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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. Considered some more screens. I am aware Corto plans on making a new release at some point and I hope my work on his older model isn't crossing any boundaries. Just so I am clear on this, I take no credit for his work and will not be releasing this model without his confirmation first. I am using it as a placeholder to learn to skin, until then,so please,if you have the time ,give me advice on this skin so that I can learn to produce quality content before release . Thanks to the community so far, for being very helpful.
  2. Then I gladly take that comment as approval?
  3. which image is to vibrant? on my screen, the image isn't to vibrant
  4. Finally got better hardware, working on crysis 2 sdk and considering moving my project to that platform.

    1. Tempust85


      I will say to anyone thinking about working with the CryEngine 3 SDK that the native cloth physics doesn't work on character models. Other than that, It's pretty good to work with. ;)

    2. Mandalorian


      Good tip to know thankyou DT85. I still plan to be a part of this community, have a few things planned and I don't want to drop out on people.

  5. Got a 1/10 scale fett statue I've been using to rescale Corto's Fett, It's coming along fairly well. Still haven't added the tags to the model I want tho... but the shaders are working how I want. I took Inryi's advice for a slight sheen on the scratches, as well as the visor. Here's a pic.
  6. Thank a lot for the information and for your blender tools, I'll try your advice.
  7. City in the clouds.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eezstreet


      Well, that depends on if Cloud City appears in Ep7-9 :P

    3. Horatio Culver

      Horatio Culver

      Boba Fett's Cloud City motif has to be one of my favorites.

    4. Mandalorian


      Agreed, I've been mixing my own sample with Audacity for when certain events happen in-game.


      eezstreet: frankly I still can't believe this is actually happening.


  8. Can anyone point me to how to move the tags from one model to another In Blender? I am trying to move the tags from boba's jetpack/flamethrower to another model.
  9. I can convert a model for you Botdra, or atleast have a crack at it. I'm thinking of contacting an author for this: of course if you have to much trouble i can point you to diesels tutorials
  10. What other techniques are simpler and could simulate the effect of cloth, right now all you can do is use what is available in jka, is it possible to animate the cloth you want? I want to learn a similiar technique for capes.
  11. never mind about the demp then
  12. shaders [ gfx/exp/demp2 ] shaders [ gfx/misc/lightningFlash ] shaders [ gfx/misc/sparkblue ]shaders [ gfx/misc/blueLine ] all of these have something to do with it, mainly the demp impact efx?
  13. I had this problem too, I'll look into it see what I can find.
  14. Corto I hope your new boba model comes out soon! I have been haaving some issue getting the torso armour to show, due to the way it is modelled. I hope it isn't modelled the same way, as It won't allow me to edit the skin how i want.
  15. I'll try this out. it's a difficult model to resin as it has three layers, ambient spec and normal.I am trying to override it to just use one but I am not familiar with the functions of shaders enough, I'll try your method tho I think what is happening is that i can't override the skin to just use one layer. Your signature scares me.
  16. I definately plan to adjust the envmap to only show in certain areas, i am sure I can oce I figure out why the shader isnt affecting the whole model as i want. Any help would be nice on what I am doing wrong: models/players/bobafett/bobafett_1 {q3map_onlyvertexlightingcull twosided { map models/players/bobafett/bobafett_1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/mbmandy/envmap1 blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { models/players/bobafett/bobafett_2 {q3map_onlyvertexlightingcull twosided { map models/players/bobafett/bobafett_2 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/mbmandy/envmap1 tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { { This would be a great help as i can adjust the skin a lot better to be matching and then I can adjuist the alpha channels to show only the scratched metal and glass on the model.
  17. @ Corto I am willing to help in anyway I can. I would be honored to do so.
  18. I Can't seem to get the shader working on the legs, which is why I posted the shader line, hoping someone could fix it, heres a gif preview of the shaders on the armour.
  19. It will look less green depending on where you are standing.Those are the extremes of brightness on the armor. What i need to figure out is how to get the shader folder to work properly. models/players/bobafett/bobafett_1 {q3map_onlyvertexlightingcull twosided { map models/players/bobafett/bobafett_1 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/mbmandy/envmap1 blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { models/players/bobafett/bobafett_2 {q3map_onlyvertexlightingcull twosided { map models/players/bobafett/bobafett_2 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO rgbGen lightingDiffuse } { map models/players/mbmandy/envmap1 tcGen environment blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { { only one line is working properly, but it is definately an improvement ingame. I'll release it to Corto if he wants to review it.
  20. Got shaders working. comments/ criticism?
  21. Awesome work, I have the flamethrower mod atm. just figured out shaders enough to give Corto's model a metal shader instead of the ambient one. Hard work to get menu's right, I am happy to have electrocution effects replace to be flames. i at one point used the efx shader from the swoope when it catches you on fire and applied it to the existing flamethrower somehow.it was like two or three years ago but i can't remember exactly how i got it working, It looked really cool. Npc's it hit would actually be set on fire by the bobafett classes flamethrower.
  22. How many seashells did Sally sell by the seashore?

    1. Futuza


      9 seashells she did sell by the seashore

    2. Tempust85


      I thought Sally was a mustang

    3. Mog



  23. http://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u595/Galconer/www3_zpsfc973475.png
  24. This is why I like jka. people try to figure things out in so many ways. I'm adamant I'll get this mod of the ground.so far I'm using binds but that won't be forever hopefully. Thanks for your guys time and I'll be watching this like a hawk Botdra .
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