I found out the issue, it was just Jedi Customization stopped working with the NPC mods I was using for some odd reason, even if they were primarily playermodels. But Sith Customization works fine as an alternative.
Thanks for the response.
The new update seems to have caused more model issues. As for example, Spanki's Jedi mod causes some alien enemies to stop spawning, and will yield a Unknown NPC error, along with decreasing performance.
And there is nothing conflicting as every mod I have works perfectly fine with it installed. Spanki's Jedi Mod also worked fine in Version 1.1
To my knowledge (which is limited), I believe SP doesn't allow small characters and makes custom characters stick to the height of the default characters. However, this does not apply to MP, and you can create characters at varying different heights. So, you'd either have a hard time or have to stick to MP sadly.
But, i'm going off what i've noticed.