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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. But I think it should have a poison effect-- like the dizzy screenview when the poison level is high approaching unconsciousness then death. In my opinion their tail should be scorpion-like... in addition to the melee damage of the wound itself... no?
  2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mailoc Has anyone laid claimed to this ugly bug yet? If not, and if it's not immediately required, then I'd like to take a shot at it. I think it will help me with many of my learning objectives. I can't start on it right away... my current priorities are getting the dotXSI plugins compiled and working thru versions Max 2014... and then my character rigging. But it looks like it would be an intriguing undertaking... can this be assigned the poison weapon like the probe droid? I can't remember exactly from the game how the stings from this creature affected Kyle.
  3. Are different eye & hair colors in your plans? Too bad the engine can't spawn with randomized-attributes for characters.
  4. @@Psyk0Sith -- I'm just trying to discover what features of the dotXSI exporter may be broken in later versions so that I can report them as "Known Issues" in each Max Version's readme file... and also document workaround solutions (if any exist). You're correct that this feature can't be used in an .xsi file by this game... but this plugin could have more uses beyond the JKA community. For OpenJK, if the coders want to incorporate "morph" based facial animation in addition to bone-based... then I think the best/easiest solution there-- is to use an MD3 head on a GLM body. Which I believe is already possible (or require very little code modification to work as desired). But I think with all the additional SOF2 facial bones in the skeleton-- I can make a very detailed bone-based facial rig... which should be sufficient for those who want higher quality facial animations (that's my goal/plan anyways)... but there's still the issue of accuracy loss due to GLA conversion/compression.
  5. @@Psyk0Sith -- I just tried a Point Cache modifier in Max 8 (saving the Cache to disk and collapsing the Morpher modifier underneath-- which results in Editable Mesh) and then exported using "Force Shape Animation Export" and it appears to work! Played in XSI Viewer!
  6. @@Psyk0Sith -- What about using a Point Cache modifier? From 3ds Max Help: So if you have time, try adding a Point Cache modifier (save the cache)-- collapse Morpher modifier... reapply Cache from disk??? (Not sure if that's the proper workflow-- but it sounds good ) ...and Thank You Very Much!
  7. Nope... still combing! ...my sentiments exactly!
  8. While combing thru the batchprocessing code... I think I may have found the smoking gun.
  9. Yeah... I don't believe Carcass would accept it-- would only be to get it in Softimage. Like you said -- for the game you would need to export it as MD3. Just trying to identify what works and what's broken in the exporter for later versions-- and identify workarounds... if any.
  10. ::Ahemm... cough, cough:: For very complex 3D paths you can also use a .ROF file (created by using my ROFF exporter for 3dsMax). My ROFF WIP thread provides an old tutorial as well as a link to where you can download the 30-day trial of 3dsMax6, 7, or 8.
  11. @@DT85, @@Psyk0Sith -- If I recall correctly, simple vertex animation via bend modifier, etc. works just fine-- so maybe it's possible to collapse (get rid of) the Morpher modifier... turning it into a simple vertex animated mesh???
  12. @@DT85 -- Exporting Morpher modifier (Commander Lake tutorial scene -- 500 frames) works in both Max8 and Max9 32-bit. I was also using "Export Selected" and it takes a few minutes to write the file. The resulting dotXSI file was huge! 665MB for Autodetect Shape Animation (ASCII text) 723MB for Force Shape Animation Export (ASCII text) Interestingly, Autodetect Shape Animation in binary format yields the same 665 MB file. All played in XSI Viewer, but teeth were askew ( because I don't think they froze transforms properly). Also the file's scale is huge-- dwarfing the grid in XSI Viewer.
  13. @@DT85 -- It works perfect for me in the Max9 32-bit trial version.
  14. @@Circa @@AshuraDX (wish there was an @JKHubStaff) -- All plugins (Max 8, Max 9 (32/64-bit), Max 2009 (32/64-bit), and Max 2010 (32/64-bit) should be fixed and final... and awaiting approval.
  15. .SKIN Texture paths are fixed. You just rename the material editor slot to the relative texture path. See the readme. Also, if you export with hidden meshes then those hidden meshes get set to *off.
  16. @@DT85 -- I exported a tutorial scene file that used Physique modifier (instead of skin) from both Max8 and Max9 32-bit and it works fine... about to upload Max2009 plugins.
  17. @@Circa -- oops... looks like I forgot to add the PHYSIQUE.LIB to the Max8, Max9 plugins... will need to recompile them.
  18. Update: I've recompiled and uploaded the 3ds Max 9 (Win32) dotXSI 3.0 Exporter... it's awaiting approval. Currently working to update the 64-bit version (which should remain offline until I get it updated with the latest code changes). @@Psyk0Sith -- will you be able to test out the Max9 64-bit version for me?
  19. Like @@katanamaru said... I would like to see it where you can give orders to NPC's-- much like how SOCOM Navy Seals works.
  20. Of the handful of people who have downloaded this plugin-- has anyone tested it in-game yet? I'm still waiting on @@Szico VII for his test map...
  21. @@Circa... how about a as well?
  22. So how many polys will your LOD0 mesh be? How many LODs are you planning to have? What's your workflow for creating LODs?
  23. @@DT85 -- I have an Autodesk subscription for maintenance, etc. on my 2014 license. So I just created a tech support case.
  24. Autodesk has provided me a download link for the 3ds Max 2009 SDK and Visual Studio Integrated SDK Help for 3ds Max 2009.
  25. You should post a brief tutorial.
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