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Everything posted by katanamaru

  1. Well it was the best at one point, but all things must end. If it goes away I'll be a little sad because of all the good times I had checking out mods. The anticipation that when I got home from classes I was going to dl a new cool model, skin, or stage. Aww dem feels.
  2. This is the thread in quetion: http://jkhub.org/topic/2085-something-like-sab-files-for/ I'm REALLY hoping that the coders give this some thought once they are happy with how OpenJK turns out. I'm more than willing to let them keep up with all their great work on OJK. I'd hate for them to be constantly busy with people asking for requests to add things to the game. Imagine what it would have been like if each saber required code before it could be put in game? Heck just look at how many people don't add SP menu support to the sabers they release. The second issue is that while MP can display additional saber mods while SP cannot. Not without someone combining the multiple packs. A system that could add all these new functions would be difficult to make, I understand. I just think the effort to make it in the beginning would pay off in spades with the mods people could add.
  3. I thought there was a way to shoot sideways. If so could you combine that with a code like the head tracking code? Or would you need new animations too?
  4. Which ones? The swoop itself or the rider?
  5. Here at Mini's request. So I installed Mod Tool 7.5. Which of the recommended files from your sig link do I need? Obviously the rig. Pretty sure about the Raven animation files, but what about all the others? I won't bug you about tutorials (yet!) since I'll go around youtube and watch some there.
  6. If that's what he wants he'll have to wait a bit. Once all the code is done being fiddled with I plan on making a saber style with a pistol in the left hand and a saber in the right.
  7. What about adding a system in like Demon's Souls and Dark Soul's? That way people could invade other peoples games and try to hunt down the players and kill them. Too hard, reasonable, or just plain not possible? D'oh! This probably goes in a different forum. Sorry.
  8. Yeah Kyle is fine. I'd probably turn off his shoulder pad just to make sure I could see any errors under it. The decompiler would really only benefit me and Hirman if he came back. So I don't see a massive use for it. I'd still like that so I wouldn't have to redo all the style animations I did...
  9. You are correct. I was thinking along the lines that OpenJK will become the main force of coding for JA. So if things are not compatible with it, it will be unlikely that other mods will be able to compete. All that hard work you and the other coders are putting in is great! If someone came up with a way to do this that was seperate and uncompatible with OpenJK I think people would stick with OpenJK.
  10. So no real way of doing this?
  11. @@Corto, quick question, can Mod Tool load the JA animations and the ones I've already made in Dragon?
  12. That stinks. Is there away to make OpenJk only read these files if they were present? That way if none were there then the game would boot up like normal. But if new files were introduced then the game would load them. Kind of like how .pk3's are read in a certain order.
  13. Also, the animations I make are "open" for anybody to use. For personal use or within a mod.
  14. Yeah I figured it would be a major undertaking. I was wondering if coders would think it was worth that time and effort to get a system up and working in order to not have every weapon modeller, force effect, and animator breathing down their neck to get our stuff in game. Think of all the good mods that have come from being able to make .npc and .sab file manipulations. I think it is a very worthy undertaking, but it is ultimately up to the people who will have to do the coding work. Another pro! If this was done it would help with compatibility! I wouldn't have to worry if CoderA put one of my styles in game and CoderB put another in and as a result of two different methods they became uncompatible. I imagine this would also help with performance. If the game ran multiple new styles from the same structure that would be more efficient than running different code branches, right?
  15. Yeah I like the fields to be optional. That way if a person doesn't know exactly what to chance in the .sty file they can let it balance out with a default style. The easier it is to read and manipulate will allow for more people to use it. That's the real beauty of the .sab files to me. Most everything in there is easy to understand and written clearly. Some definitions need a little expanding, but that's in the acceptable realm. The code you posted for the gun is nice and I would gladly take it if that was the only way people wanted to make it. But if it could be "cleaned" up it would let lots of other people use it seamlessly. Think of all the gun models on jk3files that could be given their own space! If this idea is taken up I'll help with coming up with more fields for the styles. Those were some of the ones I could come up with off the top of my head. Ah heck, I'll just go back and add them to the original post.
  16. Sure. I'm going to put them together and release them here.
  17. How difficult would it be to implement new features in a way similar to the .sab files? Things like '.gun' for guns, '.sty' for saber styles, and '.for' for force abilities? The reason I'm asking is that people are going to start making things like those 3 I listed and then go about bugging coders to implement them into JA. If these type of file extensions could be made that would cut down on the request that people (like me) that are going to need help from coders. .sty files .gun files .for files
  18. Nah. If you want to just start with something you like. We all started at the same point. Some people say texture and recolors are good starting places. I haven't done them because I have the artistic talent of a blind, dead fish. I have a strong sense of kinesology so animations were the best fit for me. Just find something you've wanted to change and give it a shot. The modding assistance forum has plenty of people from each area to help you out.
  19. It should be: 3. _humanoid_sith.gla , animation.cfg and animevents.cfg 4 and 5. models/players/_humanoid_sith/_humanoid_sith in both the .gla and .glm Here are tutorials I wrote on it: http://forums.filefront.com/sw-jk3-modding-mapping-editing/432075-animating-dragon.html post 8
  20. I have a key bound to my favorite commands. This way whenever I start a map all I do is push the - key and everything is good to go.
  21. JA. The addition of a staff saber in sp sealed the deal. The 'playermodel' and 'saber' commands just made it that much better! Custom characters and more saber fights!
  22. I was talking about the animation and not the effects. I don't have any efx file/mod to test my animations with. Since there is only 1 push animation I made it the one-handed version so it works with the saber out. If a two-handed push is coded I'll gladly make it. It could be up to others to make the effects though. I'll help where I can though. I'll be making a post once I get MT up with the questions I have. I may be able to figure some stuff out on my own, but I figure if I start asking questions, even if they are easy, then we'll have a thread that other potential animators can read up on. I want other animators to show up so that large projects and be taken up by more people. I felt a little bad for Hirman when he was the only animator for JKG...
  23. Is that possible with Mod Tool 7.5? That's very cool! I've downloaded it along with Mini's rig, but I didn't get to try it out yet. So far I'm using Dragon until I get MT set up. Normally I preform the movements infront of a mirror a few times to see what looks good while being realistic. I have really good feel for kinesiology so I understand the angles at which my joints need to bend and be placed.
  24. Well my backhand styles mod had new push and lightning animations. Mainly to correct where the left hand saber was pointed. What did you have in mind?
  25. @@Mandalorian: You have a cover animation that moves the character to the side replacing the crouch animation? @@eezstreet: You are correct. I never use the lean function, but Mandalorian gave me the idea so I decided to try it. I never used lean in FPS because it is easy to step out and back into cover.
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