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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. @@eezstreet -- is it not a coordinate transformation just like I posted in my "...fixing the dotXSI exporter" thread? Softimage is Y up... so shouldn't be a problem for Softimage. Max is Z up.
  2. I believe its lower case b
  3. No that's not quite right... the Skelton in 3ds max uses the prefix "bolt_" and carcass converts that to *
  4. In the 3D Apps shouldn't tags be properly named: bolt_<whatever> ??? Just asking.
  5. @@Caelum -- It works now!
  6. @@Caelum -- why is this happening? It wasn't doing this the other day...
  7. SpeedTest results: Ping: 31 ms Download speed = 1.29 Mbps Upload speed = 0.20 Mbps PingTest results: Ping: 28 ms Jitter: 1 ms Filename: Max6 dotXSIExport v1.8.zip File size: 481KB
  8. No, I still cannot upload. It appears to upload... the upload progress bar gets full and then it just times out. I switched to the old style upload and that is where I get confirmation the session timed out.
  9. Nope, it loads... the bar is full and then times out.
  10. So how does this look? I suck at Photoshop...
  11. Standby... I'm going to update the about logo per @@minilogoguy18 's suggestion.
  12. Compare to COD...
  13. Rather then green rectangles... try making menu text letters glow with green border.
  14. Better Squad tactics: Did you ever play Rebellion's Sniper Elite or Sniper Elite V2? The AI was really, really good... the AI squads would use real military tactics-- some would hold your attention directly in front of you (they'd seek cover when you shoot at them-- run crouched down minimizing their bounding box, crawl, lay prone, etc. And when they found cover that would shoot back at you: either prone, crouched behind rubble, or standing behind broken walls... then-- they'd try and hold your attention while other members of the squad would stealthily move to flank you. Some would throw grenades from cover. They would provide cover fire while their team moved to flank you. And the AI snipers were really tough... moving positions after taking a shot.
  15. Some AI Improvements that I would like to see are: (1) better squad tactics, (2) Seek and shoot from cover (rather than stand out in the open)
  16. Where were you a few days ago? Well, it's still called "Softimage" and the extension is still "XSI"... so I think it still works-- plus I've already submitted it.
  17. @@DT85 -- the way the "Remove helper bones (CS Biped)" works is... It checks the node if ( (type == max bone node && is biped class ID) || (contains string "Bip") ) ...so you could add a "Bip" prefix on your JO bone nulls and use that method to get rid of them... or just do "Export Selected"
  18. The field-of-view, or the 1st-person camera settings, appear to be elongating the AK-47. I'm sure it's just a matter of tweaking the settings.
  19. Well, that's just how the Softimage programmers made it... they did the same with the importer-- where they create an XSISceneRoot when you import a dotXSI. It's a lot more complicated to remove than it seems. Export Selected does work... BUT, it will always put a root node on top-- that's why I added a feature to allow you to rename it as "model_root". I plan to leave that aspect of their original code alone. But in my advanced character rig I plan to use "export selected" because I will have a Character Assembly Node at the root of my hierarchy, and I don't want extraneous bits in my dotXSI output, and the exporter will put the "model_root" node on top still. Not sure, I've never tried it... perhaps @@DT85 could help. EDITED the first part of my response.
  20. @@Omicron -- if you're a student you can get a full 3-year license of any Autodesk product at Autodesk Student Community... just register with a student email address. You can download recent past versions there as well
  21. Adding new animatons ( not simply replacing animations-- as done in the past ) requires you to recompile the GLA or yes, use GLAmerge... but you still then have to do a coding mod to get your new animations to play in-game, no?
  22. @@eezstreet -- so could your angelscript be used to append new character animations without having to recompile the entire original GLA? Example given: create a new standalone GLA called: "cockpit.GLA" and this new GLA obviously contains all related cockpit interaction anims... then when required, the game would look for this anim in the add-on GLA when needed? I think something like this (while preserving original GLA file) would greatly decrease complexity for the Artist to add new anims.
  23. @@DT85 -- I really need to chat with you... also, I fixed the "Export Selected" feature (again... for the final time) so now only selected objects get exported ( my last fix only did this for geometry or bones-- so I removed the check by node type so that all nodes go thru the "isSelected" check. Also, I figured out why I was getting the offset when re-importing the dotXSI... it seems that the importer shifts the animation back down to Frame 0 so I had to select all the keys and shift them back to Frame 1. So can you get on MSN shortly? Thanks.
  24. The plugin code looks only at Frame 0 for basepose transforms. I can change this to get the skinpose transforms that are stored in the node when you either apply the Skin Modifier or (if no skin) alternatively set the skinpose under the Character tools-- and I do agree with @@minilogoguy18 that this is a better design... and I can still use "Frame 0" as a last check fallback for the case when there's no skin modifier, or they failed to set the skinpose-- and make this clear in the user instructions.
  25. With all due respect, when it comes to this 3dsMax dotXSI exporter source code, and your thinking I've personalized it too much-- you don't know what you're talking about. My motto has always been to deviate as little as possible from the original source code-- to fix only what is broken. However, it had a number of issues and shortcomings that needed to be fixed. Some only being discovered during beta testing. The changes I've made were necessary for it to function properly... and create a valid dotXSI 3.0 file. The only personalization is the new "About" dialog. Remember-- the Softimage Company wrote this plugin. They didn't include writing out the basepose templates-- which was one of the things needing to be fixed (among many others) to make a valid file for Carcass. But your point is taken about "Frame 0", where I based that solution on other Max exporters, and I had already stated that I was considering changing the code to remove this restriction. 3dsMax is not Softimage... and the code was written as a Max plugin, by Softimage programmers, using the XSIFTK. And CustomPSets are a Softimage dotXSI export feature... which Raven used to contain the necessary data to automatically create a .Skin file-- which has also been fixed now-- I didn't even delete their bits of Max3 code #defines that are still in there.
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