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  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Moviebattles 2

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  1. I got a frozen cutscene on the Tatooine Mercenaries quest, saved, and removed one mod at a time until it unfroze. This was one of the last mods I tried so I am very confident this is the problem. Also the backup file I kept at that spot has continued working despite trying to recreate the problem using other mods, however reinstalling this one caused the problem to come back. All Weequay npcs stop spawning. Also the problem file is in this mod, but is not the core mod itself. There is an NPC.pk3 file that is in the Zip that is what caused the problem.
  2. Amazing customization options that really work great for doing RP on custom maps, but wrecked the heck out of SP mode by messing up NPC spawns, especially during cutscenes. Probably works fine if you have skippable cutscenes though.
  3. Looks awesome. Sounds awesome. Doesn't work with Jedi Academy Enhanced.
  4. I found the fix for the default.cfg error. The mod instructions help, but are not the most clear. If you have this error it means you need to delete the mod files from the Jedi Academy folder they are in, (if using steam this can simply be deleting all files from the <base> file then using "verify file integrity" on steam to repopulate the important ones); then from the JAEnhanced zip file go into the <Windows 32bit> folder and extract all files in that folder to the <GameData> folder in Jedi Academy. Now I just have to figure out which additional mod I have that is crashing the game, ce la vie.
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