grey.

    Is this what I have to write?







    If so, then it doesn't work.

  3. try this website: 

    i had a bit of trouble converting music with it, but sounds are fine, a list of steps on how to convert sounds with it:


    1. click on advanced settings, then set channels to 1

    2. click on open files, then select the files you want to convert

    3. click on convert, then when its done, download it

    hmmm what website?

    Try using Audacity instead. I've seen this happen with Wavepad before, where it doesn't make certain changes, even though it says it did.


    But yeah, 44100 Hz only.

    OK, Imma try, nau.

  4. Hi

    this is a slightly tweaked version of @@dark_apprentice 's Ben Kenobi model:



    Can anyone add the goggles on his chest, like on the original statue?

    Like maybe Jan's goggles, only instead for the head, on the chest?


    Like here? https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/78730916123155.562a60ae74964.jpg

    Would it be feasable?

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