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Everything posted by Archangel35757

  1. Ok... I'm looking at the MD3 model of the cockpit in MD3View (thanks @@Noodle). I must say the artists really dropped the ball on modeling the cockpit here for a flight vehicle! Pathetic! @@eezstreet, how much lee-way do I get here to do this cockpit correctly? After all they do say it is a "Modified" Corellian Engineering Corporation CRF-156T Fast Courier. Starship Specs: Craft: Modified Corellian Engineering Corporation CRF-156T Fast Courier Type: Light Courier Length: 26 Meters Weapons: 4 Laser Cannons, 2 Proton Torpedo Launchers Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot (1 minimum) Top Speed: 120 MGLT Troop/Passenger Capacity: 2 Cargo Capacity: 10 Metric Tons Description: But this image does show some top glass that isn't carried over into the MD3 model: This is the inside of the full-vehicle game model: I want to re-work this to have a glass see-through front windshield... ...and there needs to be the front lower gunner's seat mods as well. Can anyone find deckplans/blueprints or orthographic views on the net for the Raven's Claw ( I haven't had any luck yet )?
  2. I'm planning to buy a brand new laptop and I will put Windows 8.1 Professional 64bit on it. I don't like how you have no say in what updates get pushed onto you as well as their invasive policing in Windows 10.
  3. Co-op MP missions with SP style mission objectives (a la COD) gameplay.
  4. The scale is way off and will need upsizing to fit player size... also the Star wars wiki states that the crew is 2 (pilot, co-pilot-- minimum crew is 1) and 2 passengers-- so 4 total. But I can't find any details of where the "2 passengers" would sit unless it's behind the main crew station. I agree with @@eezstreet that there is a gunner position down/front of the crew station...
  5. @@battle111 (or anyone with Maya2014), please load up @@DT85's Maya Skeleton and post a screenshot showing the local bone "joint" transform axes... Inside Maya they should match this image (which depicts the Softimage +Y up coordinate system):
  6. I wouldn't be too sure... just like how the Softimage Company's dotXSI importer/exporter only rotated the master scene node + or -90 degrees about the X axis (which is not a proper coordinate transformation for a linked hierarchy) ...the FBX exporter could have done the same bad method. We should check... I'll see how it looks in Maya.
  7. Simply re-import your FBX file for the root pose and compare to the 3dsMax skeleton. If the X, Y, and Z local axes match... then they're good... if not-- then they're bad. You could also import it into Softimage Mod tool and compare to @@minilogoguy18's rig.
  8. Please read carefully: I did not say your FBX files were "bad" ...because I have not had time to verify them. What I explained to you above is how you can verify that your FBX files have the correct pivot transforms (local axes)-- and if they do... then great! But if they don't comply with what I said above then... yes they would be bad and should not be used for any JO/JA animations. Is that clear?
  9. Windows 8.1 versus Windows 10 SSD performance: http://www.tweaktown.com/articles/7299/microsoft-windows-10-vs-ssd-storage-performance-analysis/index.html
  10. @@Asgarath83, @@DT85 -- Maya uses a +Y up coordinate system (same as Softimage). Therefore the Maya skeleton local axes need to exactly match the dotXSI root.xsi file (either the original Raven XSI files or dotXSI files exported from 3dsMax using the new 3dsMax dotXSI v1.8 exporters that @@DT85 and I fixed. @@battle111 -- If Maya supports importing dotXSI v3.0/3.5 files then you just import and use the dotXSI files instead of the FBX files (so as to avoid yet another conversion process). @@DT85 -- your Maya skeleton bone axes need to match the orientation as they are in a valid dotXSI file.
  11. @@Noodle -- what is the file path to that .MD3 ???
  12. IIRC, You imported the original dotXSI files using 3dsmax5 and then you exported it from Max5 to FBX format... but it is critical to know which axis system you used for FBX export (+Z up or +Y up) because if you chose the wrong one they could all be "invalid". And by that I mean that the local coordinate axes are all off by 90 degrees X-axis rotation... the local axes of the "FBX" bones must align with the Original Raven skeleton pose
  13. Concerning dismemberment... I think it would be better if dismembering of limbs would not result in death... but rather play a wounded animation instead... where the player could then do a finishing move on the victim. Just like how Anakin did in his duel against Count Dooku.
  14. This thread will serve to document my modelling of the Raven's Claw cockpit for 1st (and 3rd person-- with modified camera position?) use. You can help by posting official cockpit layout reference images. Thanks!
  15. Before you make that switch to windows 10: http://www.tweaktown.com/news/47070/windows-10-block-pirated-games-unauthorized-hardware/index.html
  16. @@eezstreet et al, then let us all band together and make an SP demo map for OJK+Rend2 to showcase all the new features. Regarding heightmaps and large terrains-- it would be an improvement if we could break down the terrain textures into large sections ( I'm not talking about tiling one texture pattern over the entire terrain...). Think of Vue xStream or Vue Pioneer or Terragen, etc. Where the artist builds a huge terrain and then can render-to-texture all the texture maps (even normal maps) but they are sliced up into 2048 or 4096 squares.
  17. @@UniqueOne -- using an exporter is simple! And using Assimilate/Carcass or Noesis is not complicated either.
  18. @@DT85 -- you helped as well in getting that first Max6/8 dotXSI exporter working and proven out; and I'm grateful for your assistance... and you were an indispensable beta-tester for the later versions! We made a good team! Folks can also use the Max8+ dotXSI Import script to import the original dotXSI 3.x files ( ...and even Star Trek: Elite Forces dotXSI 1.x models/animations-- not even Softimage can do that ) I plan to make a v1.9 for Max6-2016 that uses @@Scooper's snippet to respect smoothing groups.
  19. I don't think there is any need for any new model formats... but I would like to see code changes to allow bolting md3 models on to Ghoul2 models. I would also like to see better environments-- not sure that requires a new map compiler... I would also like to see better vehicles/vehicle flight dynamics & space maps (I.e. space battles & dog-fighting). I also like @@DT85's idea of bringing pod-racing in... I think there was already a mod like that.
  20. I concur... @@Xycaleth -- your questions seem biased towards the MP community (I.e. get more MP players) But I for one could give a rat's arse about MP gameplay (unless there is a co-op mission with SP style objectives, or a JKG-style mode). I much more prefer SP gameplay. Why openJK? Because it should provide a clean, bug-free base for SP modders to start from. Is it not a pre-requisite enabler for rend2?
  21. OpenJK + Rend2 for SP! I'm sure there are many who would like to make SP mods... updates of GtkRadaint for JKEnhanced. Make JKEnhanced... the best base for any modder to start from. * Make it much easier to add custom animations for main player. * Make it much easier to add new/custom NPCs * Better/updated tutorials to achieve the above. The 3dsMax pipeline (Max5 - Max2016) can easily make new models/animations now and export to dotXSI 3.0... and Carcass can compile them now (we just need the UV seam mesh splitting fixed-- although this can be worked around by re-exporting GLM from 3dsMax using @@Scooper's exporter. The GLA that Carcass makes is good). We also have noesis to go from FBX to Ghoul2. In 3dsMax, Animators can use CS Biped, CAT, or the custom bones FK/IK rig I'm working on... @@DT85 made a Maya rig. But not many Maya users. @@mrwonko - why can't Blender handle bolts & tags??? I think having a new ModView that supports all shaders, sounds, animevents, EFX, etc. would really jumpstart modding-- having to load models or assets in-game just to preview them is a real pain in the arse! A new EFX editor and new Shader editor would also help!
  22. Hmmm... what else happened on Cloud City while Han was being tortured???
  23. I don't know... I think you need to use a better lava Shader. The glow/light intensity should be emminating more from the cracks (from where the molten lava is revealed). The cooler tiles of rock should not have the same glow intensity.
  24. Update on the lips (disregard the outer skin glitches around the lips because I've detached the lips from the rest of the head mesh): There's a few verts I need to smooth at the top of forehead and I still need to smooth in the outer sides of the lips-- but it's shaping up... still a WIP with much to do...
  25. http://www.craftsy.com/blog/2013/05/drawing-a-head/ Maybe others will find this tutorial useful.
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