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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Quick update: ...considering redoing the windows.
  2. Thanks @@eezstreet and @@Asgarath83 -- this thread will be useful when I get to the point of creating a new class for IG-88.
  3. Because the cockpit space is limited... and you don't always have "passengers" -- the two passenger seats will be similar to this fold-up flight seat: They'll be located on the cockpit's back bulkhead (one on each side of the cockpit door).
  4. Yep, @@eezstreet and I thought it was the only way to make it all work. So the maximum crew could be 3. Whereas the minimum required flight crew is 1 (Pilot). There will still be the two passenger seats... so as to stay true to all the descriptions I could find online.
  5. ok... so here's a quick update for what I've got so far of the forward fuselage: ...as you can see I need to squeeze the dashboard in until it stops protruding thru the outer moldline. The main fuselage will be rectangular in shape... in keeping with original design.
  6. @@Maui - surely there are character modeling tutorials for Blender-- you just have to model the character on the JKA root pose. Or move the mesh limbs to overlay the JKA skeleton. Steps: 1. Model the character. 2. Weight the mesh to the bones. 3. Check how your mesh joints deform as you play some test animations. 4. Texture the character. 5. Export following @@mrwonko's tutorials. I'd recommend starting with jka mesh that is similar to what you want and then just modify it.
  7. Update: ...back from vacation, and I worked on the cockpit and displays as well as the outer fuselage around the cockpit. Naturally the scaled 26 meter length Raven's Claw is too narrow to fit a side-by-side layout, as the game cutscenes portray, so I've had to widen it. I hope to post some screenshots later tonight. EDIT: I also have the gunner & gunner's seat in position... to help with making the fuselage outline.
  8. I wasn't saying to switch engines-- just borrow features from other open source engines for implementation.
  9. Are there any open source engines that do similar things? EDIT: What about Id tech 4? It's open source, yes? It's megaTextures f or outdoors would be a great addition to JKA. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Id_Tech_4
  10. The Far Cry 2 Dunia Engine allows complex sequences and run-events during gameplay; the game features a day-and-night cycle, as well as tree and vegetation regeneration. A unique fire propagation mechanism, which allows a small fire to spread and eventually cause large brush fires, may be used either to the player's advantage during combat or against the player. The behavior of fire is dependent on factors such as wind speed, wind direction, rain, and vegetation type. For example, a fire may not spread as easily in a lush, moist jungle environment compared to dry, grassy plains and savannahs. https://myclone.wordpress.com/2010/04/17/far-cry-2-editor/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunia_Engine Can we achieve that for JK??? If we could incorporate some of those major outdoor features would be awesome!
  11. BSP is still fine for indoor maps, yes? But what about large, expansive outdoor maps? Is there a better data structure that could be added for outdoor maps and still work in harmony with BSP data structures?
  12. It should be possible to re-target animations from one skeleton to another (I was also going to use some of the STEF animations, as well as some from the saber droid. I think it also require setting a skin pose... not sure, but I'll cross that bridge soon.
  13. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/IG-88_assassin_droid IG-88 armament: BlasTech DLT-20A blaster rifle * Gas dispenser * Neural Gas grenades * Flamethrower * Sonic stunner * Pulse cannon Needle dart gun Blade extension set * Ion blaster DAS-430 electromagnetic projectile launcher Concussion grenade launcher Throwing flechettes Blaster rifles The ones with the asterisks will be the ones I employ
  14. ...and how many weapons does Boba Fett have? @@DrXann - What's the NPC limit?
  15. Interesting... maybe we need a combination of different data structures that work in harmony with one another? http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/5493/whats-the-state-of-the-art-in-space-partitioning-for-games http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/game-programming/introduction-to-octrees-r3529
  16. Poison gas is the same as the nohgri weapon stick-- it will just a imminate from a tag on his body and not a weapon. Same as the flamethrower for Boba Fett except I plan to make unique EFX using FumeFX and Afterburn.
  17. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/131625/octree_partitioning_techniques.php
  18. IG-88 has numerous weapons: poison gas, flamethrower, a retractable dagger spike, rifle, grenades, melee... I feel like I'm forgetting something. ...and of course the Lancer variant has its Lancer (and swoopbike).
  19. The mesh just needs a few finishing touches (…but I still need to make the Lancer variant bits):
  20. Nice... But why does it look like the engine always swaps the lower legs??? I'm in the calf muscles and feet look swapped.
  21. I'm resurrecting my IG-88 model... I want to get this in-game with a custom skeleton (based on a CS Biped) and custom animation set... along with all of IG-88's mix of weapons. Would this need a new class? Or can it use Boba Fett's class?
  22. Interesting... http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=49714 http://bulletphysics.org/Bullet/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=166
  23. Suggestion: keep working on integrating Bullet or "Fill-in-blank" physics engine into SP code.
  24. Yeah, those are circuit breakers...
  25. Here's an update on the new console/dashboard:
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