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Posts posted by Artemis

  1. There will be at least one tomb, though I don't know about ghosts.


    Lava must absolutely be included, and probably in some ruined place, but the buttons thing sounds like it could involve scripting?  I'm all for some tricky puzzles, but I can't script anything to save my life.  xD


    And I hadn't even thought about 1.01 stuff like grapple.  That's going to require some extra thinking and testing!

  2. It'd be pretty easy to just make shelves and then texture brushes to look like books.


    That's probably what I'll have to do, but I'm afraid they'll just look like clunky boxes.


    Please keep them thrones as they are in the image, don't go place them in a circle because it's a jedicouncil thing and we're talking about Korriban.

    Korriban is the Egypt of StarWars and infact if you google ancient egypt, you may find some interesting designs to fit in a Korriban map.


    The thrones won't be in a circle, I promise!  They just need to kinda fit together, more like a ( shape rather than a [ shape, if that makes any sense at all.

    And that's a really good idea, actually.  I've always liked ancient Egyptian architecture; maybe that's why I like Korriban.  :o


    If you do Korriban KOTOR style you can still retain 'modern' designs for certain structures.


    I haven't played KOTOR, so I'm not sure I understand what you mean.

  3. @@Ramikad I THINK I used your suggestion and it turned out well.  It was either that or very similar, I'd have to check.  xD


    Anyways, there's going to be a library!  Not just any library, mind you.  I've noticed that half the time a map has a library, no one uses it because there's nothing to do.  Sooo, this one shall be special.  Just how is a secret, because I haven't quite worked out the idea yet.


    There're a few texture alignments I need to fix and some other things that need adding, but this is it so far.





    I have one slight problem, though.  What does a library usually contain?  BOOKS!  And... this one has no books.  ):  Anyone have ideas for that?  Do I make models for them, or leave the shelves empty...?  Or what?

    Omicron and z3filus like this
  4. I'm trudging along at the rate of a lazy snail...


    So, I couldn't decide if I wanted a throne room, or a council room...  And I just had to throw in a pit or two.  I like the result, but I also don't like it.  Because it's not a throne room or a council room.  It's... both?  Maybe it's a bit dark, too.


    The arches are different from the ones in the other rooms.






    And here's a better look at the throne model.  It's a .ase I made more for testing than using... so it'll probably be changed.  Also, the one on the left is scaled down to the correct size.  Not the one on the right.






    Also, it's important that I have four thrones up there instead of one.  So, if anyone has an idea for arranging them evenly, that'd be cool.

    Omicron, Rooxon and z3filus like this
  5. Defeats the point of having that server since it's in 1.00... unless he wants to move it to 1.01.


    Enolc, do your other two nubs even have 1.01?  If they could get it too, that'd give me a great excuse to try MME with y'all.  You could even try it toooo.  :P

  6. Oh look, an update!


    So I ran outta steam somewhere in the middle of August, but I'm pleased to say that I haven't abandoned this project yet.


    Only thing is that I feel like it's all going to look so monotonous by the time I'm done.  Not sure how to add in the variation without completely messing up the theme.






    Obligatory Ragnos statue: Check!


    The back wall in the hall picture's gonna be removed, so there won't be any division between the hall and this room... hopefully.

    Onysfx, Boothand, DarthStiv and 5 others like this
  7. I'm pushing for pretty effing amazing, but decent will do well.  :P


    I'm almost done with the next room, which is kind of supposed to be a central chamber.  Not sure what'll branch off of it though... still fishing for ideas.


    And there WILL be a tomb/maze.  I've got an idea for that, and it's doodled out on notebook paper somewhere in the far reaches of my backpack.

  8. So yesterday, I thought it'd be great fun to make a Korriban map, despite the fact that there're some good ones already out there.  Today, I'm wondering why I even considered it.


    It wouldn't be too hard to throw some rooms together, slap a coffin in the middle, and call it done... but where's the fun in that?  I'm trying to avoid doing just that, and I've run into a wall.  The maps my friends and I seem to like tend to have buttons, and shiny, neon signs, and well, they're more modern than Korriban seems to be.


    That's about half of the problem.  I don't know how to make the map fun without having to add, for lack of a better term, "role play" elements.  A few pits, a rancor, and some traps won't really cut it, but what else does the place have?


    The other half is the fact that I've not really planned the layout.  That's kind of important, but I don't really know what I want in the map.


    Sooo, what would y'all put in a less modern Korriban map?  Any ideas?


    This is all I have so far, which is really only one room:




    Hep, therfiles, Merek and 7 others like this
  9. You can click somewhere off to one side of the texture, hold shift and go across the texture to the other side to make a line and click, and it should make a stripe that's not darker in any place.


    Or just make a new transparent layer, use a regular brush to make a solid colored stripe, and lower the opacity/change the layer's mode.


    I've got Gimp 2.6, but I'm pretty sure those features are still in 2.8.

  10. There aren't *just* Huns left!  A few Euros, a handful of Americans, maybe 2 Aussies...  Some Spanish speaking people...  But yeah.  It can look more empty than it is because the time zones are scattered.  Show up at one time-- see no one.  An hour later, there might be 10 people.  And 10 is a pretty good number for 1.00.  >.>

    Lamented likes this
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