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  1. i've never tried it but d3rp made something like this a while ago https://github.com/kohabi/quake-query
  2. what g_speed value? how are the races set up, is it everyone at once against eachother, or do people get a few tries to individually set a time? are the two events linked (can you compete in race but not fight?) the maps look nice and you have the right idea of giving them out only a few hours ahead of time.
  3. a game has to be playable for it to be competitive. also by getting rid of callvote you make it so pickup games cant happen unless there are people with rcon, which is not really viable. i used quotes around "competitive" because in the context of JKA / these forums i use a very loose definition. there are (fixable) exploits that you can use without being connected to a server.
  4. "baseJKA has already made the game more competitive"...? than itself? what? baseJKA is somewhat broken (not talking about gameplay). its partly why mods like base_enhanced, ESLmod, leaguemod, etc were created. it's hard to have a "competitive" game when someone can get rcon via an exploit and ban you mid match. as far as additional "competitive" features go, again baseJKA is lacking and its why those mods, and mods like sabermetrix and BWN were created.
  5. i never added amslap/amslay/ampunish or w/e partly due to laziness, but mostly b/c they would never be used on my server, so there was no personal incentive to add them. in the readme, i didn't mean to pass judgement or anything about servers which use those commands.the admin commands i did add are stuff that i find useful.pretty much the only reason i add anything to my mod is if it would be useful on my own server, not because i'm trying to "compete" with other mods. "To improve the MP style saber hit detection, as seen in JA+. - http://www.upsgaming.com/japro/" idk what that means really... in case other peoples are confused too, by MP damage i meant "d_saberSPStyleDamage 0". in baseJKA that cvar causes swings to ghosts a lot, but in JA+ mp it doesn't ( http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=1468937&postcount=8 ) putting the JA+ hate aside, it definitely improved the "d_saberSPStyleDamage 0" hit detection.JA++ even used the same "fix" later as part of "japp_saberTweaks" ( https://github.com/videoP/jaPRO/commit/e41a31afa6bb228f032615656a75faa953e238db#diff-7c9ac2bf4597844711636f29913d202eL9041 , same thing as https://github.com/Razish/japp/commit/7d73403ced1d4140a8aed04e38c1d7de2ca7bb91#diff-03809d4c99ab302096b2e9b8d947bc1dL8372 )
  6. Just to make sure theres no confusion, RaceArena's A-Mountain is made by Acrobat, and is also featured in his map "Expedition". As far as I know its identical except for the cell shading in the racearena version. Expedition is a hugely underrated map btw, you should try it out if you haven't already. Also, if you guys like A-mountain you should try competing on it. Favorite maps? FFA_TMBJ, Innercity, Grandflaw v2, Matrix reloaded v2.1, Jedi's home V1/2
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