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Everything posted by NAB622

  1. In case nobody else has seen it yet: http://forums.filefront.com/announcements/461333-filefront-forums-closing-down-more-information-here.html
  2. NAB622

    Donation Time!

    And I will make sure that continues this year, I just need a bit of time. No need for ads......
  3. I don't think I posted this yet....
  4. I would say it can cost money, depending on the content. But true art is born from passion, when money (Or the lack thereof) is no object. And no, I don't intend to do any modding for money either, it just.....seems silly.
  5. For a stun function, you could take the easy route and have the game knock the player over and make them get back up. The perfect excuse is that, since they're Jedi and all, they're tough. A slight incapacitation would be plenty of stun for me. As for coding a stun option onto other weapons, well.......I have no idea.
  6. Ouch.........at least it's back up. But if the source code truly is lost, that's going to be a looooot of work to redo. :/
  7. How long does it take before crashing? Is it delayed by a few seconds, or is it instant? I'm absolutely positive there's a way to capture the console output during launch, but I can't look it up until I get home.
  8. I've run into the safe_malloc before, although I don't remember what caused it for me and I'm sure it has a variety of causes. As for a _lightmapscale bug ruining the light compile, I'm interested in that. I don't know if I can help with either of those, but I'd like to try if you're cool with it.
  9. Ah. It might just be the way shadows are calculated from alphas, then. I've never used that part of q3map2 before. *shrug* Doesn't change the fact that the rest looks amazing, though.
  10. NAB622

    Hello There

    I do remember seeing your name a lot, mostly on the forums. It's good to see another familiar name here!
  11. I did some HTML work, yeah....but not much. If I recall correctly, the images I used were hotlinked from my website, because the file and picture uploading part of OPS was broken at that time too. Enough about me, this thread's about you. It's nice to see you back! Stick around. I've got some stuff you might be interested in.
  12. NAB622

    NAB622 Sounds Mod

    Most of the force sounds, the lightsaber sounds, and the gun sounds have all been modified, IIRC. It's basically a bass boost mod with a few other effects added in here and there. If you have a subwoofer, the room should shake with each lightsaber swing. It's all in good fun.
  13. Well, the only thing I can think of is.....this map is unique, because it stores data on the players during runtime. That's probably where the issue is coming in - ForceMod is probably also storing data on the players, and it's likely conflicting with the map. Whatever the case, it is very likely not going to be an easy fix. Not to mention I've never played ForceMod...in short, unfortunately, I have no idea where to start or if it's even fixable. Sorry. :/
  14. Wow.........I might have tried my login, if I knew that was happening, because I don't think it was ever removed....but the most I could have done would be to give someone else access with it. Definitely didn't have enough time.
  15. Oh my word.......don't remind me! I remember seeing the proposed changes. Ugh. Glorified blog is putting it nicely - it was far worse than a blog, nigh unreadable. And then everyone started photoshopping *hundreds* of design proposals of their own and started arguing and it got funny. Poor n0e.
  16. Oh, I noticed. I just don't think a slogan is the answer. They're often very tacky is all.
  17. Nah, there's no need for a slogan..........slogans are part of this "Modern restaurant makeover" trend that I utterly despise. Padding > Slogans IMHO, and I really don't like padding that much either.
  18. It looks awesome. Very nice detailing and lighting. The only thing that bothers me is the blocky shadows - is there any chance you could ramp up the lightmapscale somewhat?
  19. Just a thought, but if you haven't already, try snapping the offending vertices on both patches to the grid (Ctrl +G). It's worth a shot. *Shrug*
  20. Wow, there was a bug that didn't even let you hire staff? That's terrible......I can't say I'm surprised, but wow. I wonder if my old login would have worked. I never tried it past a certain point. Anyhow, it's nice to see another person with some modding expertise and passion here!
  21. NAB622

    JK3Files Shuts Down

    Yes, that was me, although I didn't talk about it much within the community. I'm not entirely sure why, I guess I just didn't want attention.
  22. NAB622

    JK3Files Shuts Down

    Hey Noz. It's been a long time for many of us. I'd forgotten just how many people I knew. Glad to see we still share a love of JK3.
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